Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris

Chapter 1217: The First Palace

Chapter 1217: The First Palace

Chris Shelby had studied under his master, Archer Wintersong, for many years but had only scratched the surface of the formation techniques. When the palace doors opened, everyone turned to look, but no one rushed in. They all needed to recover their strength to face the unknown dangers inside the palace.

After a while, Peterson Abernathy and others stood up. At the same time, Daniel Williams and his group also got up. Seeing the Dragon Emblem fragments ahead, everyone felt a surge of impatience. As Peterson Abernathy and Daniel Williams led their groups inside, Chris Shelby said to Tiger, "Let's go in!" With that, he walked into the palace.

When everyone entered the palace and reached the first level of the nine-layered structure, they were stunned. The entire palace was empty except for several thick stone pillars supporting it. Chris Shelby was surprised by the vastness of the hall, estimating it to be at least the size of a football field.

At the end of the hall was a stone door, several meters wide, allowing many people to pass through. This door led to a staircase ascending to the second level of the palace. Around the hall were numerous dark holes whose contents were unknown. Seeing these black holes made Chris Shelby's heart skip a beat; he guessed they must serve some purpose.

Suddenly, Chris Shelby's expression changed as he shouted, "Tiger and everyone else, be on guard!" Hearing this, Peterson Abernathy also yelled, "All Abernathy family members, prepare for battle!" Many people were confused by their alarmed reactions.

At that moment, Terracotta Warriors began emerging from those dark holes, armed with swords and spears. Facing this army of warriors, everyone shivered in fear. Chris Shelby immediately drew his sword, his face serious. Others turned pale with panic; they couldn't withstand such an onslaught and some wanted to retreat.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Look! The door is closing!" They turned to see that the entrance door had shut without them noticing. Clearly, retreat was no longer an option; they were trapped.

Chris Shelby gripped his sword and said, "In this situation, we have no choice but to fight our way through. The path ahead is our only chance for survival." His words brought despair to many faces but everyone knew he was right. They were in a dire situation and had no choice but to fight.

Chris Shelby shouted to everyone, "Follow my lead along the wall!" Hearing this, everyone gathered together. Chris Shelby was the strongest among them; their survival depended on him. Everyone followed his instructions because he was the only one who understood formations.

Chris Shelby's strategy was sound: advancing along the wall minimized their exposure to attacks from all sides. Forming a circle with Chris Shelby, Daniel Williams, and Peterson Abernathy on the outside as their strongest fighters, they defended against attacking Terracotta Warriors.

Despite minimizing casualties with this strategy, they struggled against the overwhelming number of

warriors. Less than halfway through their journey, many were killed Chris Shelby gritted his teeth and


continued slashing at attacking warriors with his sword.

Peterson Abernathy wielded a powerful sword that kept warriors at bay despite being less skilled than Chris Shelby. Daniel Williams also held his own as a Transcendence realm practitioner.

Suddenly a cry rang out; Chris Shelby saw thousands more Terracotta Warriors charging toward them. Even he felt his heart race at their numbers. Though he could handle dozens at once, others couldn't. Chris Shelby charged forward, decapitating warriors left and right until they crumbled into rubble. But even he had limits; other warriors attacked Peterson Abernathy and Daniel Williams' groups. Screams echoed as hundreds from both groups fell within minutes. Only Chris Shelby's royal guards suffered minimal losses due to their elite training.

After half an hour of fighting, they

reached the staircase

entrance-temporarily safe but heavily diminished in numbers. Peterson Abernathy's group had lost hundreds including several Grandmaster-level practitioner Daniel Williams' group also suffered heavy losses despite fewer

casualties than Abernathy's group.

Everyone felt relieved despite their losses; they had survived against overwhelming odds including hundreds of Grandmaster-level Terracotta Warriors-a formidable force indeed.

The staircase was wide but crowded with nearly ten thousand people squeezing through it while Terracotta Warriors roared within the palace below-making everyone's hearts pound with fear.

Chris Shelby stood at the front gripping his sword tightly when suddenly all warriors stopped short of entering-their hesitation puzzling him as they halted just meters away from charging further inside.

Seeing this strange behavior made

Chris Shelby thoughtful while DanielNôvelDrama.Org © content.

Williams whispered something to Peterson Abernathy who then brightened up noticeably before leading everyone towards another stone door behind which lay access to higher levels without any apparent barriers blocking their way-easily pushing it open cautiously stepping through...

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