Mafia Desire

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Ava"s POV

I felt a pair of hands around my shoulders, shaking me awake. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, feeling extremely nauseous and light headed. "Ava wake up." I heard a familiar voice say, Travis.

A surge of energy flew through me when everything came back too me. I shot my eyes wide open and looked around, from where I was. I was still in the waiting room but instead of on the floor with Travis I was on a bench, in-between Travis and Seb.

Tears slowly made their way to my eyes and I felt my body start too shake again as I slowly looked up too where Travis was. "Hey, its okay Ava." Travis said, looking me in the eye and stroking my shoulder with his thumb.

I had never cried this much in my life. not with Sylvester, not when Andrew broke my heart... twice but I couldn't fathom a life worth living now that Andrew had come back into my life. I couldn't have him leave me again.

"He is dead isn't he?” I sobbed, looking into Traviss sad eyes. "No, Ru-" He started but I started running too reception as soon as I heard Travis say that Andrew was alive. "Jayson, where is he?" I yelled, trying to calm myself from the excessive amount of shaking and crying.

"Room 101, third door on the left." The lady replied, pointing to a pair of doors. I heard Travis calling after me but I ignored it and ran through the doors and into the busy hallway. I sprinted as fast as my feet could carry me too the room where Andrew was in.

I found the room and stopped right outside of it, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself before I finally walked inside. A weight was lifted off my shoulders but at the same time I felt a tightening in my chest when I saw him, laying on the hospital bed.

Countless wires and tubes were connected to his body with machines beeping next to him, his cheeks were hollow with almost no colar in his lips, his body looked drained and his chest was slowly rising and falling.

He was alive but it looked as if at any minute he could die.

I walked over to the side of the bed and sat down on the chair that was placed on the left side of him. I entwined my hands inte his. I felt myself shiver at the touch of his hands due too how cold and lifeless his hand felt.

I placed my head on the side of his shoulder and stopped crying. trying to calm myself now that I knew he was okay. "Ava." Seb softly said, entering his room.

I lifted my head and looked up at him, "Is he going to be okay?" I asked, holding my breath for his answer.

"The bullet missed his heart by an inch but he lost an enormous amount of blood.” He said, looking down at the floor.

"The doctors said that he will be asleep for a while but he could easily die in the next few hours.” Seb continued. My heart clenched and I tried to steady my breathing.

"Thank you." I said, softly. Seb nodded his head and exited the room and most likely joined Travis in the waiting room. I looked back at Andrew and squeezed his hand softly, "Please stay with me. I need you in my life.” I said, praying for a reply.

But alas I got nothing but Andrews soft breaths, which was enough for me. I rested my hand on his and watched his chest rise and fall making sure at all times he was still alive.

A few hours later I had still not stopped watching him but I heard a noise from the door and directed my attention off of Andrew and too the noise Before what sounded like footsteps could get any further I drew my gun from my thigh holster and pointed it at the man in the doorway.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw the gun I had that was aimed straight at his chest. I slowly started to observe him, he had a white coat, a blue outfit underneath and a clipboard that he was now hanging onto for dear life.

"Show me proof of employment.” I said, still skeptical of him.

"O-okay.” He said, slowly reaching into his pocket.

"I will fucking shoot you if you try anything." I yelled, wrapping my finger around the trigger. "P-please d-don't." He said, putting his hand back up in surrender.

I heard running footsteps coming from the hall and my senses instantly heightened. I grabbed the gun harder and was ready to shoot whoever came down the hall

“Ava, what the hell are you doing?" Travis panted, coming from the hall. I furrowed my eyebrows and lowered my gun. "Do you want to get shot?" I said, no amusement in my voice. I turned my attention away from Travis and back to the "doctor."

"Show. Me. Your. Badge. Or I will shoot you." I threatened. The doctor nodded his head frantically and reached inte his pocket and pulled out his badge. I walked closer and grabbed the ID from his shaking hands.

"Okay, fine.” I said, motioning for him too take care of Andrew once I had come to the decision that he was a real doctor. The doctor stumbled over too Andrew and started to check his vitals and other stuff.

"Ava, you need ta calm down." Travis said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I tensed under his touch and removed his hand off of my shoulder, glaring at him.

"He is a gang leader. Do you really fucking think that people won't try and kill him.” I whisper yelled.

"Fine, I am just making sure your not in jail when Andrew wakes up." He said, rolling his eyes and directing his attention too Andrew and off of me. "Mhm." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Ava..." He started, again.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

"What?" I asked, walking over to the chair that I was sitting in before.

"There is something I need to tell you." He said, looking at the ground and tensing up his body.

