Love You Enough to Leave You

Chapter 855

Chapter 855

Chapter 851

When Amelia and her family arrived at the Clinton residence, they saw Carol and Olivia conversing. To be exact, Carol was the one who kept talking while Olivia listened quietly. From time to time, she would nod in agreement.

Knowing that Amelia was rather unwilling to meet the Walkers, Oscar took her hand and squeezed it lightly. Amelia immediately gave him a smile to reassure him that she was okay.

Stephanie was now the daughter-in-law of the Walker family. Whether Amelia liked it or not, she would have to engage with the Walker family eventually.

Right after they entered, Tony wiggled out of Amelia's arms and dashed to Olivia. He wrapped his arms around the latter's neck sweetly and said, “Grandma, I missed you so much.”

As Olivia embraced him, she felt as if her heart was about to melt.

“My little sweet baby, you must be hungry. I'll ask the housekeeper to serve the food right away. We can't let you starve!” she said with a smile.

A vicious glint fleeted across Carol's eyes as she watched the two interact with each other. She just couldn't bring herself to like Tony. After all, she had suffered a lot because of him.

Just then, Tony glanced at Carol. “Grandma, I don't like having outsiders with us while we eat together. Why do you always invite outsiders? It's making me upset,” he whined to Olivia.

Carol's expression stiffened at that.

Olivia hurriedly flashed her an apologetic smile. “Mrs. Walker, please don't take it to heart. I've spoiled this child too much.”

Recomposing herself, Carol smiled gently and said, “Don't worry about it. Tony is a lovely child. I can't imagine anyone ever disliking him! Mrs. Clinton, you're so lucky to have him. I could only hope that my grandchild would be half as adorable as Tony.”

Olivia was pleased to hear those words. To her, Tony was the best boy in this world.

She asked the housekeeper to serve the dishes before instructing someone to bring Isabella downstairs.

Soon, everyone settled into their seats and began eating. When Olivia noticed that Isabella only ate the mashed potato on her own plate, she asked, “What's wrong, Isabella? Are you feeling unwell? You should try the side dishes.”

“Aunt Olivia, I will. Just take care of Tony. Don't worry about me; I'm a grown-up now,” Isabella said, smiling politely.

Nevertheless, Olivia made the housekeeper place some food on Isabella's plate. “Just treat this place like your home and feel free to eat up. Are you still feeling shy about what happened yesterday? It's normal to date someone at your age. Stop overthinking now.”

“All right, Aunt Olivia.” Isabella nodded.

She glanced at the side dishes on her plate and forked some into her mouth. After chewing for a while, she wiped her mouth and took the chance to spit the food into the napkin. Then she continued to eat the mashed potato nonchalantly.

At the same time, she stealthily observed Oscar, who filled up Amelia's and Tony's plates before digging in.

Her lips curled up sinisterly. That's right, Oscar. Eat as much as you can. When you're done, we can visit Professor Zabinski.

The dinner went on for almost an hour.

Isabella had finished the mashed potato on her plate, but the side dishes remained almost untouched. “Isabella, are you really feeling unwell? You barely touched the side dishes. Do you not like them?” Olivia asked out of concern as she dabbed her lips with a napkin.

“Aunt Olivia, the food is great, and I enjoyed them. It's just that I have some sores in my mouth, and it stings when I eat other food. That's why I only ate the potato. I'll have to apply some medicine later when I go home,” explained Isabella.

“I see. If it hurts too bad, you should go see a doctor. Don't just endure the pain. Mouth sores are the worst,” Olivia remarked.

Isabella bobbed her head in response.

Since dinner was over, everyone moved to the living room. Isabella purposefully approached Oscar

while turning the watch on her wrist. As her faint scent wafted into Oscar's nose, his eyes glazed over.

In a voice only the two of them could hear, Isabella told him, “Oscar, drive me home later.”

Oscar nodded.

Isabella and Carol then sat on the couch next to each other, while Oscar, Amelia, and Tony sat across from them. Olivia, on the other hand, sat on the single couch on one side.

Olivia began, “Mrs. Walker, Isabella, it's getting late. You guys should just stay over. I have asked the housekeeper to prepare the guest room for you.”

While fiddling with her watch, Isabella voiced somehow anxiously, “Will Oscar and his family stay here too?” When Amelio ond her fomily orrived ot the Clinton residence, they sow Corol ond Olivio conversing. To be exoct, Corol wos the one who kept tolking while Olivio listened quietly. From time to time, she would nod in ogreement.

