Love At Last




When he’s through with them?” I muttered to myself and got into my car. While driving, I kept pondering over that particular line – ‘when I’m through with them’ – trying to decipher what he meant by that. I was too curious to just let the matter lie low.

Getting home, my mind was still preoccupied with what Ryan said. It made me question his genuineness to the peak. Instead of letting things unfold with time, I made up my mind to look into him since I smelled a rat.


My new life was going on normally – with Ryan showering me with all the love and care I could ever ask for. Things were not necessarily different although, I noticed some changes but paid zero or no attention to them. I told myself that it may all just be my silly imaginations and shrugged it off all the time.

That afternoon, Ryan came over to spend the day with me and Jacek. Nana wasn’t around, which made it easier for us to relate freely. We stayed indoors all day keeping ourselves company with indoor games – chess etc.

“Checkmate.” I won that round of chess.


“I told you Ryan. You suck at this game,” I tease him.

“I don’t necessarily suck, you’re just that good.”

“Well, thanks for compliment. “The roo.. went silent for a few seconds.

“Lily?” he called.


“Have you thought of what we discussed?”

“And what’s that exactly?”

“Concerning all three of us becoming a real family.”

I knew that was exactly what he was going to say. For a while now, that’s all he talked about. I was wary of him because of that, but I told myself that’s what I always wanted – a real family – so what’s the harm? The idea although seemed a little shady to me for some reason, I still welcomed it.

“Oh that! I have absolutely no objections to that, I thought I told you already.”

“If that’s the case, can we speed up the pace and get it done with?”

“Quickly?” This fellow called Ryan started spiking my suspicions.


“Why though? Getting married is nothing to rush into. It has to be done gently, don’t you know?” I chuckled, still trying to suppress my wariness.

“I want to have equal custody of Jacek!’ he spilled.

“Equal custody?” Why was he suddenly asking us to speed things up to get equal rights over Jacek.

“Yes milady.”

“I don’t get. Is that why you want us to get married?”

“Absolutely not, honey. I want you by my side as my wife,” he assured. “I’m just itching to be called ‘daddy,'” he joked, making me giggle.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

I started noticing and ignoring serious red flags in Ryan’s behavior – he pressured me the more to get married to him, his attitude towards Jacek began to change. He didn’t really seem fond of my baby boy again and now he was before me spewing nonsense about gaining custody over the same Jacek he didn’t seem to enjoy quality time with. Lately, he started viewing Jacek as more of a burden than a son. Some times, I’d plead with Ryan to watch over him with me and Nana gone and he always came up with lame excuses.

“Hey honey?” I called out to Jacek who had been sleeping when he came out. “You up?” I held him to my bosom and he nodded.

“Say hello to uncle Ryan,” I pointed him and Jacek doesn’t even budge. He still embraced me tightly, ignoring my request. “You don’t want to?” I asked mildly, then he shook his head on my shoulders signifying a ‘no’.

Yes! Jacek and Ryan’s relationship changed. Jacek wasn’t fond of him anymore, in fact, Jacek had never really been fond of him. All the times Jacek complied to let Ryan hold him or treated him nicely, was all him complying with my whim. I knew for a fact that my baby boy was fondest of Cayden than he was of any other male in my life – including his own father!

The picture of the beautiful family I once envisioned became vaguer by the day which made me worry that my fears were indeed real.


Going on with normalcy, I visited the bar that night to get drinks and ladies. It was around 7:15pm I arrived at the bar and looked for a place to park my vehicle. While in search of a good spot – somewhere I wouldn’t be bothered by anyone else to come take out my car – I caught sight of a familiar vehicle through my windscreen. The car looked like that of Ryan’s from behind but then again, they were thousands of people in US as a whole who had that car. Driving further, continuing my search, I had a better view of the side view of the car and it was indeed Ryan’s . I saw him standing with one of the slatterns I recognized worked at the bar and a guy on blue shorts. I couldn’t just pass by after seeing something like this.