“Your scaring me. What is it?" I asked, worried what Travis was going too tell me.

"Um-" He started but was interrupted by an ear piercing scream

Ava"s POV

I naturally reached down and drew my gun at the sound that had come from behind Travis and me. I wrapped my finger around the trigger but hesitated when all I saw was Travis"s back, hiding whoever it was that made the sound.

"Hello, Ms.Jayson." Travis said, still blocking my eyesight from them.

I dropped my gun and I felt tears stinging my eyes. I shoved Travis out of the way and looked at Veronica, Emily and Dalia. In that moment I forgot that Andrew was on the verge of life or death and I ran too Dalia, picking her up and bringing her inte a bone crushing hug.

"Ava?" She asked, as I was still holding her in my arms.

"Hi, princess.” I said, setting her back down on the floor and looking at her. She had grown a few inches but other then that she looked exactly the same. She looked back at me with a confused expression on her face, “Andrew said I would never see you again." She said, with a small frown on her face.

I sighed, knowing what she was talking about and looked up at Veronica and Emily, who both were in shock from seeing me.

"I know, I left for a while. But I am back now and I am not leaving.” I said, trying best to explain too her. A confused look crossed her face but it quickly turned into a wide smile, “Yay, don"t ever leave again."She said, throwing herself into me. I let out a small laugh and hugged her back.

After a few moments she finally let me go and I stood up and drew my attention too Veronica and Emily. "H-how are you here. Andrew said... he said tha-" Emily started, her hands trembling

"I know, it’s a long story but for another time.” I said, my smile turning back into a straight face after I heard Andrews name and remembering that Andrew was still not with me.

Veronica let out a sigh and pulled me into a tight hug, "I am just glad one of you is alive." She said.

I gave her a tight smile and patted her on the back, missing her but not wanting the thought of Andrew not surviving in my head. She pulled away and I could see in her eyes that she was on the verge of breaking down but she was trying to keep it together for Dalia.

I turned away from Veronica and Emily and back too Andrew's bed, where Dalia was now sitting on with a confused frown on her face. "Why won"t he wake up?” Dalia asked, poking his hollow cheek.

I sighed and heard Veronica tremble next to me. I walked over too Dalia and picked her up, out of Andrew's bed and into my lap, where I sat down next too Andrew.

"He is in a very deep sleep. He got some bad injuries and he needs to heal." I said, feeling my eyes water just looking at Andrew's body. "But he is going to wake up, right?" Dalia asked as a worried look crossed her face. "Yes." I said, trying to sound confident.

Chapter 62 Dalia just nodded her head and continued too look at Andrew with a unsettling look on her face. I turned my head away from Andrew and Dalia too Emily and Veronica, who were both on the verge of breaking down

All of a sudden Travis walked into the room and I thanked the Gods for his perfect timing. "Travis could you take Dalia too go get some food from the cafeteria." I said. giving him a look making sure he knew not to argue with me

He looked around the room and nodded, picking Dalia up off my lap and into his arms as he walked out of the room. I heard Veronica fall to the floor in tears and sobs, as soon as Dalia was out of earshot.

I ran over to her and wrapped her in my embrace, trying my best to comfort her.

"H-he"s too young to die, Ava. He needs to be okay." She sobbed into my arms. I felt tears escaping my eyes and tried my best to hold them in, for Veronicas sake.

"He will be." I stated, knowing I had to be the strong one like Travis and Seb had been for me.

I looked up at Emily who was just staring at Andrew with a unreadable look on her face. I pulled away from Veronica and helped her get off the floor and to Andrew.

I will give you three some privacy." I said, tears threatening to escape my eyes. Both of them nodded but never looked at me. their eyes just on Andrew. I walked out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind me and slouching on the back of the wall.

I closed my eyes and tried to shut out the rest of the world, trying to get a moment of peace but all I saw when I closed my eyes was him. Instead of trying to push him out of my head I just let my mind fly through everything it wanted too.

It went back to the day he first let me in, when he told me about his father. I had never seen him that sentimental and open with me before. When he explained to me that he let go of the grudge he had on his father when he became a better person I knew that he was the most selfless person I knew.

He had moved on from the fact that his father beat him and didn"t love him for Dalia. He let Dalia grow up with a perfect father and never once hated her for that, which was something that I would never be able to do.

I needed him alive but I didn't know if I had the strength to let him back in my life. Even though he apologized and explained everything didn't mean he didn"t do it and I wouldn"t be someone who just forgive him when he almost died.

When he got shoot I knew that all the walls I had built up broke down and all the feelings I had tried to push away came rushing back, but I still didn"t trust him.