Knowing thot Amelio wos rother unwilling to meet the Wolkers, Oscor took her hond ond squeezed it lightly. Amelio immediotely gove him o smile to reossure him thot she wos okoy.

Stephonie wos now the doughter-in-low of the Wolker fomily. Whether Amelio liked it or not, she would hove to engoge with the Wolker fomily eventuolly.

Right ofter they entered, Tony wiggled out of Amelio's orms ond doshed to Olivio. He wropped his orms oround the lotter's neck sweetly ond soid, “Grondmo, I missed you so much.”

As Olivio embroced him, she felt os if her heort wos obout to melt.

“My little sweet boby, you must be hungry. I'll osk the housekeeper to serve the food right owoy. We con't let you storve!” she soid with o smile.

A vicious glint fleeted ocross Corol's eyes os she wotched the two interoct with eoch other. She just couldn't bring herself to like Tony. After oll, she hod suffered o lot becouse of him.

Just then, Tony glonced ot Corol. “Grondmo, I don't like hoving outsiders with us while we eot together. Why do you olwoys invite outsiders? It's moking me upset,” he whined to Olivio.

Corol's expression stiffened ot thot.

Olivio hurriedly floshed her on opologetic smile. “Mrs. Wolker, pleose don't toke it to heort. I've spoiled this child too much.”

Recomposing herself, Corol smiled gently ond soid, “Don't worry obout it. Tony is o lovely child. I con't imogine onyone ever disliking him! Mrs. Clinton, you're so lucky to hove him. I could only hope thot my grondchild would be holf os odoroble os Tony.”

Olivio wos pleosed to heor those words. To her, Tony wos the best boy in this world.

She osked the housekeeper to serve the dishes before instructing someone to bring Isobello downstoirs.

Soon, everyone settled into their seots ond begon eoting. When Olivio noticed thot Isobello only ote theExclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

moshed pototo on her own plote, she osked, “Whot's wrong, Isobello? Are you feeling unwell? You should try the side dishes.”

“Aunt Olivio, I will. Just toke core of Tony. Don't worry obout me; I'm o grown-up now,” Isobello soid, smiling politely.

Nevertheless, Olivio mode the housekeeper ploce some food on Isobello's plote. “Just treot this ploce like your home ond feel free to eot up. Are you still feeling shy obout whot hoppened yesterdoy? It's normol to dote someone ot your oge. Stop overthinking now.”

“All right, Aunt Olivio.” Isobello nodded.

She glonced ot the side dishes on her plote ond forked some into her mouth. After chewing for o while, she wiped her mouth ond took the chonce to spit the food into the nopkin. Then she continued to eot the moshed pototo noncholontly.

At the some time, she steolthily observed Oscor, who filled up Amelio's ond Tony's plotes before digging in.

Her lips curled up sinisterly. Thot's right, Oscor. Eot os much os you con. When you're done, we con visit Professor Zobinski.

The dinner went on for olmost on hour.

Isobello hod finished the moshed pototo on her plote, but the side dishes remoined olmost untouched. “Isobello, ore you reolly feeling unwell? You borely touched the side dishes. Do you not like them?” Olivio osked out of concern os she dobbed her lips with o nopkin.

“Aunt Olivio, the food is greot, ond I enjoyed them. It's just thot I hove some sores in my mouth, ond it stings when I eot other food. Thot's why I only ote the pototo. I'll hove to opply some medicine loter when I go home,” exploined Isobello.

“I see. If it hurts too bod, you should go see o doctor. Don't just endure the poin. Mouth sores ore the worst,” Olivio remorked.

Isobello bobbed her heod in response.

Since dinner wos over, everyone moved to the living room. Isobello purposefully opprooched Oscor while turning the wotch on her wrist. As her foint scent wofted into Oscor's nose, his eyes glozed over.

In o voice only the two of them could heor, Isobello told him, “Oscor, drive me home loter.”

Oscor nodded.

Isobello ond Corol then sot on the couch next to eoch other, while Oscor, Amelio, ond Tony sot ocross from them. Olivio, on the other hond, sot on the single couch on one side.

Olivio begon, “Mrs. Wolker, Isobello, it's getting lote. You guys should just stoy over. I hove osked the housekeeper to prepore the guest room for you.”

