Loving You Too Long

Chap 89

The next day, Nathan’s parents came along with Gilbert. Nathan’s mother was clearly ecstatic when she found Haisley, joyfully embracing her tightly. The same joy was evident in Haisley’s mother as well, as the women who had been friends for years finally came together. Nevertheless, a hint of sadness could still be seen on Haisley’s face, though not too prominently.

They then discussed their plans for the next day, including the blessing, the pastor, the wedding venue, and the post-celebration feast. While the parents were discussing the tight schedule, Haisley took the opportunity to inform her two friends about her hastily arranged wedding the next day.

Abigail and Flavia were clearly surprised by the news. Abigail even bluntly asked if Haisley was pregnant out of wedlock. However, Haisley firmly replied ‘no’ to her friend and briefly recounted what had actually happened to her and Nathan, leading to their decision to get married quickly.

“If you want,” Flavia said in her usual soft tone, “you can have the blessing and reception here.” She offered. Yes, Flavia did have a family villa in Miami, currently inhabited only by her and Abigail.

“There are people here who can help you, whether it’s with food or just light tasks like decoration. And there are plenty of rooms here, so you can stay together as a family. Abigail and I can take one of the rooms, and you’re free to use the others,” she continued.

Haisley felt embarrassed to accept her friend’s invitation, but then Abigail spoke up. “If this has anything to do with the crazy woman, you guys definitely need to be more careful,” she said firmly. “Here, security is clearly controlled, and you can feel at ease without worrying about the main criminal showing up during the event.”

“Besides, what’s the problem? This place is spacious. Even if your family and Nathan’s family gather together, there’s still enough room to breathe,” she added, making Haisley chuckle.

“Alright, I’ll try discussing it with the others,” said Haisley, receiving an enthusiastic response from her two friends. Haisley then informed her family about the offer from her two friends, with Gilbert being the most enthusiastic about the suggestion.

“That makes sense. Plus, we can take a break from that psycho woman. And if Flavia says it’s safe there, then that’s probably the truth,” Gilbert added.

In the evening, they entered the gates of Quirino’s residence. Flavia and Abigail welcomed Haisley and her family with enthusiasm. Abigail and Flavia already knew Haisley’s family as they attended the same school. Despite their different beliefs, they got along very well.

Flavia and Abigail suddenly became tour guides for Haisley and Nathan’s family. The large villa, consisting of three main buildings and one common building, left Haisley and her family in awe.

“Uncle and auntie, and everyone, you can choose to stay in any room you like. Via made sure everything is cleaned, and the bathroom supplies are complete,” Flavia said warmly. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Nathan’s parents, Nathan, and Gilbert chose the building that was Lucas’s residence, Flavia’s first uncle. Meanwhile, Haisley and her family chose to stay in Erhan’s residence, Flavia’s second uncle. Flavia and Abigail themselves stayed in Antony’s residence, Flavia’s father.

After everyone got their respective rooms, they gathered again in the common building. They assembled in the living room and resumed planning for the next day. Abigail suggested having the blessing by the pool, which had a direct view of the ocean. Juan said he could ask his friend to provide all the decoration needs for a small reception. Haisley’s brother-in-law also assured them that he would prepare food for a simple feast for their family.

Meanwhile, Aunt Monica, Nathan’s mother, would prepare clothes for the two brides, which, despite being last-minute, they would surely acquire. Abigail, Haisley’s friend and a professional model, offered to assist Haisley and her future mother-in-law in getting what they needed. She had connections with some designers who had boutiques in Miami.

Everything was quickly taken care of. With Abigail’s help, Haisley and the women finally got the dresses they needed, while the men prepared their attire with Juan’s assistance.

“If only your friends shared our faith. I would be happy to have one of them as a daughter-in-law,” Aunt Monica’s words made Haisley smile at that moment. Yes, if only Abigail or Flavia shared their faith, one of them would likely become Aunt Monica’s daughter-in-law. But perhaps it would turn into a love triangle, considering Gilbert loved Flavia, while Abigail loved Gilbert.

If Gilbert ended up with Flavia, there would be a distance between Flavia and Abigail. That’s why Haisley was thankful that they didn’t share her faith. She didn’t want the strong friendship, now bound by marriage (Flavia’s father married Aunt Abigail), to turn sour because of one man.

That night, when everyone had returned to their respective rooms, Haisley could only lie silently in her room, listening to the sound of waves and the wind entering through her open window.

Tomorrow, she wouldn’t be Haisley Smith anymore. Instead, she would become Haisley Chayton. Yes, the dream she had been building would finally become a reality.

Happy? Of course, that’s what Haisley felt. But more than that, she felt scared about what would happen in the future – her future and Nathan’s. Because their problems were clearly just beginning.

Morning approached swiftly. Haisley, who had slept dreamlessly, felt like she had closed her eyes for only a few minutes. But hours had passed, and now she was facing the makeup artists who were friends of Abigail, ready to turn her into a queen for the day.

Haisley underwent instant pampering throughout the day. Somehow, it seemed like a salon had relocated to her friend’s residence. She and the women underwent comprehensive body treatments, each handled by an expert. Facial treatments, body scrubs, and even nail and hair care were all part of their day. Haisley could only murmur her thanks to her two friends for all the special treatment. However, they just responded with a casual shrug.

From behind the curtain of her window – because her mother and future mother-in-law forbade her from being seen by anyone – Haisley observed the pool area transformed into a wedding blessing venue. An altar was placed facing the ocean, adorned with thin curtains and beautiful fresh flowers.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

A distance from the altar were chairs draped with fabrics matching the altar curtains. These were tied with simple yet beautiful flower knots. The chairs were divided into two sections with a path in the middle adorned with a sprinkle of beautiful flowers. On the sides, poles were set up, each with flower arrangements at the top.

Simple yet still beautiful and awe-inspiring. Haisley never imagined receiving a wedding blessing in such a beautiful place. Because just yesterday, all that was in her mind was getting married in front of a pastor, witnessed by her family, wearing simple clothes.

But look at her now. Haisley wore a beautiful knee-length white dress – Abigail suggested to avoid looking too short – with seven-centimeter heels. Her shoulders were wide open with balloons on both sides. Her hair was beautifully styled, adorned with a beautiful tiara on top, supporting her floor-length bridal veil.

A bouquet of white roses was held in her hands. Haisley truly felt like a princess at this moment. Plus, her subtly applied makeup made her look fresh, not making others forget her usual face.

“Wow…” The exclamation made Haisley glance at the owner of the voice.

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