Love Wins Over Lust

Chapter 28.

Chapter 28.

Ralph looked at Susan who was glaring at his brother. Since she had started living in Vancouver, she

had made her brother's life hell and she was alive for only two reasons. One was his dear wife and the

other was Ralph himself.

Liam knows that Ralph had feelings for her and her feelings for him. He even used this information to

create a rift between his wife and Susan but their friendship was made in heaven. Nobody knows what

they talked about with each other but everything was fine between them and Aurora refused to share

anything with Liam.

It irked Liam but he couldn't do anything about it. His love for his wife had changed him a lot. Ralph

never believed in relationships, marriage or anything.

He had a few dom-Sub relationships but even they stopped after Susan. She had done something no

other girl could ever do to him. Ralph felt something he couldn't describe in words. He wanted to hold

her the same way he held her before, this time permanently.

He glanced at his brother and his wife, he still couldn't believe the man whose sole motive was to marry

Aurora so that he could rule over the Canadian mafia had turned into a devoted husband.

"Have a few mashed potatoes, Liam. You used to love them…" Penny said as she tried to serve him

but he stopped her. "As you said, I used to love it but not anymore," Liam snapped. The whole table

went silent, "Liam, you are talking to your mother…"

Liam glared at Ryan. "And you are talking to your boss, dad. I can't start respecting a person who

never cared about us when we needed her and now that she has come back she wants to behave like

we are still teenagers!"

Aurora gasped hearing the venom in Liam's voice. "Liam…"

"If she is trying to make up for the old days why can't you give it a try, Liam!" Ralph snapped.

"Because we are no longer teenagers, Ralph!"

Then he looked at his wife. "Don't get involved in this," he snapped at her.

Aurora understood that his mother was a sore topic for him. He wanted space on it but Susan didn't

stop herself. "And you have no right to talk to Aurora like this. Don't forget I can take her away from


Liam fisted his hands tightly, "Aurora is my wife, we love each other. Maybe you don't understand this

concept but she does, so why don't you just shut your mouth and not interfere in my marriage. "

" Liam…" Aurora scolded him but Susan didn't need anyone to speak for her, she knew how to get

under Liam's skin really well. "I wouldn't have interfered but your track record says otherwise. Maybe

you are once again only pretending because you can't cage her like you did before…"

Penny gasped, she glanced at Ryan in horror. Liam was just like him. "I will never forgive you for this,

Ryan. Never!" Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

At that Liam lost his cool. "It's enough now," he glared at Susan. "You can't do anything, Susan Kelly.

You are staying in my city. I am allowing you to do it because my wife wants you here. Whatever I did in

the past it's between me and her, you are no one to ask any kind of explanations from me. So don't try

to be brave in front of me!"

Susan opened her mouth to speak but closed it again when she glanced at Aurora who shook her head

asking her not to stretch the topic. Liam turned his eyes to his mother.

"And you have no right to say anything about me or my lifestyle. You lost all your rights when you ran

away with your lover boy leaving your two children behind. I wish he had killed you in reality!"

"Liam, you can't talk to mom like this!" Ralph snapped standing up with lightning speed, the chair he

was sitting on fell on the floor with a thud.

Penny couldn't take it anymore, tears pooled into her eyes, she stood up and walked out of the dining


The room turned silent until Aurora broke it. "It was not a good thing you said to your mother."

"She deserves it."

Ralph punched the table hard. "She doesn't deserve any of the things you said. She never loved

anyone but this twisted man we call our father!"

Lism stood up as well. "You don't know anything, I heard her talking to someone over the phone she


Ralph shook his head and glanced at Ryan. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself to spill lies about the

woman who loved you?" Saying that he glared at Liam once again. "If you can't respect her then don't

disrespect her too."

"Don't use that tone with me!"

"I will if you treat my mother disrespectfully," saying that he walked out of the room in search of Penny

who was crying softly in the backside of the garden. "Mom," he called her.

Penny wiped her tears and forced herself to act normal. "Yes, son."

"Mom why don't you tell him the reality, I know there was no other man except for that twisted Ryan…"

"He is your father."

Ralph chuckled. "A father doesn't keep his children away from their mother. He lied to us about you. I

don't like him, mom. Not after what he did to you."

Penny's heart melted hearing him. "You never believed him, Ralph. All these years you never trusted

his words that I loved someone else…"

Ralph shook his head. "No, because I remembered the day I asked you what's making you sad and

you told me, your love for him. You loved him, mom, even now you do. I know he made false stories

about you being with someone else, why did you lie to Liam when he asked you?"

Penny smiled sadly. "Because I didn't want him to question Ryan. Trust is easy to break but hard to

earn and I don't want Ryan to suffer that. I tried to run away because his possessiveness was killing me

from inside, but I wanted to take both of you with me. He caught me and punished me before I could. I

asked him to let me meet you both but he didn't allow me. I am a weak woman Ralph, even after all this

I still loved him, I still do…"

Ralph hugged her. "Can anyone hate and love a person at the same time, mom?"