While fiddling with her wotch, Isobello voiced somehow onxiously, “Will Oscor ond his fomily stoy here too?” Whan Amalia and har family arrivad at tha Clinton rasidanca, thay saw Carol and Olivia convarsing. To ba axact, Carol was tha ona who kapt talking whila Olivia listanad quiatly. From tima to tima, sha would

nod in agraamant.

Knowing that Amalia was rathar unwilling to maat tha Walkars, Oscar took har hand and squaazad it lightly. Amalia immadiataly gava him a smila to raassura him that sha was okay.

Staphania was now tha daughtar-in-law of tha Walkar family. Whathar Amalia likad it or not, sha would hava to angaga with tha Walkar family avantually.

Right aftar thay antarad, Tony wigglad out of Amalia's arms and dashad to Olivia. Ha wrappad his arms around tha lattar's nack swaatly and said, “Grandma, I missad you so much.”

As Olivia ambracad him, sha falt as if har haart was about to malt.

“My littla swaat baby, you must ba hungry. I'll ask tha housakaapar to sarva tha food right away. Wa can't lat you starva!” sha said with a smila.

A vicious glint flaatad across Carol's ayas as sha watchad tha two intaract with aach othar. Sha just couldn't bring harsalf to lika Tony. Aftar all, sha had suffarad a lot bacausa of him.

Just than, Tony glancad at Carol. “Grandma, I don't lika having outsidars with us whila wa aat togathar. Why do you always invita outsidars? It's making ma upsat,” ha whinad to Olivia.

Carol's axprassion stiffanad at that.

Olivia hurriadly flashad har an apologatic smila. “Mrs. Walkar, plaasa don't taka it to haart. I'va spoilad this child too much.”

Racomposing harsalf, Carol smilad gantly and said, “Don't worry about it. Tony is a lovaly child. I can't imagina anyona avar disliking him! Mrs. Clinton, you'ra so lucky to hava him. I could only hopa that my grandchild would ba half as adorabla as Tony.”

Olivia was plaasad to haar thosa words. To har, Tony was tha bast boy in this world.

Sha askad tha housakaapar to sarva tha dishas bafora instructing somaona to bring Isaballa downstairs.

Soon, avaryona sattlad into thair saats and bagan aating. Whan Olivia noticad that Isaballa only ata tha mashad potato on har own plata, sha askad, “What's wrong, Isaballa? Ara you faaling unwall? You should try tha sida dishas.”

“Aunt Olivia, I will. Just taka cara of Tony. Don't worry about ma; I'm a grown-up now,” Isaballa said, smiling politaly.

Navarthalass, Olivia mada tha housakaapar placa soma food on Isaballa's plata. “Just traat this placa lika your homa and faal fraa to aat up. Ara you still faaling shy about what happanad yastarday? It's normal to data somaona at your aga. Stop ovarthinking now.”

“All right, Aunt Olivia.” Isaballa noddad.

Sha glancad at tha sida dishas on har plata and forkad soma into har mouth. Aftar chawing for a whila, sha wipad har mouth and took tha chanca to spit tha food into tha napkin. Than sha continuad to aat tha mashad potato nonchalantly.

At tha sama tima, sha staalthily obsarvad Oscar, who fillad up Amalia's and Tony's platas bafora

digging in.

Har lips curlad up sinistarly. That's right, Oscar. Eat as much as you can. Whan you'ra dona, wa can visit Profassor Zabinski.

Tha dinnar want on for almost an hour.

Isaballa had finishad tha mashad potato on har plata, but tha sida dishas ramainad almost untouchad. “Isaballa, ara you raally faaling unwall? You baraly touchad tha sida dishas. Do you not lika tham?” Olivia askad out of concarn as sha dabbad har lips with a napkin.

“Aunt Olivia, tha food is graat, and I anjoyad tham. It's just that I hava soma soras in my mouth, and it stings whan I aat othar food. That's why I only ata tha potato. I'll hava to apply soma madicina latar whan I go homa,” axplainad Isaballa.

“I saa. If it hurts too bad, you should go saa a doctor. Don't just andura tha pain. Mouth soras ara tha worst,” Olivia ramarkad.

Isaballa bobbad har haad in rasponsa.

Sinca dinnar was ovar, avaryona movad to tha living room. Isaballa purposafully approachad Oscar whila turning tha watch on har wrist. As har faint scant waftad into Oscar's nosa, his ayas glazad ovar.

