Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 43: War Is Coming Soon

Chapter 43: War Is Coming Soon

Third Person's POV

At the Main School the smokes of the dark abyss have already spread everywhere around the school

and all the soldiers and warriors are trying to stop it from spreading even more.

The school is now being covered with lots of warriors and they have already managed to put out all of

the smokes and few are already left and it would only take them a few hours and they will all be totally

put off.

All the students have been managed to be saved but we never know if they will be in normal state

since they were exposed too much from the smoke and we can’t guarantee that everyone is perfectly


Though the response of the teachers was enough to manage and secure the safety of most of the

students and that is a relief for everyone since at least they manage to lessen the casualty though still

that is not something to be happy about since they know that still there are other students who were

caught up inside the smoke.

Everyone was really trying to put of the source of the smokes since they found out that something

making these smokes appear out of nowhere since suddenly smoke began to appear again surprising



NOW. WHERE IS IT" a warrior shouted while commanding his troops.


CAUGHT UP IN THE SMOKE" he continued while another troop run and went to position.

"Yes Sir" everyone chanted before scattering around the area.

More soldiers are coming since this is the first time that they had an attack like this because their city is

known to be impenetrable.

"How did this even happen?" the warrior commanding said in confusion since he was still not believing

that someone had past their defense and entered the school without them detecting it.

He sighs in frustration while looking around the area and saw that students are being evacuated.

This kind of situation usually happens here once in a blue moon since the barrier that protects this

place is so strong that the enemy can’t even break through. Strong enough to hold the damage and

attacks of the Majesty himself but what really happened here.

"So how did the smoke of the dark abyss slip through the barrier? Even though you could say that this

is just a small incident. But the problem is that how on magic did these smokes entered and infiltrated

the main school and why did it appear here at the main school?" these where the question inside the

heads of everyone witnessing this event.

These are the problems which are also arising to the thoughts of the members of the council as soon

as they have immediately come at the school and witness what is happening.

Just as soon as the Headmaster arrives at the main school he was frozen in disbelief.

"What is really happening here?" the General said in surprise too while the Oracle gasp in shock and

worry. The Majesty was just going silent and observing the surrounding trying to figure out something.

After the enemy escaped the Oracle immediately regain her consciousness and they she immediately

used her magic and transported everyone to the school where now they are in shock.

All of them have similar expression which they wore that masking it with another emotion is futile. It's

horror and disbelief.

The thoughts of the Headmaster were disturbed as soon as he saw the state of his school which he is


"No. This can't be happening" the only words of the Headmaster came out as a plea. Worry and

disbelief is evident on his words making him shake his head and snap his senses back.

He should stay calm in this situation and think of something to help his school.

He looks at his surroundings and saw that what the Oracle said was true. His prestigious school is

under a attacked by that person that she took in.

(Damn If I will someday really catch that woman and make her pay for tricking me) he thought in anger

while clenching his fist in anger.

Students are being taken out of the buildings by the warriors and casters or either being carrying by

their other classmates who are also bruised.

Smokes of the dark abyss are all over the place which makes it even worse and harder. The

Headmaster was in a horrified state but he can’t let it get into his mind since what will he show to his


But he can't it off in his mind what is happening to the school and more importantly to his dear students.

"Headmaster are you okay?" the General said while trying to approach him.

The Headmaster ignored him unintentionally and immediately approached a man and asked him to

report the casualties and what happened.

The General was not hurt and just sigh as he looks at the Headmaster who is looking troubled but still,

he manages to try and be strong.

He is still his friend and you can’t deny that he was worried about him just like what friends do.

"Sir Trevor what happened? Are all the students safe and in good condition? Are all students being

evacuated?" the Headmaster asked as he neared him.

You could decipher in his words that he is very worried about the well-being of his students.

"Yes Headmaster. Most of the students are safe since they executed the evacuation plan smoothly just

as the smokes appeared out of nowhere. This helped lessening the number of students which are

being rescued but still...." the man said in a worried tone.

The Headmaster sighs in relief but still that's not a good report since some students are still missing

and being located.

The General just sigh and look at the scene. Teachers, warriors, casters and students are everywhere.

Tents that serve as infirmary for the main time are built away from the school buildings, which are

located at the open space beside the school. Casters and teachers are treating the students while the

warriors and other teachers too are carrying the students out of the buildings.

Other Warriors are also in alert if in case something bad will happen or someone will appear out of

nowhere like the enemies will return back again.

Smokes of the dark abyss don't just appear out of nowhere. There must be a source either created by

a strong emotion or someone unleashed and opened it to this place.

"How many students are still missing and where is Sir Tanner?" The Headmaster asked while looking

around still worry evident in his face.

"At this moment Sir we are still.... there are......... still maybe about 200 or more students. And the

soldiers are having a hard time finding them. On the other hand, no students have reported to be dead

but they only took few bruises and wounds thought some are still unconscious and they are still

unstable as for now but the casters are doing their best. As for Sir Tanner we still haven't find-" the man

said while looking down.

"Where are the critical students located?" the Oracle immediately ask Sir Trevor and he was caught in


"They are at the infirmary no. 6 just beside that one" he immediately said while pointing at one of the

tents and immediately after that the Oracle vanished and went to the place.

"Are they still having a hard time locating the students?" the Headmaster said in a worried response

cutting the man.

"That's because the smoke engulfed the whole classroom during class therefore the students had the

little amount of time to escape. Lessening their survival rate" another man spoke making the

Headmaster turn around and look at him.

"Tanner where have you been? I was looking for you" the Headmaster said as soon as he turned

around and Sir Trevor was also relieved that he was alright.