Penny chuckled. "Yes, you have a living example of it in front of you, son. I love and hate your father at

the same time."

Penny glanced at Ralph, "you like her right?"

"Who?" He played dumb and earned a light slap on his chest from his mother. "The girl who is getting

on your brother's nerves. Aurora's friend, Susan. I know you feel for her."

Ralph tried to hide his emotions but couldn't. "There is nothing wrong in expressing yourself, Ralph. If

you want her, go and tell her."

He sighed. "It's not as easy as you think mom. She…it's complicated. We had something, a kind of fling

but then I destroyed it. She wanted something else, I wanted something else and then we parted. She

won't come back to me, I hurted her."

"Your father hurted me in the worst way possible, I am still with him because my love for him is deeper

than my hate I have for him. If she truly loves you, she will give you another chance, Ralph."

Ralph frowned. A thought crossed his mind. Can I have her again? Is this even possible?

Penny patted his cheek in affection. "I wish one day, your brother will forgive me and love me the same

as you love me."

Ralph smiled. "He will, Ma."

"You will not treat my wife in this manner again. I don't care if you are my boss now but this is my home

and I will not allow you to make me feel second in it. You have to show respect to my wife…"

"Your wife!" He snarled. "I am sorry to say this, dad but you are a hypocrite. All my life you told me how

that bitch cheated on you with another man and how you killed them both. Now out of sudden, your so-

called wife turned our alive and you were living with her all this time we thought you are fucking another


Ryan Knight raised a finger. "If you can ask people to not interfere in your married life then you should

respect this about others as well."

"I am talking about it because I am a part of this marriage, have you forgotten it was me and Ralph who

suffered in our childhood because of your so-called love! You told me the reality of that wife of yours!"

Ralph walked inside the study and stood in front of Liam, ignoring Ryan. "You are my boss, I accepted

it. You are a monster, I accept that too but there is a line, Liam and I will not accept it if you abuse my


Ryan's eyes widened. "Ralph!"

He turned to him. "I am not talking to you, you are no longer my boss so I don't have to listen to you

anymore. Old man. My mother loves you, still. If it would have been in my hands, I would have killed

you years ago for lying to me. But my hands were tied then and now I can do that but once again my

hands are tied because mom loves you…"

"Love!" Liam chuckled. "She ran away with another man leaving us behind!"

"It's a lie! I know it. How can you trust him after he told you he killed her?"

It was when Penny came there. "Ralph, it's between me and my husband," she told him and then

turned to Liam. "You are right, I have been a bad mother to you and Ralph. I tried to fill the gap of

fifteen years but I think I am only trying in vain. So I won't try it anymore, I wish you all the happiness in

your life, Liam. Thank you for coming here tonight."

Something turned in his heart, he never felt this tug before, never. But again he didn't let anything

influence his mind, he nodded and walked out of the room.

Ralph glanced at Ryan. "I want to kill, right here, right now!" Then he turned his eyes to his mother. "If

you want to leave him now, I will help you mom."

Penny shook her head. "No, I tried running away from him once and suffered the loss of my children

but not anymore. I will stay here with him."

Ralph nodded and walked out but not before giving Ryan a death glare.

Ryan looked at the sky, "why did you have to do that, why did you force me to do all that years ago,


She smiled. "It's strange, even after all these years you are still that toxic man who only thinks about

himself. I loved you even then but you treated me like a possession, Ryan and now your children are

behaving in the same way. Liam is nothing but your replica and Ralph he had a little humanity left

inside him but I know he could be the monster just like you. You said that you are taking care of them,

is that how you brought them up? Making them as twisted as you are!"

Ryan Knight looked down, he knew he behaved like a self-obsessed animal when he separated his

wife from their children, she was always busy with Liam and Ralph, whenever he tried to get close to

her their children demanded her attention.

He was okay with everything until he heard a phone conversation of his wife with one of her friends

from the Police department. He was manipulating her to help the law in imprisoning Ryan. Ryan went

mad hearing that he had full faith in her that she would deny it but she didn't. Instead, she asked him to

help her bring her children with her too and a guarantee that Ryan's prison sentence would not be too

long. She wanted him to leave all his dirty work but she was unaware that once you get in this world

you are only left for dead. Not only that he went mad in rage when he saw her hugging that man from

the police department.

It was right she never cheated on him in the sense of the world but Ryan Knight's obsessive side

couldn't tolerate what he saw. So he became the monster she thought of him and punished her for that.

But now her tears were killing him from inside and he decided that he would do the right thing.

Penny wanted her son Liam to respect her, he would do that, for this if Ryan even had to tell him the

truth, he would open it in front of his son.

He would give his wife her son back!

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