Luna On The Run!

I’m trapped!

Luna Ariel’s POINT OF VIEW again

In a relaxed atmosphere the Alpha and I return to our quarters.

We had a nice chat at the table about all sorts of topics, drastic events in other packs, Alphas who are now mated and also his ambitions for a seat on the Council. We deliberately avoided the subject of Gorgio in order to maintain a friendly mood.

Our time together has proved that we can be friends. Nothing more. And when he kisses me at my bedroom door, I can’t resist comparing it to Gorgio. The sparks are there, but again not enough to ignite the pull.

“See you tomorrow, my Luna,” Zane whispers in my ear and I nod distantly. There is no point in encouraging him, this relationship is meaningless. When I want to move away from him, he seems to remember something.

“The time has come to make our relationship public. Tomorrow I have a meeting with Alpha Remus in Silver Bow. Several Alphas and Lunas will be there as well. I will take you with me and introduce you as my mate,” he declares firmly. There is no point in getting into another argument with him, so I nod indifferently.

With a wave, I go into my bedroom and close the door.

In the bathroom, I take a shower, sure that he is following my actions with his were-hearings. And I want to act as normal as possible so as not to arouse his suspicions. Making a lot of noise, I go back into the bedroom and put on some dark clothes. Then I throw myself onto the bed, making it creak a little.

And now it’s time to wait for the right hour. I check my phone and see that I have at least another hour before my private operation. Surely Zane will be asleep by then. I have no intention of taking anything with me, besides, everything I have here is largely bought with Zane’s money. I don’t want any of it with me when I get back to Eclipse Howl.

With my hands behind my head, I begin to fantasize about my pup’s arrival. I know my father hopes we will get enough so that one of them can take over his pack. The oldest boy will naturally succeed Gorgio, and if there are more, one of them might decide to fulfill his grandfather’s wish.

Although Gorgio already suspected that I was pregnant, the confirmation would definitely put him in a mood of euphoria. We deliberately put off starting a family in order to spend more time together. But in the last few months, our desire to see our love reflected in a little pup has sparked.

And when Gorgio mentioned the pregnancy, his eyes lit up with joy. If our son has the same blonde-brown curls, determination and intelligence as his father, I will be more than pleased. A feeling of pride comes over me, making my mate happy gives me so much satisfaction.

Looking at my phone again, I realize it is time. Carefully, I get up and walk to the window.

From there, I can overlook the car park and indeed I see an SUV parked there, as the Beta had promised. I go back to the bathroom to drink some water, the last thing I need right now is to get sick.

‘Gorgio, love. I am leaving the packhouse now. If all goes well, I should be at the border in about fifteen minutes. The Beta kept its word, the car is ready’.

‘Please be careful, baby. Jace, Alvin and I are already here waiting for you. We arrived an hour ago. Come soon, my love’. He sounds worried but happy. Silently, I open the window, jump out and walk along a protruding roof to the drainpipe. This is nothing new for me: When I was a little girl, Alexis and I used to drive my mother to madness by climbing trees and drainpipes. So this is a small thing to do.

After descending a few floors, I landed safely on the ground. I sat down for a moment to scan the area but soon realized that it was silent. Cautiously, I make my way to the vehicle, my dark clothes almost merging me with the night. The door is open and I find the key in the storage compartment.

The engine starts almost without a sound and I drive at a slow pace onto the main road of the pack. It is completely deserted, not a chicken on the road. I turn onto the dirt road to the west, just as the Beta had described. It is pitch dark and now that I am driving without lights I have to be extra careful. The road is new to me and I don’t want to end up crashing into a tree.

I finally reach the junction and breathe a sigh of relief.

I park the car and look around with my were-sight. It is dead quiet around me, not even the wind is blowing. Excitement bubbles up inside me, only a short distance to cover and I will be out of this pack that feels like a prison every day.

Zane will have to accept his fate and find another mate anyway. Stubbornly insisting on a love triangle when there is no pull will lead to the destruction of all our lives. And I have to think of my pup’s welfare now. He and I are better off with Gorgio, his father.

‘Babe, I’m already at the crossroads. Just a little further and I’ll be with you,’ I tell Gorgio in the mind link.

‘I’m waiting, my love. Still here.’

I get out and close the doors.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

And just as my hands go to the hem of my blouse to pull it over my head, the surroundings light up. Four pairs of headlights shine down on me.

My eyes widen in horror, and I remain rooted to my spot. And then I knew my plan had backfired.

“Where do you think you’re going, Ariel? Were you planning on leaving without telling me?” it sounds menacing.


How did he find out about my escape? Has the Beta ratted me out?

Before I know it, I feel something closing around my neck.

A choke! I know these, my father has them in his dungeon.

It restricts the werewolves’ abilities. Mind linking and shifting are now impossible.

I’m trapped!..

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