Madam Escaped Again Sir

Chapter 1399

Chapter 1399

"Everything's fine now," Toby stated.

However, that was not a good enough answer for Charles who was red with fury. Even his eyes were bloodshot. "What the hell have you been doing, Toby? When I chose to let go of Sonny, I told you that since she chose you, you need to make sure you protect her and keep her from getting hurt again. Well, what have you done, huh? You couldn't even protect the child she's carrying! She was nearly in danger! Did you even bother to keep her safe?"

Charles' tirade left Toby with a nasty expression. "What do you know, huh? You don't even know anything, and yet you're trying to criticize me. It doesn't make you seem any better. It just shows how dumb you are."

"Why, you…" Charles fumed through gritted teeth. It was a while before he could take a deep breath and force himself to calm down. "Fine. It's true that I don't know anything, but what I do know is that Sonny was hurt under your care. Tell me which room you're in right now, Toby. I want to see Sonny. Don't even think about saying that I'm not allowed to go in. I'm the one who grew up with Sonny. I'm like a brother to her. I have every right to see her."

Toby couldn't refute Charles on that.

After all, Charles had indeed grown up with Sonia. Even though she didn't love him romantically, she did treat him like a brother and trusted him very much.

Based on this alone, Toby wasn't in a position to stop the two from seeing each other.

Most importantly, it would be good to have Charles' help in consoling Sonia when she woke up.

Thus, Toby gave Charles the room number without saying anything else.

Charles hung up and started heading over.

As Toby had informed the staff of Charles' arrival, the latter was able to make his way to Sonia's ward easily enough.

When he saw Sonia lying on the hospital bed looking ghostly pale and hooked up to an IV drip, he was heartbroken. He stormed over to Toby and grabbed him by the collar before hoisting him out of the chair. "Toby Fuller!"

Toby leveled a cold stare at Charles. He didn't fight back, but he showed no fear either. It was as if he wasn't being manhandled.

On the other hand, Mary was alarmed. "Please don't do this, Mr. Lane. Please let go of Young Master Toby. He only just had surgery and he hasn't fully recovered yet. Are you sure you can bear the consequences if something were to happen to him? Most importantly, how are you going to face Young Mistress Sonia when she wakes up?" NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Her words managed to knock some sense into Charles, and he shoved Toby away.

Toby had to take a step back to regain his balance. He calmly adjusted his collar and said, "It's only for Little Leaf's sake that I'm not holding your disrespectful attitude against you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be walking out of here in one piece after what you did to me."

"Should I be thanking you?" Charles sneered.

Toby didn't even bother looking at Charles. He headed for the door instead. "That won't be necessary. A ward is where the patient rests. It's not some place for you to cause a ruckus. If you want to know what happened to Little Leaf, then come with me. Mary, keep an eye on things here and let me know as soon as Little Leaf wakes up."

"I will, Young Master Toby." Mary nodded firmly.

Charles glanced at Mary and then at Sonia, who was still unconscious. In the end, he followed Toby out of the room.

Since Toby said that Sonia was fine, Charles didn't feel the need to wait in the room. It was more important for him to find out what happened.

Charles went out and saw Toby waiting for him at the end of the corridor. He hurried over and stopped in front of Toby. "You can tell me what happened now, right?"

"Do you know who Little Leaf's biological parents are?" Toby asked.

Charles frowned. "How would I know that?"

"Mrs. Lane knows," Toby informed Charles.

Charles froze. "My mom knows?"

Toby hummed noncommittedly.

Soon, Charles regained his composure and said, "Well, so what if she knows? Why should I care about her parents who abandoned her? I just want to know what happened to Sonny, so why are you bringing up something unnecessary?"

"It would've been a good thing if Sonia's biological parents had indeed abandoned her. In that case, she wouldn't have been crushed, fainted, and nearly lost the baby after finding out her real identity. However, her parents didn't abandon her. It was Henry who stole her from her parents." Toby looked straight at Charles.

Charles' expression hardened. "What did you say? Mr. Henry stole Sonny? Mr. Henry only stole one child, and that was Titus Gray's daughter. You can't be saying that… Sonny is…"

His voice cracked.

Toby nodded. "That's right. It's just as you've deduced. Sonia is Titus' daughter. She's the real Rina Gray."

"How's that possible?" Charles' voice was an octave higher than normal as he exclaimed in disbelief. "How did Sonny become Rina? What about the current Rina then? Sonny said she saw the DNA test that this Rina did with Titus and his wife with her own eyes! How could it be fake? Don't come up with these lies to fool me, Toby."

"Ask your mother and you'll know whether or not I'm lying to you. She was one of the first people to know that Sonia is Titus' daughter. As for the current Rina, she's Taylor Carey, the Careys' real daughter. The DNA test results came out that way because she didn't use her hair. She used Sonia's hair."

"How could this be?" Charles couldn't calm down.

He kept running his fingers through his increasingly messy hair as he wrestled with the revelation. "How did Sonny become Rina Gray all of a sudden?"

No wonder Sonny fainted. Anyone would've fainted if they found out about something like this.

She'd grown up in a happy, loving family. Even though her mother died young, her father doted on her greatly and raised her with care. She grew up to be a righteous and kind-hearted woman. Furthermore, she had no idea that she wasn't related to her parents by blood. She always thought she was their biological child.

Then, out of the blue, a bad guy destroyed her family and caused her father's death. She became filled with resentment and swore to get revenge. All along, she had been working toward that goal.

Yet, at this very moment, someone told her that she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. The target of her vengeance was instead. Who wouldn't have a breakdown if this happened to them?

She went from being the daughter of a loving, caring family to the daughter of her enemy. How ironic is that?

Should she still take revenge?

If she did, it meant that she was condemning her biological parents, but if she didn't, how would she be able to avenge the parents who raised her?

It was a difficult question with seemingly no answer. Anyone would crumble if they were put in this position.

This was the very situation that Sonia was in now.

"Damn it!" Charles punched the wall. His eyes were wild with rage. "How did everything turn out like this? How could Sonny be Titus' daughter?"

"After stealing Little Leaf away from the Grays, Henry kept her by his side. At the time, his wife was tormented over the loss of their daughter and was a little mentally unstable, so Henry gave Little Leaf to her. With Little Leaf by Mrs. Reed's side, the last two years of her life were blissful, and it was thanks to those two years that Henry began treating Little Leaf as if she was his own daughter," Toby said plainly.

Ever since then, Sonia became the Reeds' daughter.

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