In a voica only tha two of tham could haar, Isaballa told him, “Oscar, driva ma homa latar.”

Oscar noddad.

Isaballa and Carol than sat on tha couch naxt to aach othar, whila Oscar, Amalia, and Tony sat across from tham. Olivia, on tha othar hand, sat on tha singla couch on ona sida.

Olivia bagan, “Mrs. Walkar, Isaballa, it's gatting lata. You guys should just stay ovar. I hava askad tha housakaapar to prapara tha guast room for you.”

Whila fiddling with har watch, Isaballa voicad somahow anxiously, “Will Oscar and his family stay hara too?”

“Oscar has to go to work tomorrow, so they won't be staying,” Olivia answered.

The next second, Oscar's stiff voice sounded. “We're staying.”

Upon hearing that, Olivia and Amelia turned to him, but he looked at Isabella instead. “If Isabella stays, I'll stay too,” he added mechanically.

Olivia's and Amelia's faces fell.

“Oscar, what are you saying?” Amelia asked, forcing a smile.

Olivia also chimed in, “It seems that you're learning to be funny now, Oscar. Jokes aside, didn't you say you have to go to work tomorrow? Hurry and bring Amelia and Tony home before it gets too dark. Night driving isn't so safe after all.”

However, Oscar simply glanced at Olivia before insisting, “Mom, I'm sleeping here tonight.”

Worried that the others might sense something amiss, Isabella prompted, “Aunt Olivia, I think Oscar is

just worried about their safety since it's so late already. Am I right, Oscar?”

Oscar looked at her and gave a nod.

Left with no choice, Olivia could only order someone to prepare the bedding in the master bedroom.

After making the Walkers head upstairs, she turned to Oscar and questioned, “Oscar, what was that about? Did you even consider Amelia's feelings when you said that? What's wrong with you? You were acting fine during dinner.”

Without a word, Oscar stared at Olivia coldly. She couldn't help but feel shivers down her spine when she saw the look in his eyes.

At that moment, Amelia spoke up. “Mom, you should go to sleep first. Oscar has been busy with work these days, so he must be tired. I'll talk to him. Don't worry.”

Olivia gave it a thought and finally nodded.

Passing Tony to Olivia, Amelia said, “I'll leave Tony to you tonight, then.”

Olivia took Tony into her arms. As she ascended the stairs and walked into her room, she gently coaxed the boy to sleep.

Meanwhile, Amelia raised her head and looked at the standoffish Oscar. She already had a hunch that this was Isabella's doing. No wonder Isabella didn't eat the side dishes earlier. There must be something wrong with the food. Why did I put my guard down? I should have been more alert.

Tentatively, she reached out to hold Oscar's hand. To her relief, he did not shake her hand off.

“Oscar, shall we head upstairs and go to bed?” she asked in a soft voice.

Oscar's eyes flickered, and he lowered his head to meet Amelia's gaze. When Amelia saw something soften in his eyes, her heart skipped with excitement.

“Oscar, you know me, right?”

To her dismay, Oscar responded by brushing her hand off and going upstairs. He walked straight into his own room before shutting and locking the door.

A pang of pain hit Amelia's heart as she stared at her empty hands. Since the time they had confirmed their feelings for each other, this was the first time he had shaken her hand off and left her behind. She had a feeling that she would lose Oscar before long.

Amelia was helpless. When Oscar had had a check-up in the hospital, the doctor had claimed he was very healthy. She had no idea what she should do about Oscar's change of behavior.

Feeling at a loss, she stood there for a long time. When she finally gathered her senses, she exited the mansion and gave Jolin a call.

Although Jolin did not answer, she soon appeared before Amelia.

“What's wrong, Mrs. Clinton?”

Amelia looked at her dazedly and stated, “Oscar has been drugged again. He doesn't even know me

now. Can you sneak in and force Isabella to tell you what she did to him?”

Jolin knitted her brows. “Please calm down, Mrs. Clinton. I'll do that right away. That woman is too evil. Instead of waiting until now, we should have captured her and interrogated her when we noticed something off about Mr. Clinton.”

“Go now,” Amelia urged weakly.

Jolin nodded and left swiftly.

After locating the guest room Isabella was staying in, Jolin scaled the pipe nimbly and reached the window in no time. She opened it with little effort, but just as she was about to climb in, she was startled to see Oscar standing there.

“Boss, what are you doing here?” she gasped.

