Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 13: First School Fight 2

Chapter 13: First School Fight 2

Kaylee's POV

I immediately saw students running towards a direction and I got confused so I asked one of them.

"Uhm... what is happening" I randomly asked the girl who is running but I think she didn’t hear me

because she just passed me.

"Tsk... I'm asking here" I ranted while glaring at the girl's back.

Suddenly someone spoke making me turn around and look at that person.

(I think I saw her somewhere. She looks kind of familiar)

"Oh... Uhm... Kaylee right" she said and I was surprised then suddenly my memory became clear.

"You're Ema? Ema right! From that class with Sir Tanner" I responded while smiling at her.

"The one and only" she said while turning around like a Disney princess and to end the show she did

the royal bow.

I chuckled at that before I started to ask her.

(Maybe she knows what is happening)

"Can I ask you something?" I said while hoping she knows.

"Sure... go ahead. You can ask me anything but not with money. I don't have any of that today." she


I giggled at her response making her smile too.

"Oh.. come on. I'm not asking for any because I can afford myself" I said with pride making her scowl

and tease me.

"Oh... hooooh... so what do you want to ask then" she said while playing with her hand.

I didn’t speak immediately so he looks at me in the eyes waiting for me to say what's on my mind.

"Oh sorry, I was trying to ask why are everyone running like everyone else like their lives depend on it"

I asked confusedly and she just look at me in surprise.

"Oh haven't you have heard" she asked in disbelief.

"Heard what" I asked and she looks at me in astonishment.

"Oh come on, gossips spread here like a wild fire on the loose and despite that it didn't even reach

you..." she stated still not believing that I haven’t heard it.

Still I look at her with a confused expression making her sigh and give up.

"We'll maybe it hasn’t reach you since your pretty much new year. We'll then it's good that you know

me. I can pretty much assure you that I will keep you updated here. And don't worry I'm not bad" she

smiled sweetly which a little bit makes me awkward and uncomfortable.

Suddenly a girl was coming to our direction and then suddenly stop at the back of Ema.

"Get out of the way fucking bitch I'm trying to pass here" she said making Ema to freak out and

immediately turn around.

She looks at her before she immediately moves next close to me and give them way.

"We'll if it isn't the weakest caster in the academy" she said in disgust making me look at her in surprise

and disbelief.

Suddenly some girls started to laugh with her making me look at her back and saw few girls going near


They are all giggling and giving smirks at Ema. I then look at Ema and saw that she’s already trembling

making me get worried since she’s the first friend that I made when I entered here.

(We'll whatever is happening here and I don't even know the story but heck... that words are really very

rude and out of the line. And I can stand bitches like them)

Suddenly I kind of forgot what I was trying to do in the first place. I was waiting for Ema to talk and say

something but she only stood there and froze in place.


"I'm sorry Kaylee, but can we just go at the other side and chat there" she said calmly cutting me off but

there is a hint of pain in her voice making me kind of want to step up for her.


I tried to pass Ema but she grabs my arm and look at me.

I was taken aback when I saw her face. She was clearly on the verge of crying and still, she was

smiling at me.

I sighed then looked at them and they also looked at me with their head up high. Somewhere even

giving me the up to bottom to up look making me get offended.

(Are they trying to check me out? That is so so rude as heck)

I tried to sway her hand but her grip got tighter and she suddenly pleaded making me halt immediately.

"Please Kaylee" she pleaded.

"Fine but... if they talk again, I won't just stand still" I mumble and she nods in approval.

When we were about to move aside and let them pass us even though the hallway is to large, large

enough that 5 fat pigs can pass by... suddenly Ema was thrown in the ground making me gasp in

surprise and Ema to shout in pain.

I look at the group and saw the girl who came first was holding her wand in the air.

(So they are Casters, but aren't fights and violent behaviors forbidden in the school perimeter) I thought

before I immediately went close to her and help her stand up.

"Ema... " I gasp and she just stands up and clean her clothes.

I immediately went near the group and glared at them.

"Hey! That was so very uncool and rude" I said and they just smirk and giggle making my blood boil up.

"So what!" The girl said innocently making me want to rip her head open.

She suddenly pointed her wand at me making me look at her in disbelief.

Suddenly one of her friends said something.

"Arg... enough already. Tobios is fighting with someone and where going to miss it" she said making me

look at her.

(Is that the commotion that is happening today)

"Is that the commotion today?" I suddenly ask out of nowhere forgetting that we are fighting.

