Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael)

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


you think that it’s that easy? You want me to just let go?” Nadia asked Bella angrily. If it was so easy, she won’t be here right now. But Nadia has invested too much in this.

She is too caught up in her own delusions. She already told herself that she’s going to be the Luna. When that dream crashed, she really had no idea how to go on with her life.

“Actually yes, I think it’s that easy. As long as you’re determined to let go of someone, although it will hurt, it won’t be impossible. But you’re not willing to let go. You’re still stubbornly trying to hold on to him” Bella told Nadia. She really didn’t understand Nadia’s obsession. Isn’t it just letting go of someone who doesn’t love you at all?

Nadia realized that she’s right. She is the one who doesn’t want to let go of Axiel at all. And why should she let go of him? He is hers! He should be hers! She has been waiting for him for so long especially since after his parents died! She was with him through his darkest period so why should she give up now when he’s fine? What does that make her?

Why should someone else, and an unknown wolf from another pack at that, just come in and take whatever should be hers?

She should be his Luna! His Luna can only be her, Nadia!

‘Why should I let go of Axiel? He is supposed to be mine!” Nadia yelled angrily. She had already finished the bottle and Bella placed another bottle in front of her.

But he doesn’t want you. He already accepted another wolf as his mate and the ceremony is in a few weeks. She vill become his Luna then. You really need to give up on him and find your own

mate” Bella told Nadia. She eally wanted Nadia to stop this obsession and find her own happiness. She will never be truly happy if she eeps doing this.

No! I absolutely can’t give up! I won’t be giving up! He has to be mine. And what mate? That Jenna is such a eak wolf! How can she even compete with me?” Nadia asked Bella.

She may be weak but Axiel still accepted her. And I’m sure that he’s going to protect her. So you should back >wn when you still can. Don’t get yourself into trouble because of someone who doesn’t even belong to you. ɔw tell me, what are you so angry about? Is it just because of Axiel’s rejection or is there a second reason that

u haven’t told me” Bella asked me. NôvelDrama.Org content.


Emergency calls only OM

Chapter 22

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“It’s all because of that weak wolf Acellat How dare she look down on me?” Hadia ranted to Bella. She had met Axiel’s sister Acella before she met Axiel. She didn’t tell Axiel about it because she knows that Acella won’t tell but she’s still mad.

She really didn’t like Acella at all. From day one, she made it clear that she doesn’t want her with her brother.

“Look down on you? How exactly did this happen?” Bella asked Nadia

“I went to see Axiel today but then I bumped into her. I just wanted to put her in her place but then she seemed to have changed over night! She isn’t so easy to bully anymore! How can a weak wolf stand up to me? Wh you think could have happened to her?” Nadia asked, sharing her worries with Bella.

The way Acella reacted today really left her shocked. She has never reacted like this before. When Nadia first met her, she was easily bullied and timid. She didn’t even dare to look at Nadia before. Why did she change so much?

But then today, she suddenly stood up to me and talked back to Nadia! nadia even felt that she was stronger than she was before. Of course she isn’t as strong as she is. But she is definitely stronger than she was before!

“What exactly do you mean?” Bella asked Nadia.

“What do you think can make a weak wolf change all of a sudden? She wasn’t like this before. Before she used to be so scared of me…she didn’t even dare to say anything to me at all! But then all of a sudden she’s changed. Today when I tried to grab her hand,I could feel that she was stronger that she was before. What might have happened?” Nadia asked Bella.

“Maybe she’s training? I’ve heard that weak wolves can become stronger if they train hard enough. Who knows? Maybe she wants to perform her role as Axiel’s sister well and so she decided to get training” Bella said to her.

Why will anyone want to train a weak wolf like Acella? Does she even have the potential to become stronger?!

“She can never be as strong as I am. What is she training for? She should give up and scram back to being Axiel’s sister and a dumb little wolf. She should leave the position of taking care of the pack

with Axiel to someone who can really handle it. Someone like me” Nadia said arrogantly. No one can be as good for the position of Luna as she is.

Why can’t the moon goddess and Axiel see that? Why do they have to pick an annoying wolf like Jenna who’s way beneath me?

“Nadia, I’m going to tell you this as a friend. I really think that you should give up and live your own life. I think


Emergency calls only

Chapter 22

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that you are playing with fire and that it’s all going to backfire in the future. I really don’t want anything to happen to you. Can’t you just give it up now?” Bella asked Nadia.

“Do you really think that I can just give up? I’ve been waiting for so long! I have to be Axiel’s Lunal That has been my dream for as long as I can remember. How do you expect me to just give up on my dreams? Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing” Nadia said. She has to make sure that she becomes the Luna.

As for Acella, she’s still not as strong as me although she is stronger than before. I’m sure that I’ll still be able to defeat her in a fight.

Well, whatever you say. You are the one who owns your life. You can do whatever you want with it. Let’s go hopping.”


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