Love, Milo

: Chapter 31

New York City has its flaws, but its beauty is definitely something worthwhile.

Especially when it’s snowing.

This city is at its prettiest in the winter.

A large grin has been plastered on my face the entire way to the ice skating rink located in downtown Manhattan. The one I’ve begged Milo to come along with me to.

School got shut down for a snow day, and the flower shop I’ve chosen to close for the day. It’s not difficult keeping flowers healthy during the winter with all the tools I have, but that day, Milo promised me something.

‘C’mon, Milo, don’t be like that,’ I say to Milo, kneeling on the ground to tighten is skates so he can stop pouting. ‘It’ll be fun! Besides, you’re the one that said we can do anything I want today.’

He breathes into his hands and rubs them together. ‘Yes, dear, but I thought you’d say maybe a nice dinner or perhaps a trip to the salon, not glide on ice with blades. I’m a grown man I’m not meant to glide on ice.’All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I roll my eyes and stand up when I dismiss his laces and extend my hand. ‘Don’t be a grump about it. That’s usually my job.’

Now that I think about it, I haven’t had much to be grumpy about over the past several months.

I try to hide my grin when Milo grips my arms and tries to balance on the floor. The level of concentration on his face is enough to make me giggle out loud.

‘Stop laughing at me. We haven’t even gone on the ice yet!’ He yells in a hushed voice so others around us won’t hear.

‘I’m not laughing at you,’ I say, laughing.

‘Oh yeah?’

I nod, biting my lip to stop. But fail.

He shakes his head, but a small, handsome smirk rises on his lips. His head rocks side to side in disappointment, and he casually takes my neck in his hand and double-checks that no one’s looking.

‘I better come out unhurt and alive, Raelynn.’ He whispers to me.

I raise my brows and cross my arms over my chest. ‘Or what?’

He only smiles and lets go of my neck to grasp my hand. ‘Come on now.’ He says with sudden enthusiasm. Since you know how to skate, teach me.’

I nod, sliding my beanie lower on my head of box braids, and slowly walk Milo to the ice rink.

When we get outside, big fluffy snowflakes falling in the billions from the sky make almost everything pure white. Everything besides the massive rocker feller center Christmas tree behind the rink.

For all the years I’ve been here in NYC, I’ve not once seen the famous 100-foot tree in person.

Only on the television where I also only ever seen the Macy Thanksgiving Day parades and New Year’s parades. They looked amazing on TV and this wasn’t an illusion. This tree is giant and beautiful.

With lights making it glow several different Christmas colors and slow on the tips of the branches looking couples holding hands, kids falling on ice, and a bunch of people sowing in a circle, it looks like something out of a cheesy rom-com movie.

But I’m glad to be living it out with Milo at my side because two years ago, I never thought going skating for a date on a snow day would actually be my reality.

I look over at Milo, his nose and lips bright pink from the cold. Stubble dresses his cheeks, but if it wasn’t, I’m sure those would be red too. ‘Okay, ready?’

‘I’m not sure,’ he mutters.

I tug him along and get on the ice carefully. ‘Okay, easy now.’ I hold both of Milo’s hands and force myself to hold back laughter at the clear fear in him at the moment.

He’s standing like a starfish.

‘Bring your legs closer together,’ I instruct.

‘I’m going to fall, darling.’

‘You have to trust me.’

He looks up from the ice. ‘I do trust you.’

I nod and nudge my chin at his legs. ‘Closer. And bend your knees a little.’

He sighs and brings them closer, lowering an inch down. Sometimes I forget how tall he is, but with these skates on, he’s almost taller than everyone on the ice right now.

He wiggles a little as I begin to pull him with me slowly.

‘Careful, Raelynn.’

‘Relax, you’re doing it!’ I wiggle my fingers in his tight grip, and he squeezes harder.

‘What are you doing?!’ He panics. ‘Don’t let go of me.’

‘It’s just one hand,’ I assure him. ‘I have your other one. You won’t fall, I got you.’

‘If I fall, you’re falling with me. And then we’re leaving.’

I laugh. ‘Oh, shut up and let go.’

He eventually lets go of one hand, and now I skate at his side, one hand losing circulation dealing with Milo and the cold.

‘There, see? Not too hard.’

Milo grins and looks at me, and nods. I look away but still feel his gaze melting into the side of my head.

‘Isn’t this place so pretty?’ I say as we eventually make a lap around the rink.

He shrugs. ‘I’ve seen much prettier.’

I look sideways at him and tilt my head. ‘Really? Tell me what. Because this place is pretty tough competition. I mean, look at the snow it makes it look almost magical like Fairies are gonna come out and sprinkle magical cocaine dust on us and—’

I’m cut short when Milo grips my waist and slides up messily towards the rink’s barrier, sandwiching me between me and it.

I gasp briefly and look up at him while laughing. ‘What are you—’

He bends his head to kiss me, catching my lips like they’re his only means of warmth.

We open our mouths to each other for a moment, letting our tongues slip against each other before unlatching, being mindful of the people around us.

‘I was going to say you’re prettier than this place, but that wouldn’t have done much justice.’ He strokes his cold thumb along my jaw. ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

‘Sometimes, when I look at you and your smile,’ he talks low, running the flat of his thumb over my lip, ‘or your concentration on your flowers. Or how bright your eyes get when you see me after work. It all makes my chest hurt. This place’s beauty doesn’t make my chest hurt nearly as much as yours does.’