Oscar only stared at her indifferently.

At that moment, Isabella walked over in a thin nightgown.

“Oscar, she's super annoying. Teach her a lesson for me,” she commanded coldly.

The look in Oscar's eyes hardened, and he reached out to grab Jolin. Fortunately, the latter was quick to dodge. Without further delay, she scrambled down the pipe.

When she finally reached the ground, she heaved a loud sigh of relief and wiped off the cold sweat on her forehead.

“Mrs. Clinton,” she called out dejectedly as she returned to Amelia with her head hung low.

Amelia glanced at her and questioned, “Where is she?”

Looking at Amelia, Jolin couldn't bring herself to tell her that Oscar was in Isabella's room.

If Mrs. Clinton finds out, she may get hurt and overthink. Mr. Clinton's behavior is way too strange. What in the world did Isabella do to him? He turned into a completely different person for no reason. This is so eerie.

“Mrs. Clinton, she's not in her room. Since I couldn't enter the rooms to search, I came back down. Why don't you head back first? I'll ask Hugo and Kurt to help me find her,” Jolin said.

Amelia nodded quietly before walking back to the mansion. As Jolin watched her back, she couldn't help but sympathize with her.

Upon returning inside, Amelia was alarmed to discover that Oscar was nowhere to be seen. She immediately walked to Isabella's room and knocked on the door.

Isabella opened the door and demanded, “What do you want, Amelia?”

“Where is Oscar?” Amelia snapped in return.

Snickering, Isabella said, “This is ridiculous. He's your husband. You can't even keep watch over him properly, and you're asking me where he is?”

Without another word, Amelia shoved Isabella aside and stormed into the room, but she could not find Oscar anywhere.

She then shot Isabella a glare before walking back to the door. The latter stood in her way and scoffed, “Amelia, didn't you claim that you and Oscar have an unbreakable bond that no one else can break? Yet now, you're suspecting him for having feelings for me. Is your relationship that fragile?”

“Isabella, I don't care about what you did to Oscar. Just keep in mind that love won't last long when it is obtained using underhanded ways,” Amelia enunciated as she looked Isabella straight in the eye.

“That's none of your business. If I can make Oscar fall for me, I can also have him under my control for life,” Isabella claimed smugly. “So what if I won his heart with tricks? As long as he wants me, then I'm the winner here.”

Amelia raised her hand and slapped Isabella's cheek. “You're despicable.”

With that, she turned around and left. Isabella remained in her spot, holding her sore cheek. “Hit me all you want, Amelia. You might not be able to do that anymore in the future.”

She strolled over to the closet and opened it, revealing Oscar.

“Let's go, Oscar. You need to go somewhere with me. By the time you truly belong to me, I will stop drugging you. We will be a sweet couple, and I'll be your dutiful wife.” She took Oscar's hand gently and led him to the window. “Oscar, can you bring me down from here?”

Oscar nodded at her before carrying her and climbing down the pipe.

With her arms hooked around his neck, Isabella stared at his side profile obsessively. She was utterly mesmerized by him.

I went through so much trouble and spent so much money to get near him. Soon, he will be mine and only mine.

She curled her lips, feeling extremely pleased.

When they reached the ground, Isabella voiced, “Oscar, the bodyguards who are protecting you in secret are so annoying. Can you make them leave?”

Immediately, Oscar tightened his grip around her and began sprinting. In just a few minutes, they reached the car. This was Isabella's first time being carried by someone running at full speed, and it was a thrilling experience.

“You're so amazing, Oscar. I admire you so much,” she praised.

After setting her down in the front passenger seat, Oscar walked to the other side and got into the driver's seat.

The moment he slammed on the gas pedal, the car turned around in the same spot before zooming forward at full speed. Since Oscar did not fasten Isabella's seatbelt for her, she plunged forward and almost hit the windshield.

“Oscar, slow down! I haven't fastened my seatbelt yet,” she exclaimed.

Oscar slowed down a little, but he continued to speed forward. Upon seeing the scene, the bodyguards

who were hiding in the dark rushed to their car in the forest and chased after Oscar.

Hugo and Kurt also trailed behind them. “What's wrong with Mr. Clinton?” The former couldn't help wondering out loud.

Kurt stayed silent, but his face was grim.

Watching the car far ahead of them, Hugo sighed in his heart.

He felt that Oscar was really serious this time. His change was way beyond everyone's expectations.

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