Love is the Sunshine

Chapter 153 How Long Will You Like Me

Chapter 153 How Long Will You Like Me

'What the heck—What is this?' thought Carla.

Carla looked at the jumbled words on the screen. Nothing made sense. The characters were all

garbled. 'What could it mean?' she frowned displeased and closed the window. 'Was the email a virus?'

The thought crossed her mind that the message could be in some code. Either way, she was

disappointed about not being able to read the email.

'What a shame!'

Carla accepted that she wasn't going to be able to read the email and cast it aside. She decided to

watch a film as she had initially planned.

It was a thriller. Carla went to get some snacks and then continued watching the film. Halfway through

the movie, Carla could feel the building tension and fear within herself due to the film's plot. With her

eyes wide open and glued to the screen, she absentmindedly chewed on a snack as she watched the

exciting scene unfold before her. All of a sudden, a window popped up on the computer screen.

"Arhh—" Carla shrieked.

With the added tension and suspense from the movie, Carla jumped and instinctively pushed back hard

on the chair. The chair overbalanced, and she landed on the floor.

As she lay on the floor rubbing her head, she heard a voice coming from the computer.

"Terence? Err—Where are you?"

Bryant's face popped up in the little window on the screen. He frowned because he saw that Terence

was online. However, he was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to report what was happening with the


Bryant peered into the screen trying to spot Terence

and then he saw a chair appear in view, but still no sight of Terence.

"Terence, where are you?" Assuming that Terence was somewhere in the room, Bryant began with the

report. "The things that you asked me to investigate are almost done. The Hua's sons, York and

Tristan, are not ordinary rivals.

They won't be easy to deal with, let alone their brother, Noah. Now he's a real crafty one! Terence, it's

going to be really tough for you to remove all of the obstacles for your future wife."

Carla, who was still on the floor, listened in shock.

'What's he talking about?

Why is he talking about the Hua family?

I've got nothing to do with the Hua's. Then who was Terence's future wife that he is referring to?'

thought Carla. Her mind was running at a million miles an hour.

"Terence, why are you hiding it from everyone? I know that you want to marry the daughter of the Hua

family. So why don't you tell anyone? You're just making things complicated, and people misunderstand

you because of that."

Suddenly the chair toppled over again.

Bryant stared at the screen in surprise and with a frown on his face. He was wondering what the heck All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

was going on. He could see that Terence was online, and one moment, a chair appeared in view and

then fell over. And yet there was no one around.

Of course, it was kicked over by Carla.

As Carla stood up to make a hasty retreat after hearing the disturbing news, she kicked the chair over.

She marched off to her bedroom.

'What did that man mean?

Terence wanted to marry the daughter of the Hua's?

The only daughter of the Hua's— is Bonnie!'

Carla felt so confused she couldn't make head or tail of it, as so many things were running through her

mind. She felt so heartbroken and couldn't settle down after what she had heard.

She was thinking, 'If Terence wants to marry Bonnie, then why did he upset Bonnie for my sake? If he

wanted to marry Bonnie, then why didn't he let her stay last night instead, he drove her away?

But if Terence wants to marry me, like he keeps telling me, then what did that man mean by saying that

Terence intends to marry the daughter of the Hua's?'

The man seemed to be a good friend of Terence's. She could tell that by the informal way that he

spoke to him.

'He said— Terence wanted to marry the daughter of the Hua's. So does that mean Terence is going to

marry Bonnie in the end, anyway?

Why is he treating her like that then? Is he playing her?' Carla had more questions than answers.

"Miss Carla, are you going out?"

Sophie asked when she saw Carla walk briskly past her and head for the front door.

"I'm going for a walk. Don't worry about me,"

Carla replied in a daze. Then she left.

Carla's legs carried her some distance away, and then she suddenly stopped and turned to look back.