"I went to help the other teachers from getting the students to the infirmary" the man said while fixing

his sleeves.

The man was slightly covered in bruises while he fixes his sleeve.

"Is my son okay?" he asked immediately while looking at Sir Tanner and he nods his head.

"Yes is fine and at the infirmary taking a rest" he reassured and the Headmaster was relieved and then

turns to look at Sir Trevor.

"Have you already located where the source of the smokes?" The Majesty suddenly asked the people

next to him and immediately they all look at him and then just like on cue a warrior appeared out of

nowhere and reported to them.

"Sir, we are still having trouble of locating the source since it’s too hard because the smokes have

scattered too much in the entire school making it hard to locate it's center" the soldiers said while

looking at the school.


Majesty raised his hand and he stopped.

"Okay then I will try to locate it myself" the Majesty said and they all looked at him in surprise while the

Majesty closes his eyes and try to feel the center as much as he can.

He tried to use his energy to locate the center and suddenly he opened his eyes and immediately

looked at the General and the Headmaster.

"The center is at the basement of the school" as soon as he said that everyone moved and went to the


"Warriors on standby follow me" the General said and immediately run the place while the Headmaster

leads them the way along with the two teachers.


They were all surprised when they opened the door of the basement since the Smokes were so dark

that it was really hard to see what is below.

They already drank the potion that could help them not to be harmed by the smokes as they enter the

basement. Sir Trevor manages to light the place so that they could see at the darkness.

They slowly went down and they immediately froze when they saw what the source is.

It was a dead body of one of the students. Immediately the General used his weapon and smashed the

body even thought it may be cruel but it is the only way to do it if the fallen was already have died is

that you need to destroy the heart of the person.

The Headmaster looks away as the smokes started to vanished and the entire basement came back to

normal and the only thing that is not good it that the dead body in the room.

"Take this child and inform his parents immediately" the General said and the casters who followed

them immediately went to do the work.

The General then started to move but before that he went close to the Headmaster and stand beside


"We need to address this matter after everything calms down" The General seriously said and the

Headmaster immediately get what he is talking about.

"This is already a warning and they have managed to tell us that but still this event tells me that still the

school is not that ready enough" the General said before he passed the Headmaster who is in a deep


He was silent and can’t say anything while looking at the body of the boy being transported out of the


"Find the other students immediately and secure their safety" the Headmaster manage to say and

everyone went out of the basement and did their work.


Everyone was still on alert as they try to calm every student. The school was now in safety after they

have successfully destroyed the source of the appearance to the Smokes of the Dark Abyss.

The Oracle also has managed to save those students who are in critical condition because they were

to exposed to the smoke too much but still, she didn’t save everyone.

"Oracle another one passed" a caster said while he stopped healing another student.

"Also here" another caster said and they were in tears while trying to save the other children and even

thought that they are losing some they still need to heal the others and the fight goes on.

You could see that the atmosphere in the infirmary was so suffocating since they everyone is trying to

save students that are dying because they were exposed too much from the smoke that it drained their

energy and magic at the same time.

No one was reported dead that they pulled out of the smoke but now they are starting to go critical

making every caster alarmed as they continued to heal them.

"THIS CHILD IS ALL CLEAR. TAKE HIM TO THE OTHER TENT" the Oracle said and suddenly the

atmosphere fills with hope because still lots of students are trying to fight and recover.

"ANOTHER ONE. TAKE HER" another caster said as they moved the stable students out of the room

and went to the other tent.

They have managed to save some but still you can’t deny the fact that they had loss some too. And it

was many.

The Oracle sighs as she looks at the other students on the floor covered in white cloths. They people

inside the room was all silent until she spoke.

"Inform the parents of these students and tell them our regards" the Oracle says in pain while everyone

looked at the same too and just nods their head.

They were all quite while moving all the bodies and they were calm in calling the family of the students.

It is really painful to look at these students who should have had a better life but life is really wicked.

The Oracle looked at the sky in pain while vanishing and appearing on top of the school building while

still looking at the sky.

"If only I have come a little bit earlier then I have help them but that traitor held us down back there and

manage to stop as when we were going to come here" the Oracle clenched her face and close her Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.


She then opened it and she looked at the sky with a serious eye.

If you think that she is old and weak then think twice because she is just using a false appearance

because a moment later an old woman is at the top of the building suddenly, she suddenly turns into a


The Oracle had the power to stay young and she won’t grow old. This was the power that was being

given to the person worthy to be the Oracle.

She flips her hair while looking at the school fields before she looks down and saw that everything is

now turning back to normal. No Smokes are on sight and the after effect of that incident is being felt


Parents are already coming in view and you could hear the cries and it was really painful making you

tear up.

"War is really coming and we need to prepare ourselves since that traitor is back and she is calling

back all the fallen to be on her side and strike us all down again" she said while looking at the sky

again before taking a deep sigh.


On the other side

The woman was practically laughing in joy as she dances around a dark place.

"HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA" she laughs around wickedly since her plan worked.



giggling uncontrollably.

"DID YOU LOOK AT THEIR SHOCKED FACES" she shouted at the people around her.

"They are weak and their young generations are too week that they can't do anything and just scream

and panic" she says while looking at the water pond near her.

She raises her hands up in the air and the water floats up in the air. She smiles and then let it fall back

on the ground again.

I'm the most powerful and no one can stop me from destroying that place throws me out she said in

anger and then laughs wickedly while looking around the place.

The whole place erupted in roars and cheers as everyone in the room jumps in joy and they were all


"WARRRRRRRRR" they all screamed in the air as they dance in joy while the girl looks at them.

"Be patient my friends and we will take them down" she said and all of them continued their feast.

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