My face softens, and I raise my lips into a small smile as my chests burn and defrost from his words. ‘Thank you.’

He cranks his head down and presses his lips into my cheek, giving me a thousand pecks before I shy away with laughs. ‘Calm down, Romeo, calm down.’

We stay at the rink for nearly four hours. Milo had fallen several times, but he didn’t make us leave. Instead, he let me help him up and wanted to try again. Eventually, and surprisingly, he got it down fast. I shouldn’t have underestimated him, but now he practically skates as well as me, and he’s only had four hours of practice. I envy his determination to perfect things.

‘That was fun, wasn’t it?’ I slide my beanie off as we sit in his car.

He nods. ‘Yes, it was.’ He checks the time, reading two in the afternoon. ‘What else is on your mind for today?’

I twist my lips. ‘Why are you so nice to me today?’

‘What do you mean, love? I’m nice to you every day.’

‘No, I mean really nice. Why are you willingly giving me a day of anything I want?’

He shrugs. ‘Because you deserve it,’ his hand drops on my thigh as he starts the car and then looks at me. ‘And I love you.’


‘Wow…’ I turn around in a circle as I stare at the fish swimming all around us, trapped behind glass.

Aquariums. It might be my new favorite thing.

The room glows a deep ocean blue and I hold Milo’s hand as I follow the fishes swimming really close to the glass, tapping. It flaps away, and I giggle.

‘This is fucking amazing,’ I whisper. We’ve been here for an hour, and it still amazes my eyes like a child in a candy shop.

‘It is.’ The sound of Milo snapping a picture with his phone of me touching the class makes me jump.

‘Hey! Cut it out,’ I laugh, reaching for his phone, but he pulls it away, shaking his head.

‘Nuh-uh,’ he hums. ‘I need these.’

‘Oh yeah? Why?’

‘Because today is a special day.’

‘What makes today so special?’

He smirks. ‘Because I have a surprise for you.’

My brows perk up. ‘What surprise? Tell me.’

‘Would you like to go see?’

I nod frantically; hell yeah, I wanna see it. Whatever it is, it has his voice sounding strange. Did he get me a puppy?

I don’t remember asking for a dog, but I definitely wouldn’t complain. I hope it’s a German Shepard, but then again, Milo is like the huge version of a German Shepard, so I’d have to guess second that wish. Dramatics will be at an all-time e high with those two.

‘Alright then, let’s go.’

He doesn’t tell me where we’re going, only drives me for half an hour till we reach Central Park. His surprise is Central Park.

I mean, I won’t complain, considering I live in this place, but I’ve been here many times growing up. It’s a park, a nice one, but still a park.

Milo walks out of the car and around to my side, where he opens my door and helps me out.

I smile, telling him thank you.

He brings me along the walkway in Central Park, where we peacefully stroll past the frosty iced ponds and the pretty white layered park.

I’m convinced everything is prettier in the winter.

I mean my head on Milo’s shoulder while holding his hand. ‘Thank you,’ I say.

‘For what?’

Seconds go by before I answer. ‘Everything.’

He kisses the top of my head. ‘Do you remember the first gift I’ve ever given you?’

I nod and laugh. ‘Pickles. It had a little note on it that I didn’t want to admit it stole my heart, just a little.’

He nods, seeming satisfied that I remembered. ‘Right,’ he says. ‘Well, I have another note for you.’

I lift my head off his shoulder and look up at him. ‘What note?’

His eyes dart away from means as we turn a corner.

I stop walking.

In front of me, where the pathway lowers under an archway created by a stoned bridge, stands Gia, my dad , and Genesis, all helping each other hold two signs that read into one note that make any heart swell out of my chest. The lamppost lights my pathway to the sign, and golden balloons are tied around each of them while slow flakes drop on us all.

I hitch a cry as I read it repeatedly, a hand to my mouth.

Will you Marry Me?
Love, Milo

‘Turn around, idiot!’ Gia shouts playfully.

I turn to find Milo on one knee and a small black box holding the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen in the palm of his hands.

I gasp again, tears now running down my eyes.

This can’t be my reality. My body shakes with cries as Milo reaches for my left hand, and I give it to him to hold.

‘You are wonderful, Raelynn. I thank you almost every day that fate has let me to find you in that elevator all those months ago. Even if it hadn’t, I’m certain we would’ve met one way or another because you are undoubtedly my soulmate—’ he breaks off with a quiver of a cry, ‘—and I love you dearly.

‘You make me the happiest I’ve ever been. You make me want to grow as a person, a man, and, hopefully, as your husband. Raelynn Garcia, may you please marry me?’

Without hesitation, I nod, dropping to my knees before him to wrap my arms around his neck.

‘Yes, Milo,’ I sob. ‘Of course.’

I can feel his body deflating, and he pulls back, gently taking my hand in his as we sit in the fluffy, nearly untouched snow and slips the engagement ring on my ring finger. I can barely see it through the tears that blur my vision, but when I blink to clear it all up, I’m amazed.

It’s a flower-themed ring.

I look up at him with a massive grin, and he stands up, tightening me up in his arms. From behind, our family cheers and then kisses me.

It’s now that I really feel like my life has done a complete 180-degree shift.

I went from my lowest to shutting everyone out to being the girl I hated, the person I despised within myself. To bring at my absolute highest with the love of my life. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with this man.

The man who saved me.

And if I ever find myself at a low, there’s one thing I’ll always be sure about.

And it’s that I love Milo.

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