They just give me cold glares before walking away.

Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder making me turn around and saw Ema.

"Tsk... I really hate that girl" she ranted and saw her grinning her teeth making me kind of confused.

"Then why didn't you stand up and hit her" I blurted out because I can see that she’s fuming in anger. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

(Was this the Ema who is frozen a while ago or not. I'm confused)

With the expression that I'm giving her she gave me a very good reason which made me smile and


"She is just jealous because I'm beautiful than her" she said.

"Come on tell me the truth. Why did she call you the weakest caster?" I said seriously making her look

at me for a moment before looking around.

"Fine... but don't tell anyone" she responded and I just nod my head.

"I'm... I'm.... oh, it’s so hard. Just don't tell anyone"

"For petes sake I won't" I said in anticipation.

"I'm just pretending " she said and I looked at her in confusion.

"Come on tell the reason in a language that I could understand" I said in boredom.

"I'm really weak just like they say. I can't even cast magic like everyone else" she said in a sad tone

making me feel sympathy.

"Come on cheer up. Don't let anyone say what can't you do and limit your potential" I said trying to

cheer her up and it worked.

"So the commotion was a fight with... " I kind of forgot the name.

"Tobios" Ema finished making me nod my head trying to change the subject and it worked.

"Oh you really don't know anything" Ema said and suddenly grab my hand then drag me to God knows

where will go.

"No has ever match Tobios in a fight. Because mostly either the other opponent will back out and

accept defeat or fight but lose immediately at the start. But based on what I heard they said that the

opponent is kind of matching him" she said while dragging me to I don't know.

We kept running until we reached a crowd of students looking at something.

(I guess we're still not late because I could still hear commotion below. But who is he fighting? An

elemental perhaps since who could even match an elemental like him. Moreover, who in the world

would even dare to....)

My question was answered when a boy jumps holding a sword in the air then followed by another boy

holding a sword too.

(.... challenge him)

"GLENN....!" I screamed when I saw him.

"What the...." I was frozen then suddenly I rub my eyes thinking maybe I'm just hallucinating things.

But when I opened my eyes it's really him.

They both clashed their swords in the air creating a powerful and intense pressure followed by a gush

of winds that nearly blow us away if we didn't hold our ground.

"YOU IDIOT!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

Then they both separated and fall on the ground and then suddenly I can't see them because of the

crowd in front of us.

"That was so awesome"

"Who is that boy"

"Yeah, I've never seen anyone who lasted this long fighting against him"

"Yup, he is the first one to block that attack too"

"Is he new?"

"He isn't that the boy in our class"

"Yeah the one who angered him"

"Then I guess they settling things now"

(Oh they were talking about that event where Glen pissed him just to know his power. Damn I nearly

want to strangle him back then because instead of getting scared he was rather amazed and energized

which pissed me)

"Is... that... your friend... right" Ema said still looking at the crowd and he looks shocked at the same

time surprise.

(What the fuck did I just fucking saw) If Ema was surprised, I'm horrified and totally frozen as fuck.

(That damn boy is fighting. And he is more of happy that this is happening while me on the other hand

here is pissed at the same time worried)

I composed myself and immediately run towards the crowd and pushed the other students away trying

to slip myself and pass them to reach the end.

When I reach the end, I was fucking surprised as fuck. There I saw Glen holding a sword, a fucking


"Is he mad? How the fuck can he wield a sword when I know that he never touches them before"

But the way he was gripping at the sword tells me that this is not the first time he holds it.

It seems like his been holding it for ages he's like a pro.

He sways and use the sword like it was nothing and something surprised me. He was smiling and not

terrified or even scared. He was happy.

"Oh.... I forgot. He Glen by the way. The boy who always look for trouble. I hope he just doesn't hurt

himself badly" I whispered to myself while a made cheeky smile as a bow my head then shrug it before

looking at them again.


"Oh boy, he sure was kind of really matching with Tobios movements and skills" I murmured while

watching the fight.

Glen kicks him in the side but Tobios blocked it with his hands then pushed him. Tobios gives him a

punch but he dodges him and give him also a punch that Tobios dodge too.

Over all evaluation if you see them, is that they were both matching each other I suppose. And both of

them have the characteristic that doesn't want to give up.

I look at Tobios and he was amused and was smiling to...

"Damn this boys" I just simply said when suddenly I recognized a voice who is shouting...

"What the... Ema" I look at my side and saw her there. (So, she followed behind)

"Yes" she replied while still looking at the fight.

