Love In Between



Ava woke up the next morning with a sense of relief. She had made a decision to talk things over with Bruce, and she knew it was the right thing to do. Even though she knew calling off the marriage with Andrew would be difficult to pull off, she was determined to make things right. She knew deep down that she couldn’t go through with the wedding, not when she was still in love with Bruce.

She got out of bed and went to the shower, letting the warm water wash over her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind. She knew this was going to be a difficult day, but she was determined to face it head-on.

By the time she got dressed, Chloe was already down, she kissed her on the forehead and led her to the car after dropping the little girl off at school she headed to the office.

She was determined to stay focused and not let her emotions get the better of her. She knew she had a lot of work to do, and she couldn’t let this situation with Bruce distract her.

Ava walked into her office, her mind focused on the tasks ahead. She was determined to put the events of the previous night behind her and move forward. She had made a decision to talk things over with Bruce, and she knew it was the right thing to do.

But her plans were quickly derailed when her assistant, Roxie, greeted her with a somber expression. “Good morning, Ava. I have some bad news,” she said, her voice filled with concern.

Ava felt a knot form in her stomach, she knew this couldn’t be good. “What is it, Roxie?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“It’s Bruce’s parents, they were in a car accident and they didn’t make it,” Roxie said, her voice filled with sympathy.

Ava felt like the ground had opened up beneath her, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Bruce’s parents were gone, and they were never coming back. She felt a wave of devastation wash over her, knowing how much Bruce respected and loved his parents despite their opposing the love between Bruce and herself.

She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, “Oh my God, Roxie. I can’t even imagine what Bruce is going through right now. We have to do something, we have to be there for him.”

Roxie nodded, “I know, Ava. I’ve already called and left a message for him. I’m sure he’ll be in touch soon.”

Ava felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, she knew there was nothing she could do to take away Bruce’s pain. She felt a sense of guilt, knowing that she had a part in this, if she hadn’t let Bruce go, maybe things would have turned out differently.

She sat down heavily in her chair, her mind racing. She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew one thing for sure, she had to be there for Bruce. She couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain he was going through, losing his parents like that.

Ava knew one thing for sure, she had to be there for Bruce. She couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain he was going through, losing his parents like that. She knew that he needed her support now more than ever.

She spent the rest of the day in a daze, her mind constantly on Bruce. She couldn’t focus on work, all she could think about was him and how she could help him through this difficult time. She felt a sense of longing, wishing she could be there for him in person and hold him tight, but she knew that he needed his space right now.

She paced around her office, her mind racing. She reached for her phone, her fingers hovering over the keypad. She wanted to call him, to hear his voice, to tell him that she was there for him. But she hesitated, not wanting to intrude on his grief.

She couldn’t sit still, she was too troubled by the thoughts of Bruce. She reached for her phone again, this time dialing his number. The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. She felt a sense of worry wash over her, she called him again and again and still no answer. She sent him text messages, asking him to call her back, but there was no response.

Ava sat at her desk, her mind consumed with thoughts of Bruce. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of worry and concern for him. She knew that he was going through a difficult time, and she wanted more than anything to be there for him. But she knew that it wouldn’t be the right thing to do, not now.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Andrew walked into her office. He looked at her with a worried expression, “Ava, I heard about Bruce’s parents. I know this must be hard for you.”

Ava looked up at him, her heart heavy. “It is, Andrew. I can’t even imagine what he’s going through right now.”

Andrew walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder, “I know, Ava. And I know you must be thinking of going to see him. But I have to warn you, that’s not a good idea. Not now, not with the media all over this.”

Ava looked at him, a sense of frustration and anger rising within her. “Andrew, I know you’re just trying to protect me, but this isn’t about the media. This is about Bruce, my friend who just lost his parents. I can’t just sit here and do nothing.

Andrew looked at her, his expression firm. “I understand that, Ava. But I can’t let you throw away everything we have for him. I love you, and I won’t lose you to him. That’s why I’ve decided to speed up our wedding.”

Ava felt her heart drop, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Andrew, I can’t think about that right now. Not with everything that’s happening.”

Andrew looked at her, his expression determined. “I know this is a difficult time, Ava. But I need to know that you’re committed to us. I can’t let you slip away from me, not now, not ever,”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Ava looked at him, feeling trapped and overwhelmed. She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know what to do. She felt like her world was falling apart, and she didn’t know how to put it back together again.

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