Love is the Sunshine

Chapter 59 The Successful Rescue

Chapter 59 The Successful Rescue

The whole street was filled with police cars, blocking all the exits. Flashing lights and sirens blared in all

directions. The minivan was surrounded by police and the kidnappers had no other choice but to get

out of their vehicle and surrender themselves. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

They hadn't anticipated such a grand scale of police to come so they gave up the fight, coming out of

the van with their hands in the air.

The police quickly jumped upon them, restraining them all in handcuffs and led them away.

Carla arrived at the scene and waited anxiously for clearance from the police. Once she got the OK

sign she hurried out of the car and ran towards the minivan where Sean was. She waited as the police

carried her brother out of the van. Carla was beside herself with worries. She kept repeating her thanks

and gratitude to the police, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" The ambulance took over and put Sean

gently onto a stretcher so that they could check his vitals. "Don't worry, Miss. I have just checked your

brother. He's unconscious but he will be all right."

"Sean!" She couldn't help crying out when she saw her brother's pale face. However, she felt greatly

relieved when the paramedic told her that he would be okay.

"Thank you very much. I don't know what to say to express my gratitude. Thank you."

Carla caressed her brother's hair and gently kissed his cheek. 'Thank God, he is okay.'

Terence followed Carla and shook hands with the police commissioner. "Commissioner, thank you, for

bringing your whole squad team."

The police commissioner saluted Terence. He replied with only the slightest smile in his eyes, "Mr.

Terence, not at all. You are the grandson of our military leader from headquarters and that makes you

our leader. Your words are the orders we must answer to. You don't have to be thankful, sir."

Terence nodded at him. As quickly as the squad team had come, they were just as quick to disperse.

Once again the street had fallen silent.

Carla followed the ambulance to the hospital.

She waited for the doctors to run a full body check on Sean.

Since the very beginning of the rescue, Terence had stayed by her side the whole time. She didn't have

to ask him for help. He voluntarily offered to solve issues that had arisen to allow her to rest.

After a series of tests on Sean, the results had shown that he didn't have any injuries. The doctors

simply informed her that Sean was lacking in some vitamins and asked her to get some from the drug


Carla could finally rest knowing that Sean was fine. She looked at her dear little brother and breathed a

sigh of relief while she held his little hand in hers.

"Terence, I don't know how to thank you. You saved my brother, so you saved me as well." She gazed

up at Terence who was standing beside the bed. 'If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have

happened next. I really don't know, ' she murmured in her heart.

Sometimes, God's plans were not for humans to understand. When she had finally put everything

behind her, burning the bridge to Terence, wanting to completely disappear from his world, the

kidnapping happened. Fate had yet again conspired against her. She had to drop her guard and was

compelled to ask for his help.

This somehow brought her deep shame. She lost her shield and her fragile state opened in front of his


Terence looked at her. Over the past days, she had grown thinner since the whole ordeal had taken a

toll on her. He decided to cheer her up and teasingly said to her, "You're welcome, Carla. But, I prefer

actions over words. Do you know what I mean?"

A moment ago, he was about to say that taking care of Sean was his responsibility since Sean was

going to be his little brother-in-law.

However, he reminded himself how Carla wanted to get away from him. The words stopped short in his

mouth. He wanted Carla to continue her gratification towards him so that their relationship might be

fixed. Also, he didn't want to become one of her worries at the current moment, as Sean had yet to

wake up.

Carla listened and replied quietly, "Okay, fine." A feeling stirred up in her heart at the same time she


Terence only said it in jest. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as he stared at Carla. He wasn't

expecting a response like that coming from her, especially since she always kept her integrity.

Suddenly, Carla felt Sean's little finger move inside of her hand. She quickly pressed the buzzer to

summon a doctor.

The doctor soon arrived inside the VIP ward. He took out his stethoscope and checked Sean's heart

rate and breathing. Shortly afterwards he nodded and turned to Carla and said, "Miss, don't worry. He

will soon be awake. He is only ten years old and the dosage of anesthetic injected in him was enough

to put down a strong adult male. That's why it may take a little more time for him to regain his

consciousness. Other than that, he is all good."

After he finished speaking, he passed the medical report over to Carla and continued, "Miss, I need

you to sign at the bottom. If your brother shows any signs of pain or illness, you can find my name and

number in the record and contact me anytime."

"Thank you so much doctor. I really appreciated it."

Carla's eyes were filled with gratitude and she nodded her thanks repeatedly to the doctor. She took

the pen and paper and signed her name at the bottom. She felt fortunate to have Terence by her side

because of his power, many things that were hard in normal life had become suddenly easy.

When she scanned through the record again, something had caught her eye. She furrowed her brows

puzzled and asked the doctor, "Excuse me, doctor, why is Sean's blood type AB?"

The doctor simply replied, "Yes, that's the result they got from his blood sample. This kind of analysis is

very basic, so the results are very accurate. Did you leave out anything from your brother's health

record that we should know about, Miss?"

