Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 11: What's More Worst

Chapter 11: What's More Worst

Glen's POV

I slowly scan the room and my mood suddenly was shattered into pieces. I immediately avoided him

and tried to find a sit but my hopes where smashed.

The only vacant sit I saw was at the middle. And to tell you what's fucking more worst, it's right next

to... to that fucking bastard.

(Great.... amazing... really great... is this day can't get any better) I groan in irritation while dropping my

shoulders in disappointment as I slowly went close next to him.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, forcing myself to smile at him. (I might hate him but still I have my

manners you know...but damn.... this situation is a little bit.... not good for me)

He didn't answer me. (Fucking answer me you bastard... I'm trying my best here to be polite... but..)

He just looks in front then.... did a rude thing making me nearly lost it.

He..... He-- freaking yawn at me then look away completely intentionally ignoring me.

(What the-- This fucking bastard is really getting on my nerves... I did my best to ask and he just did--

did he fucking ignore me... then..... fine... what is the point of asking anyway.... is he looking down on


"I guess that's a yes" I said irritated and in between gritted teeth. I just took a seat immediately and

ignored him.

"Did I say you can seat?" he coldly said making me grip unto the strap of my bag trying to stop myself

from doing something that will only cause me trouble.

"There's no other seat" I simply stated and fix the strap of my sling bag on the table. And during the

process I never look at him and I just look away.

I suddenly got aware that he is starring-- no I mean glaring at me making me feel uncomfortable. I

guess he's trying to make me uncomfortable so that I can go away.

(Not gonna happen idiot..... and if you want me to move away then better fucking make someone leave

their chair for me to sit on it) That's what I want to tell him but I'd rather not.

"Look if there are other seats, I'll definitely take them but there's none.... Okay..." I said

trying to explain myself while taking my notes inside my bag.

(Wait-- why am I even explaining things to him... sigh.... just let him be Glen) I sigh in frustration while

taking my notebook out of my bag.

Still I can feel that he is glaring at me. (If glares could kill.... I bet I'm already dead.... argh.... can't he

just.... let it go... how frustrating... let him be. He'll get bored eventually)

Even though I'm a still annoyed and angry for what he did a while ago I'm not up to make my day

worse-- no scratch that.... my day is already worse. I don't want it to be even more worst.

I groan in irritation while gripping unto my pencil so hard I could hear it creating a cracking sound

making me stop it immediately. I breathe deeply trying to calm myself.

(Clam down Glen.... your blood pressure...) I tried to make a funny joke to cheer me up.

When he realized that I'm not really going to stand up and walk away he just groan and look in front as

the class is about to start.

After that he didn't utter a word and just ignored me. So, I did the same thing that he did...... I just

ignored him too like he didn't even exist in the first place.

(Wait-- if his here then--- shoot...) Sudden realization came to me and I suddenly tense up and

immediately look around trying to spot someone but I got relived when I saw that his friends are not

here making me release a deep sigh.

(Thank goodness..... that nearly scared the shit out of me.... or else I might be dealing with them...

especially that girl's bad behavior...)

"Tsk..... if you’re looking for them. They're not here" he suddenly said making me face him in surprise.

He was still looking in front and wore a bored face.

(Was he the one who talked? Wait did I just.... maybe I heard it wrong)

"Are... are you talking to me?" I asked and he glance at me with a cold face.

"Nope I'm talking to the wall.... of course, it’s you dumbass" he said making me irritated with his


"So, you're telling me that I'm dumb" I said in gritted teeth.

(This idiot is really getting on my nerves)

He was about to talk when sir Tanner spoke.

"Does the both of you want to share something to the class" he said sarcastically making me look at

him immediately.

He was looking at us at the same time the class also turn their gaze and look at us.

(Shit.... this is so embarrassing to me... I just stay still and didn't move)

"So aren't you going to share it....." Sir Tanner said making my heart beat faster as I got nervous while

looking at him.