She gazed at the beautiful Seaview Villa in the distance. With a perfect sunny sky and the deep blue

ocean for a background, it made the complete picture. It was a feast to the eyes.

That was the life reserved for the rich and famous.

With servants to answer their every beck and call. Exotic imported fruits from all around the world.

Fancy desserts and many shoes that they would only ever wear once. Famous brand clothing and the

list went on.

It was like heaven on earth for Carla, compared to the life that she led back in BH City.

However, did she deserve this kind of life?

The only reason she was here was because of Terence's love for her and

nothing more.

She didn't have a prominent background, nor any unique talents or skills that she excelled in. She was

just an ordinary girl. Like the natural sand on the beach.

And just to add insult to the injury, she had a little brother to look after as well.

She had finally opened up her heart and dropped her barrier to Terence, believing every word that he

had ever said to her, to be true. But now, after she had heard with her own ears that Terence was going

to marry the daughter of the Hua's, her confidence has wavered. Her heart was shattered like a crystal

glass into thousands of tiny pieces. She felt so small, foolish, and vulnerable.

Carla took her shoes off and walked barefoot on the beach. As she walked, she left a trail of footsteps

behind her in the soft sand.

She felt so conflicted inside. Her heart told her to trust Terence, but her mind told her that it was all

some terrible misunderstanding on her part.

Carla felt numb inside. She continued walking along the shoreline and wondered, if she were swept

away at sea, there would be no trace left behind.

The sky took on a beautiful hue, with blends of red, orange, and yellow as the sunset on the horizon.

As the fiery golden orb receded into the vast sea, the sky gradually became darker.

Carla sat on the sea bank and hugged her knees as she indulged in the serene and magnificent view.

She was blissfully unaware of the chaos that was unfolding at the villa.

As soon as Terence returned home, he raced upstairs, eager to see his only love, Carla. But she wasn't

in her bedroom. When he checked his bedroom, she wasn't there either. He searched all of the rooms

but couldn't find her.

There was a vast sea area around the villa, and if Carla had wandered off, it would be difficult to find


"Carla! Carla! Where are you?"

Terence searched every corner of the villa, the garden, the swimming pool, and even the rooftop. But

Carla was nowhere in sight.

After what happened last time when Carla was left alone, Terence was in a frenzy. He felt sick to the

stomach with worry. He had only left her alone in the safety of his villa for half a day. Where could she

possibly be?

"Mr. Terence. Miss Carla said that she was going for a walk this afternoon. But I thought she would

have come back by now. Should I go out to look for her?" Sophie explained nervously. She could see

the angry look on Terence's face.

Terence didn't say anything. He just clenched his teeth and strode out to the parking lot.

Still dressed in his business suit, Terence sped out of the parking lot shortly afterward on an off-road


Terence accelerated the motorbike at full throttle as he searched for any trace of Carla along the


Finally, he saw a small figure curled up on the bank in the distance.

It reminded him of a lonely and helpless little kitten.

The serene sound of waves lapping up at the shoreline was interrupted by the thunderous roar of a

motorbike. Carla looked up and saw a man with a black helmet on a black motorcycle heading her way.

She felt intimidated by the sight, and there was nowhere for her to run or hide.

Suddenly she felt regret for staying out so late on her own. She held her breath as she watched

the motorbike stop in front of her.

When the man removed the helmet and strode up to her, she was relieved to find that it was Terence.

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Carla, why did you come out here alone? You didn't even take your cell phone with you! I was worried

half to death when I couldn't find you!"

Carla smiled gently and said, "It's not my fault. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the sunset and

forgot the time. Look, isn't it beautiful?"

Terence breathed a sigh of relief. He had thought that she might have been unhappy for some reason.

He caressed her silky hair and said, "It is. But the next time when you want to see the sunset, tell me,

and I'll come with you. We can watch it together."

Carla didn't reply. She hugged him tightly and placed her cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

After a while, she asked, "Terence— How long will you like me for?"

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