"Can Tobios smile like that" I asked and she looked at me confused.

"What do you mean" she said staring at me.

"Just look at his face will you" I simply stated and she followed it.

"What the... he's smiling, he's really smiling" she said in shock while still looking at the fight in front of


Suddenly the students beside us stopped for a moment.

"Did she say Tobios was smiling" one girl said and I suddenly got uncomfortable.

"Shit... Did I say it out loud?" I whispered to Ema and she just nod her head in approval.

(Fuck now what to do)

But suddenly someone shouted again making them all look at a girl.

"She's telling the truth. LOOK" she shouted and all the students. More likely girls were fired and they

tried to push everyone just to see if it's true.

"What! I never saw him smile"

"Ahhhhh.... he really is smiling"

"Look.... look.... ahhhhhh..."

"Move I want to see too"

And they fight while I and Ema tried to get the fuck out of the commotion.

When we got out, we were both panting like never before.

"Damn those girls are wild" Ema said and we both laughed.

"You're right. They nearly crushed me back there" I said while dusting my clothes.

We are now at the side because all of them gather to where we both were standing a while ago.

Then suddenly someone was coming and then immediately jumps at us into the battle and intervene

the fight by creating a large sword smashing it towards the two.

The two of them got shocked and step away at different ends immediately before the sword hits the

ground creating an explosion and dusts and sands were blown away and even us didn't maintain our

balance caused by the explosion.

I was pushed back and my back hit the ground. I look at the others and same was done to them. They

were all scattered everywhere, laying on the ground.

I immediately panic and stand up to see if Glen is alright. I run to where I was standing a while ago and

saw that the entire battle ground is covered with smoke of dusts.

Then suddenly a gush of strong wind blows the smoke of dust in an instant creating a clear view of

what happened.

I saw Sir Tanner holding the large sword. (So he was the one who did that impact. It was so scary.

Remind me later not to get him pissed)

I immediately look for Glen and saw him lying on the ground. Panic and worry came to me and I

immediately create a spell that we usually like.

"Fly” suddenly my feet didn't touch the ground then like that I immediately flew to where Glen is laying.

I land on the ground beside him carefully. I scanned his body if he didn't receive a huge damage on

that attack.

But when I only saw bruise and scratches on his face and in his hands. I sigh immediately.

"You sure know how to make me worry aren't you" I said while staring at him.

Suddenly he opens his eyes and look at me. I look at him angrily at the same time worried.

"So... now what" I stated arrogantly.

"My... my...s... sword" he just simply said and I nearly wanted to punch him in the gut.

But when I didn't move, he tried looking at his side and started to move just to find the sword.

I immediately stop him and hold him down making him fall down on the ground again.

"Fine. Fine. I'll get it just stay still first" I said and stand up.

I scanned the area and saw a sword laying down on the ground just a few meters away from us.

I immediately run to it and when I tried to pick it up, I look at it first.

"Plain and simple... just like you" I mutter shrugging my head.

But when I pick it up it suddenly change shape making me drop it on the ground.

"What the--"

It shocked me since it turned in to a pencil but it's different. If ordinary pencils are made out of wood,

this is made of pure metal.

When I heard Glen groan, I immediately pick it up and run towards him.

"Here I found it" I give the pencil to him and he holds it.

"Thank you" he said while he slowly looks at me. But before keeping the pencil he looks at me.

"Beautiful isn't it" he said and I looked at him confused.

"Yup your face is totally damaged. What kind of make-up did you use" I remarked sarcastically and he

just rolled his eyes.

"I don't need make up to match your face. I already have a good face than you" he said and wanted to

honestly slap his face but I won't.

"Tsk... I gave up" I said and sit next to him and he just chuckled.

"You always do" he said and I look at him. He was smiling like nothing happened.

"You sure really love getting into trouble ehh couz" I said chuckling.

"Yup and I tell you. THAT. WAS. FUN. Try is some other time. It relaxes your nerves" he replied and I

immediately glare at him.

"You know you are going to get in trouble right" I said and his face looks like he was caught like a deer

in the headlights.

"Yup... you're going to be in trouble" I said while smiling.

"Damn... I forgot that. Can you help me get out of this mess" he said in a worried tone.

I looked at him and he was trying to look cute but his not today. He really looks awful and ugly.

"No can do. Besides it's fun to see you get punished" I said honestly.

"Damn. You are really wicked for time to time" he said defeatedly.

"You deserved it you know" I defended and then we both laughed.

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