(Is he looking at me or this fucker.... please don't call me sir... I’m innocent)

"Tobios.... anything to say" he said making me release a deep sigh.

(Thank goodness it was not me)

"Nothing Sir" he just said making me a bit surprised.

And just like that the class continued making me a bit amazed of how the situation was solve in less

than a minute and with only two words.

"Sigh.... I wish it was for all" I mumble to myself.


I sigh and suddenly look at this person beside me. He was looking bored of the discussion since he

was continuously yawning. Then I slowly move my sit a little bit farther from him.

(Who knows what will happen in the next couple of minutes. He might light up and burn this room in an

instant... at least I'm far from him so that if that happens, I can easily run to the door....)

Then I glace at him and to my surprise his head was on his table in a sleeping position while eyeing

what I am doing. Then he suddenly just shakes his head and make an annoyed remark before closing

his eyes and maybe drifted to sleep.

"Tsk.... idiot..." I heard him say.

(What did he just say--) I was about to tell him to fuck off but then Sir Tanner went in front and slam his

fist on the desk and eye us carefully, one by one like a tiger looking at his prey.

(Fuck... that really scared the shit out of me....) I mentally cursed and nearly jump my sit when Sir

Tanner did that. I suddenly heard someone softly chuckling. I look at my side and saw him resisting to

laugh like an idiot while looking in front.

(Shit... so he saw that) I immediately look in front feeling embarrassed for what had just happened.

Then Sir Tanner spoke making me look in front ignoring this person beside me. But I was so surprised

when he spoke. He speaks like a different person and not the good-oh-smiling man whom I just meet a

while ago.

(He also projects a nerve wrecking aura that could make you piss your pants or jump out of the window

in an instant. I don't literally mean you to jump out of the window or piss your pants... it's just an

expression.... If you know what I mean... right...)

The guy's freaking scary and intimidating. It's like a switch was turn on making him shift from nice to


(Shit... maybe this was what my brother was talking about a while ago.... and damn he was not

joking....) I look at him again trying to meet his eye but it never happens since if he looks at this side I

look away.

"But his not like that when I met him in the orientation day" I said to the air while trying process what I

have just witnessed. (I guess not all first impression are true....)

"Okay class I will be your teacher today until the end of this year whether you like it or not. To those

who still don't know me call me Sir Tanner and I will be teaching you how to use weapons without using

any single magic. I repeat without using your magic. Remember you should not rely only on your magic

to protect yourself. What if something goes wrong and you can't use your magic?" he continuously said

while eyeing all of us.

And me on the other hand, I just nod my head unconsciously. (Damn.... that’s a freaking long and

intense speech I've ever heard in my life)

"Don't even try using your powers during our lesson. Do I make myself clear" he shouted while eyeing

everyone and that nearly made me nervous from my sit.

"Yes Sir" we all automatically shouted in unison like we had practiced saying it.

I look around and saw that other students were also gulping and shacking in nervous.

(I guess we all agree on one thing.... we all feel the same way....)

But when I glance at my side. I was surprised and at the same time confused. (Aren't he scared Mr.

Tanner will punish him?)

There he is sleeping. He--he's fucking sleeping. His head is resting on his crossed arms which is laying

on the table.

(Are you freaking kidding me. Here we are feeling nervous like our life is on the line and there he is

sleeping like a prince or something...)

I look at Sir Tanner and he was already coming to our direction with a serious expression.

(Shit.... what do I do.... think... think....) I was calm outside but I'm practically trying to figure out what to

do in this kind of situation.

I look around and they are all looking at our direction. Then automatically like my heart knows what to

do.... it beated rapidly. Like I was running in a race.

(Shit what will I do. Think Glen what will you do..... Fuck just ignore them....)

"Okay ignore them" I mumble to myself and look away trying to calm myself.