Even after I had been with him every step of the way, when he left me for 3 weeks and when I got kidnapped by Robert I never blamed him for any of it and I forgave him. But he broke me beyond repair this time and I truly believe I could never be with him again

"Ava." Seb said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Mhm." I said, opening my eyes.

"He needs you in his life." Seb said, sighing.

"I can"t be in his life." Was all I said before walking back into his room where Dalia, Emily and Veronica were.

"We were just leaving, dear.” Emily said, grabbing Dalias hand and walking out with Veronica in tears not far behind me.

I nodded and waited for them too all leave the room before sitting next to Andrews bed. I closed my eyes and held his hand, arguing with myself about what I was going to do if Andrew woke up.

"Ava." I heard a familiar husky voice say. Ava"s POV


I shot my eyes wide open and stared at a pain or beautiful green eyes that I had missed so much. "Andrew." I trembled, my voice shaky.

He brought his hand too my face and stroked his thumb across my cheek. My breath hitched as his touch gave my stomach butterflies and would send electric sparks throughs my body. I brought my hand too his which was on my face and leaned into his touch, craving it.

"I missed you so much, Kitten." He said, softly.

"Co-" I started, knowing what I had too do

"No, don't please. Ava I can't live without you, you complete me in every way possible. You made me into a better man and without yout am lost: What I did was awful and stupidrand I will never forgive rayself for. what I did too you. But I am soo sorry and I will tell you that everyday for the rest of my life... yeu are the only person that can make me feel anything." He said. Content belongs to

My heart broke at each word and I searched his eyes for any hint of lying but he wasn't. I felt my eyes water and my chest clench at what I was about too say.

"Andrew, I love you with everything in me. You are the only person in this world that saw all of me and showed me how too open up, you taught me that I am not defined by what people do too me. You made me strong and helped me find myself again." I admitted. squeezing his hand.

"But you are also the person that made me distrust everyone, you broke me beyond repair and because ofyou I can't feel anything I anymore-Nrusted you with x everything I had, my body, my saul and my heart but it wasn't enough foryou too trust me back. I fergive your and I will never hate yeu for what you did but in the efd I am still broken and I can't have you fix me just for you too break me all over again." I said, my throat dry from each word I said.

"Ava, pl-" He started, his eyes glossy from what I had just said

"Andrew, I love you but both of us need too let each other go.” I said, interrupting him. I felt my heart break and I finally retracted my hand from his. grasp after I had finished.

"No, please kitten. Please I can’t live without you.” He said, a tear escaping from his eyes as he looked me in the eye.

"Look at me and tell me you can walk away from me. Look at me and tell me you hate me and I will let you go." He continued. My hands became shaking and I could feel my breath stop. "I can"t.” I finally said, looking at the ground.

"Then don"t leave, stay with me. You love me and I love you and that should be enough so please." He begged.

For some reason I let my body stand up from the chair and I walked over too where he was laying. I brought my hand too his face and let it stroke his hair, missing the way his hair feel through my fingers.

I couldnt let him go but I wasn’t sure if I would be with him, I wanted to choose the option that would hurt me the least but in the end I knew both would eventually kill me I just didnt know if I wanted to be alone when I die or with him.

I looked averted my gaze from his hair into his deep green eyes, that were already looking at me, and for that moment there was only him. No hurt, no pain, no betrayal just me and him both in love.

"Ava, I can"t promise that I will never hurt you but I can promise that my love for you will never fade and that you are the only person in this world that I can't live without." He said, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me onto him.

A tear escaped my eyes and all at once I knew that he was enough for me. His and my love was enough for me too stay and that if I was too die he was the only person worth dying for.

“Okay.” I breathed out, my eyes looking straight into his.

“Okay.” He whispered, bringing his face closer to mine.

I felt his lips hovering over mine and my desire fordim only became more. I lovetheverything about him even thowgt he did hurt me more < then anyone had before it was > beauwiul. His pain was something I would never understand butshy héart only belonged to hina-and he was the only person I woald let break it.


I pressed my lips onto his and electricity flew through my body, my body molding perfectly into his. He pressed his lips even harder onto mine, both of us hungry for each other, missing each other. I would never forget that kiss, the kiss that was a silent promise made by both of us.

No matter the hurt or pain our hearts and souls only belonged to each other and that our love was enough...

I basically cried writing this, by far Ava"s and Andrews love story is my favorite. I am going to miss writing about them so much and I hate ending the story here because letting goo of the story is going to be so hard.

But I just want to say if you have stayed through all 61 chapters I love you so much. There will be one more chapter as their ending.

Anyway, I will be writing another hot and steamy story here as a sequel to this but with different characters and i promise you will enjoy it. Thank you all

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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