I discreetly parked my vehicle at a reasonable distance from the scene; giving up my quest for a good parking spot. I watched them for a while chat and laugh within themselves with the slut being all touchy – suspicious. After a while, Ryan shook the guy and sent him on his way. He and the lady got into his car and drove off with me of course on their trail.

I followed them all the way to what seemed like Ryan’s apartment. As expected, I parked my car again at a distance and watched the both of them.

Ryan alighted the car and made his way to the other side and opened the door for the lady to come down. The lady comes down with her arms all around Ryan’s neck and they start kissing shamelessly in front of his house!

I was disgusted by the sight. I couldn’t bear to hold it in; there was no need to. I immediately drove off, dialing Lily’s contact to inform her of the impending doom that awaited her if she didn’t put a halt to whatever she was doing with that sly fellow. I called repeatedly, but she didn’t answer my calls.

The next morning, I drove over to her house. I then called her to inform her I was around because I didn’t want to go in.

“Hello? Cayden?”

“Lily are you home?” I asked.

“Of course I am. Are you even checking the time?!” she exclaimed.

“I called severally already.”

“Sorry about that, Jacek had been with the phone all night so it was on silent mode. Any problem?”

“Can I see you? I’m outside your house,” I said looking at the window that faced outside to see if she’d check for herself.

“Outside my house? By this time?!”

“Yes please. I need to tell you something right now,” I uttered with urgency.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes I am. Please just come out.”

“Fine.” I hung up.

In no time, I saw her walk out of the house and waved at her through the windscreen. She waved back and entered the car.

“What’s up?” she closed the door.

“Were you doing anything serious inside?”

“Not really. So tell me, why are you here looking gloomy?”

“I saw something I shouldn’t have,” I said staring at her directly.

“Something you shouldn’t have?”



“Ryan…,” I paused for a while to read the expression on her face and saw that it changed a little – it wasn’t so cheerful as it was seconds ago. “Ryan?” “kissing a girl so shamelessly in front of his house,” I completed my statement, peering into her soul but to my greatest dismay, she laughed.

“Why are you laughing? You think I’m cracking jokes here?”

“You weren’t ?”

“I’m being serious right now,” I said sombrely. ” Why would I leave my house by this time to come here and crack boring jokes?”

“I should be asking you that,” she folded her arms and pouted, her expression showing she did not buy my story in any way.

“I’m dead ass serious right now, Lily.”

“Where and when exactly did you say you saw him?”

“In front of his house, last night.”

“What were you doing there?” she fired.

“I followed him there.”

“From where?” she kept asking interrogatively.

“From the bar at a club I usually visit every night.”

“The club you usually…,” she scoffed. “Ryan doesn’t club. He hates clubbing,” she rebuffed in his defense.

“Well, I don’t know about that but I’m definitely sure it was him I saw.”

“Proof?” she held out her hands displaying her palm to me.

“What proof?” I was confused.

“Proof that you saw him for a fact.” It was pretty clear she was convinced I was lying to her.

“Were you even listening to me?”

“Of course I was and that’s why my ears hurt so badly from listening to your nonsense!” she reprimanded. “You like me, I get it. But you have to wait for my…,” she points herself, “decision! Stop trying your best to win me over by being this petty.”

“What?! You think I’m being petty right now?!” I exclaimed bug-eyed.

“And jealous also.” I scoffed.


“Yes, jealous. You’re jealous because I haven’t been paying you any attention lately and have been so engrossed with my family…,” I cut her off.


“Yes, family!,” she stated convincingly. “We’re a family, okay? Get over it!”

“You know what?! I blame myself for coming over here in the first place. You really are ungrateful, you know that?!” I yelled.

“You didn’t come here for me, you came here for yourself! You just want to sabotage poor Ryan before me and make yourself look like an angel to me but news flash, I’m way past that antic. Try something else.”

“What did you just say?”

“You heard me right, Cayden!” she wailed, not smiling at all.

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