Love, Lies and Billionaires

Chapter 63

The organ music swelled, as the procession began, led by a bishop, followed by Alexander’s uncle’s both the one she’d met at Alexander’s hand over party and the old frail one who had escorted Maren to the altar on their wedding day.

Behind them was Alexander and then Maren, who now had on shades again staring at the ground trying to avoid an unwanted angle from showing on the cameras of the press.

The following behind was a sea of guests of notable figures from various fields who bothered to join in the procession into the church.

The air was thick with emotion as they got to the altar and began dispersing to their various seats.

On the other hand, Maren decided not to overthink it and simply walked over to where Nella was seated, making herself comfortable.

It was when she had sat that she realised how packed to capacity the cathedral was with dignitaries, celebrities, and ordinary citizens all gathered to pay their respects.

When all had settled in their places, the bishop began addressing the congregation. “We gather today to celebrate the life of a truly extraordinary individual. A man whose presence was felt and whose absence will be felt in generations to come… ”

“Looks like you have everything under control over there” Nella said, gesturing codedly towards where Alexander was seated.

“That man is broken, Nella,” Maren said in a quiet voice, resisting the urge to look at the altar where the casket sat.

Nella raised a brow. “Tell me you’re only feeling this way because of his dad”

“Of course. What other reason? Did anyone else die?” Maren shot.

Nella raised her hands slightly in surrender. “If you say so,” she said and turned back to the priest, who had begun other rites.

Maren looked away, her eyes drifting to the conversation she’d had with Alexander.

“So, um, rumours have been passing that there were orders to pull the plug on your father?” Maren asked and bit her lower lip, hoping she hadn’t triggered a nerve.

Alexander just looked ahead and kept walking in the leisurely space they both were. Maren turned to him, resisting the urge to touch him as she needed her hands to hold up her long gown.

“Is it true?”

Alexander tucked his hands into his pockets. “Yes, it is”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Oh, my god” Maren’s brows creased in both worry and disgust. “Who would order such a thing?”

“Apparently, it was my prodigal good-for-nothing brother who decided to announce his existence by killing his own father”

“Oh my god, that’s horrible. He sounds like a terrible person wherever he is,” Maren added, her brows heavy with more irritation.

Alexander raised a brow and looked at her. “You think so?”

“God, I feel sad for your dad, having a son like that,” Maren continued to lament.

“Hmm,” Alexander grunted and turned his head forward again. Then silence followed as they were now feet away from the building.

Maren suddenly picked up pace, then stopped and turned to face him. They both stared at each other for a while, with Maren fighting the memories that threatened to resurface in her head.

“I really am sorry about your dad and er-”

“It really doesn’t have to be weird, Maren,” Alexander interrupted, noticing the reluctance in her voice.

‘Thank goodness’ Maren’s head rang.

“I’m just really glad you could make it,” he replied, and she smiled in response.

“Why did your mom say she couldn’t make it again?” Nella whispered, jolting her back from her reverie.

“Some cooked up story about Nathan wanting her to stay with him since I couldn’t,” she whispered back.

“Your mom is such a drama queen”

“She probably just dislikes them for reasons known to herself,” she added, and finally lifted her eyes forward and focused on the bishop, who said words she wasn’t paying attention to.

She avoided looking in Alexander’s direction, though she thought she felt him glance at her once or twice.

At this point, she really didn’t know what she was feeling on the inside. But this was not what she imagined when she decided to slip into a black dress to come honour Mr Blackwood.

Alexander, as she’s noticed, is not softer than he ever could, but she wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.

‘He’s probably just too shaken about this entire thing,’ she assured herself. She unconsciously turned her head and rested her eyes on him.

She still had feelings for him.

“He may be gone, but his legacy will live on through his son, us, and the lives he touched.” the bishop’s voice came loudly through the speakers again.

There was a murmur of amen. From angles of the building before, the bishop gave the ground to whomever wanted to say a few words of tribute.

Alexander’s most senior uncle, who Maren guessed wasn’t so much younger than Mr. Blackwood, was the first to step up. That was the first time she’d heard him say a word, and he really thought and spoke like Alexander’s father.

The next to come up was the other uncle, who was more free spirited than all the others. He spoke for only a few minutes before turning to Alexander, who bluntly declined to give any form of speech.

Then close friends followed, each one giving their unique perspective to Mr. Blackwood, which Maren listened to with actual admiration.

Then, after the short mass came to an end, the bishop finally said the final blessing and processed out of the building.

“That really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” Nella said as she and Maren made their way towards their separate cars, which were parked side by side.

She kept her gaze forward, but deep down she wanted to look around for a strange figure which she could place as Alexander’s brother.

A smile crept onto Maren’s lips as her gaze fell on Alexander, who stood in the midst of some men who seemed to be giving him some advice he didn’t want to hear, judging from his uninterested facial expression.

‘Since when was Alexander so polite?’ she thought.

Maren could remember when her mom was in that situation when her dad died. Like her mom wasn’t on good terms with her dad, she really didn’t want to hear whatever shit they had to say to her about him. And she’d made it clear by walking away when either of them approached her.

“Drama queen,” she murmured and almost chuckled.

“Alright, time to get the hell out of here,” Nella announced as they got to their cars.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Maren heard as she was about to get into the car. She turned to meet Alexander’s eyes.

“I was wondering if maybe after this blows away maybe we could talk?” He almost stammered.

Maren smiled. “Don’t make it weird, Alexander.” She said and paused. “It’ll be nice to talk though.”

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