Carla felt some uneasiness in her heart. She remembered that her blood type was O from when she

donated her blood. 'How can Sean's blood type be AB if mine is O? Could the result be wrong?' she

thought to herself.

She frowned, still feeling unclear about the results. "Doctor, I am still uncertain about how my brother

and I have two different blood types. How is it possible?"

"Oh, I understand what you are asking now. It is completely plausible. If, for example; your father is

type A blood group and your mother is type B, then the children could either be AB or type O. I hope

that I have cleared it up for you now, Miss?"

The doctor smiled as he patiently explained it all to Carla. This was a question that was often asked by

patients' families, so he understood her concern.

After having everything clearly explained to her, Carla was reassured and felt at ease. She handed the

signed paper back to the doctor.

For a moment there, she was worried that Sean might have been adopted. But the explanation from

the doctor cleared all concerns.

Once they were alone again after the doctor had left the room, Terence approached Carla and

chuckled with amusement in his tone, "What's the problem with the blood type? Oh, are you thinking

that maybe you were adopted by your parents from a wealthy family?"

Carla rolled her eyes at him and scolded not seeing the joke, "What are you talking about? I am

wondering whether Sean was adopted, not me."

Her concerns weren't unfounded, especially since the age gap between her and Sean's was thirteen

years difference.

"Oh, Carla. You must be so tired from the long day's events. How do these thoughts get into your pretty

little head? That sort of thing doesn't happen in everyday life. It only happens in TV dramas." Terence

gently rubbed her head affectionately and wondered, 'I would love to squeeze inside of your beautiful

head and see for myself what is really going on in there.'

Carla nodded agreeing. But after considering, whether Sean was adopted or not really didn't make that

much of a difference to her since they had been together for ten years now. Even if he was adopted,

Carla would still love and treat him as her own little brother.

It had become quite late in the night when Sean had finally woken up. Terence decided to take them to

the hotel where he was staying.

Once they got the discharge paperwork from the hospital, they turned to leave. "Carla, listen to me.

Please don't make me worry about the two of you and stay in the hotel where I am. At least until Sean

gets better. I really don't want to get another phone call from you, crying." He opened the door to the

back seat of the car and helped Carla with Sean to get into the vehicle. Once they were buckled up

safely, he sat behind the wheel and started the car.

As he drove, he asked her, "Carla, have you considered my suggestion? First of all, the hotel where I

am staying at is protected by bodyguards from our corporation. It'll be much safer than your apartment.

Second, Sean needs a comfortable environment to recover in. I will be able to help you if you stay with

me. Tell me, what do you think?"

Sean held Carla's hand tightly. He looked at her with his pale little face and terrified eyes and begged,

"Carla, can we please stay with Terence?

I am so scared. Please Carla. Can we?"

Sean was only a little boy and the terrifying ordeal that he went through frightened him half to death. He

needed time to mentally and physically recover from it all in a safe and caring environment. Deep in his

little heart, he felt at ease and completely safe when Terence was around.

Carla didn't reject his offer, because she felt the same as Sean. It broke her heart to see Sean so

fearful. Although she couldn't accept being with Terence romantically, his action to help them really

touched her heart.

"It's okay. We'll stay with Terence," she replied tenderly.

Terence smiled satisfied and relieved with her decision and then concentrated on driving.

When they had arrived at the hotel, Terence called Rainer to meet them at the front gate. While they

waited, Terence spoke with Sean to reassure him that everything would be all right now. When Rainer

had arrived, Terence asked him to take Sean upstairs and to stay with him during the night.

He knew that after the kidnapping and the overdosage of anesthetic, Sean would feel scared and may

have nightmares.

Fortunately, nothing serious had happened to Sean. They successfully rescued him in time.

Carla's room was right next to Sean's. She went to check on him and make sure that he was fine. She

then returned to her room and had a shower, eager to wash off all the negative energy and bad luck

from her body.

When she came out of the bathroom, she noticed Terence was there. He had been waiting for her in

the suite while she was taking a shower.

Carla stood silently staring at him. He was facing away from her, sitting quietly on the couch so he

didn't notice that Carla was there. His brows were slightly furrowed and he was looking down at the

carpet, deep in thought.

She quietly admired him from afar. His black hair glistened in the glow of the lamp. It was neatly cut

and had a slight wave to it. Looking at his hair alone stirred feelings inside of her. She would love to run

her fingers through that thick hair of his.

Terence lowered his head slightly and rested his long perfectly manicured index finger above his

eyebrow. He sat quiet and motionlessly the whole time, which made him seem like a magnificent

sculpture carved from marble by a most skilled artist, his body superbly carved out in all the right


Carla swallowed involuntarily.

He was perfect. She wanted to savor the moment for a little longer.

Carla's eyes trailed his chiseled jawline and along his defined cheekbones. His eyes deep and dark,

Carla would lose herself every time she looked into them. His nose was perfectly proportioned and his

succulent mouth looked so irresistibly kissable.

"Finished showering?"

Terence suddenly asked without even raising his head.

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