LOVE AND SEX (the mafia’s slutty wife)

Chapter 30 I am the boss


“We need to approach this matter with caution, I know all you want to do is dash into the Fabrizio’s mansion and gun them down but think about it. They have never crossed to our lane before, Business and otherwise and even when we had that clash some years ago, they were the ones that immediately sort for peace so why do you think they would want to destroy the truce we have with them?.” This was Damon speaking to his father over the phone.

“You don’t understand Damon, the drugs they stole is one of the best and most sought after. We already have words on the street concerning those drugs and it would be a dent to our business if we don’t provide them at the stipulated time.”

“Why the fuck am I the last one to know this?” Damon raged.

If what his father said was true, this theft was going to cripple them if they did not get the drugs back and fast before their rep on the streets was destroyed.

“We have to strike them” his father was saying but Damon was barely listening.

“Are you listening to me?”

“I am coming by the office, gather your partner and make damn sure they don’t speak unless I am done speaking. I have a solution and y’all are not going to like it.”

His father was silent for a moment before saying

“I hope you know what you are doing” and then the line clicked.

Serena was looking at him with concern in her eyes, the way he gripped the phone like a lifeline. It was all her father’s fault, stealing and then selling to their enemies. She felt like it was totally her fault too and could not say anything to comfort him.

“I have to go. I will leave Santos to watch over you and please do not think of going anywhere till I am back.”

“Where are you going and when are you coming back? Do you need me to come with you?” She asked getting up from where she was sitting and across the room to meet him.

“You are adorable but no, I need a clear head for the task ahead and believe me when I say I wouldn’t if you were with me.” Damon responded gathering her face up in his hand.

“So I am distracting.” Serena said with pouted lips.

“In a good way but when you pout your lips like that, mia dolcezza, I think of nothing more I want to do than kiss you till you melt against me and we are intertwined never to be separated.”

Serena smiled, her green eyes twinkling… she loved this man

“Come back to me” she implored.

“I will, soon.”

She watched him leave, her heart filled with dread.

“He will be back.” Santos told her.

“I know, I am just sad that this all happened because of me.”

“Not you, your father. We don’t all have to bear the sins of our parents.” He said.

“Thank you Santos.” Serena told him grateful for what he said.

He nodded.

Damon had only one thing in mind, they needed to be at a meeting with the fabrizios. He was sure it would be highly unacceptable by his father’s partners, they preferred to do things the old way. Old things like killing people and leaving their body hanging on a spike to warn others never to trespass but gone were those days, he just had to convince them that calling for a meeting with their Rival was their best possible solution and the fact that they needed to keep everything as far away from the media as possible because it would all go to shit if the press had any inkling of the problem in their hand.

“They are waiting for you.” The receptionist told him on entry.

It was a new one, blond. His father was done with the old one, he was surprised it took that long.

He nodded to acknowledge her message and walked to the back where their meetings always held.

Everyone appeared tensed when he entered, he nodded to his father and took his seat at the head of the table.

“Let’s begin” his father said.

“We are all aware right now where are drugs are… with the fabrizios”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

There was a general mutter before everything quietened and Damon continued.

“I know most of us here will be of the opinion that we attack, start a full on war because they encroached on the treaty with us.”

Another round of murmurs but this time with some Yes ‘es’ went round the table.

“We cannot afford to do that right now, we are in an age where technology and the media have more power and if we try this, we would attracting the cops to my business and believe me, not all of them are in our pockets. Some are just waiting for one wrong move from us and it is over.”

“What do you suggest we do then.” One of the men asked and was quickly seconded by a second and a third.

“A meeting. We should invite the heads to a meeting and ask for our drugs back.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Another man said.

Damon had never liked him as he always found a way to undermine his authority.

“Do not ever raise your voice at me again, Lorenzo”

The table quieted at that silent threat.

“We shall do as my son has said” his father finally spoke.

“Set up a meeting, Damon. You shall represent us.”

Damon nodded, his father had just shown these men who was in charge.

“Do you think they would come for the meeting.” His father asked after the men had dispersed.

“If they don’t, I will bring you their leader’s head I’m a box” Damon vowed solemnly.

His father smiled, clapping him on the back

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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