"Glen right" he said and I froze. I slowly stand up and look at Sir Tanner. (Shit... why me?...) I cursed in

my head.

I just automatically smile and nod my head. "Yes sir" I said and thank goodness I didn't stutter but the

truth is I'm nervous as fuck.

He looked at Tobios and then me. "Glen would you mind waking him for me" he said.

"Sir..." I said. (Did I hear that right or was I just imagining things?)

"I said could you mind waking him up?" He said again. (Oh... I was not imagining things, he's really

asking me to wake him up)

I immediately look at Tobios and it was clear that he's already in deep sleep. (Thank goodness...... I

thought I did something wrong)

Relief washed over my entire system and slowly my heartbeat is calming down and back to normal


When I didn't respond he spoke again.

"Well then are you going to wake him up or no?" he said and I immediately went close to Tobios.

"I will Sir...." I immediately said to him and he nods.

My hands slowly went to Tobios shoulders and I try to wake him up by shaking his shoulders.

I got no response so I tried again this time I got a response. He only groans then suddenly swayed my

hand. I look at Sir.

"Sir I think I can't wake him up" I reason out as I look at him. The whole class was just watching us at

the same time nobody dared to talk.

(It will be the same if I were them also... but it sucks if you are in this situation)

"No. You need to wake him up since you should have made sure your seatmate didn't sleep in my

class. The same goes for everyone.... I don't tolerate students sleeping in my class" he stated while

looking at the whole class then back to me.

(What... now it's my fault. That's not fair....)

"But Sir I-" I tried to explain myself but he cut me.

"Glen right..." he said and I nod in response feeling a bit irritated and not nervous now.

"Listen Glen, if you can't wake him up for the next minutes. I will make you do 100 push ups and run

two laps at the oval. Now, I'll ask you again to wake him up" he said dangerously and I groan. Now

things really got real.

(Fuck.... now I understand why Ace was nervous that day and that explains the faces of the other

students during the orientation day... now I freaking know why....)

"Yes Sir" I said in annoyance and he just nod his head to Tobios.

I release a deep breath and try shaking him again, this time harder but still no response. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm waiting.... and the push ups and laps" Sir Tanner said while tapping his foot making me panic.

I groan in annoyance while staring at Tobios. (I can't let you make me do 100 push ups and run at the

oval for two laps... fucker...)

I grab him at his both shoulders and shake him wildly. "WAKE UP YOU FUCKER AND DON'T


shouted will all my strength making everyone gasp.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he shouted and immediately open his eyes then stands up and look at me angrily.

"Don't fucking show me that face since I only did what they said" I scowled at him and went to sit down

on my chair.

(Fuck....that was so damn good. And I really need that maybe I'll thank sir Tanner for this opportunity) I

try to calm myself again since my heartbeat run a mile again for his life.

"What the fuck was that" he said and I look at him. He was still glaring daggers at me.

"Well Tobios it is nice for you to join our class" Sir Tanner said to him amusedly. He diverted his

attention to Sir and glared at him before sitting down again.

"And thank you Glen for that spectacular waking strategy I never thought someone would even do that"

Sir Tanner said with an amusement evident in his tone.

"It was nothing Sir" I said calmly and look at Sir Tanner. He was frozen looking at me before smiling

then turned around and walk in front.

(Do you think that was easy. It took a lot of energy you know....)

"Okay then, lets continue with the discussion, shall we" sir Tanner said and then the class continued.

I give him an annoyed look and glare at his back. (Now I'm going to deal with the aftermath. Great

freaking great....)

(And to tell you guys the truth. I'm not really intimidated by Sir Tanner since my grandfather is far more

terrifying than him)

Then suddenly I could feel an intense aura at my side and I try my best to ignore it.

"Don't look. Don't look" I keep on mumbling like a mantra.

But because I like trouble I slowly glance at my side and saw Tobios glaring at me intensely so I

immediately look away.

(I'm screwed.... freaking screwed....)

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