Devise Strategy

“I swear, if you end up handing over that chip to the M16, your wife’s life will never be saved. You can prove my words.

Kaivan clenched the phone in his hand. It was the second time he had read through the short message sent by Luca.

After midnight, an uninvited guest arrived unexpectedly. This morning, Kaivan once again asked Hans and Dominique to come to his hotel immediately. Once they were in the room, they were all busy discussing the situation regarding Anne, who had recently been discovered to have been captured by Luca’s henchmen.

“So, please tell me the entire sequence of events without any omissions,” Kaivan commanded Noah, who was sitting calmly in front of him.

Asked in this way, instead of immediately speaking, the handsome man remained still. He fell silent for a moment, as if deep in thought. He was unsure where to start in describing the series of events he and Anne had experienced some time ago.

“I beg you…” Kaivan spoke softly again. Without any hesitation, he displayed a deeply pleading expression. “This concerns my wife’s safety.”

Once again, Noah let out a heavy sigh. He straightened his posture and took a sitting position that he found most comfortable before beginning to speak.

“It all began when my father, Giorgino Lopez, received a major assignment. He and his team, including myself, were tasked with investigating several members of the British Parliament suspected of collaborating with a group of Italian mafia,” he recounted. “Initially, everything went smoothly. Thank God, our team even managed to find evidence of which parliament members were involved in the case of illegal arms trade and money laundering. However, midway through, the Sicilian faction caught wind of our investigation. That’s when we were forced to scatter. Unfortunately, one agent was captured.”

“You mean Raul Altemose?” Kaivan confirmed.

Noah immediately nodded, confirming Kaivan’s guess.

“Unfortunately, the Sicilian people managed to locate Raul’s hiding place first. They captured him, tortured him, and then let him go after they got what they wanted.”

“Then why is Anne involved in this matter? And why did you choose me to protect her?”

So many questions swirled in Kaivan’s mind. He was determined to clarify everything down to the root of the problem. Not a single piece of information could be left behind.

“Since we scattered, my father chose to hide in a Scottish military bunker. As for myself, I chose to go to Milan to immediately pick up Anna Maria. Then take her as far away as possible before the Sicilian faction found her—”

“Hold on.” Kaivan interrupted. “You’re M16 secret agents known for being great at fighting enemies. Why scatter instead of returning to headquarters and asking for protection?” Kaivan asked, perplexed. This was a significant question for him.

“Everything isn’t as simple as you imagine,” Noah explained. “A secret agent is not allowed to return to headquarters before their mission is truly complete. Moreover, we can’t apprehend the target if the evidence isn’t fully gathered. MI6 works with careful considerations. Especially in a case like this involving important figures in the country’s parliament. It’s not easy to pass judgment immediately.”

“Alright,” Kaivan replied. “Then, once again, I repeat my question. How did Anne get involved in this mess?”

Noah sighed briefly and then answered once more.

“Anne’s involvement wasn’t intentional. At that time, she was in Milan for work purposes. I intentionally picked her up and took her away with the intention of keeping her out of harm’s way. However, my assumption was wrong. The Sicilian faction found our location first. This is why I had to ask her to seek refuge.”

“And you chose my hotel as the hiding place?”

Noah nodded, agreeing with Kaivan’s words.

“All military circles and the Mafia know that your hotel is one of the neutral areas that can’t be entered by any Mafia. That’s why I gave Anne a chip containing crucial data about the Sicilian case and instructed her to take refuge in your hotel temporarily. Meanwhile, I had to go back into action to gather evidence from the remaining investigation before handing everything over to the M16.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright,” Kaivan said. “Now I understand. So, what’s your purpose for coming back to my hotel? And how did Anne get caught?” Kaivan’s expression changed to a mix of concern and emotion.

“Kaivan, I swear to God, you’re asking too much. Seriously, I don’t have time to explain the entire sequence of events now. In essence, the original chip that the Sicilian side has been targeting is in your hotel. More precisely, in Anne’s room. She intentionally left it here to keep it safe. That’s why I came here, to retrieve it and hand it over to MI6 so they can help save Anne and my father, who are currently in captivity.”

Rather than agreeing with Noah’s plan, Kaivan shook his head firmly, openly rejecting his brother-in-law’s proposal.

“Are you crazy? Handing over that chip now is equivalent to risking Anne’s and your father’s lives. You’ve even indirectly involved me in this big mess. Of course, I won’t stand idly by, especially since Anne is now my wife.”

“No choice.” Noah sighed softly. “That’s how it is with our duty as agents. We have to be willing to sacrifice our families for the country’s interests,” Noah debated, unwilling to back down. As a secret agent working for the country, he was sworn to loyalty and was even ready to sacrifice anything, including family, for the sake of the nation.

Kaivan let out a frustrated sound. He truly disagreed with Noah’s plan.

“Unfortunately, I won’t gamble my wife’s life on something foolish like this. I’ll do whatever it takes to save her from this danger.” Kaivan’s gaze shifted to Hans, who had been sitting quietly and listening. “Hans, come here,” he ordered. “What do you think we should do?”

Hans rose from his seat. The burly man walked towards Kaivan, who was standing not far from the table.

“We can proceed with a rescue mission first,” he responded. “What’s needed now is to find out where Luca is currently hiding. Did the old man mention his current location?”

Kaivan retrieved his phone once again, checking the message from Luca.

“He mentioned that I should hand over the original chip to one of their headquarters in Catania.”

“But I’m sure Anne and my father aren’t there,” Noah suddenly added.

Kaivan turned to him, intending to clarify the statement from his wife’s brother.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m convinced it’s a trap. When you go to Catania to hand over Anne, they won’t take her. They’ll likely attack and disable you instead. You’ve been involved in the Mafia world for a long time. You surely know their tactics.”

This time, Kaivan agreed with Noah’s statement. Most mafias had similar behaviors, using any means necessary to achieve their goals.

“So, do you have any idea where they might have taken Anne?”

Noah fell silent. Truthfully, he also didn’t know the hiding places of the Sicilian group. And neither did Kaivan. Both men were deep in thought, pondering where they should look for Kaivan’s wife, who was now in danger. Until suddenly, something occurred to Kaivan.

“Mike!” he shouted. “Mike!” he repeated the name of his assistant several times. Before long, the person he was looking for entered the room.

“Can I help you, Sir?” he asked.

“Mike, do you remember, I once asked you to install an automatic GPS tracker on my wife’s phone, right?”

Mike nodded. He remembered the order. Kaivan had been furious when Anne left the hotel without his knowledge.

“Yes, I did install the GPS as per your instructions.”

“In that case, track her current position right now.”

Noah immediately responded from his position. He seemed pleased that Kaivan was arguing with his brother-in-law.

“It’s pointless to track it if her phone is turned off. I’m sure they’ve confiscated all of Anne’s belongings.”

Rather than panicking at Noah’s words, Kaivan burst into a bitter laugh.

“Unfortunately, the GPS I installed can still provide location information even if the device is turned off. You better keep quiet, brother-in-law,” he mocked. “I know what I need to do.”

Ignoring Noah, Kaivan’s gaze returned to Mike. His assistant appeared busy trying to access the GPS location on Anna Maria’s phone. Utilizing all his skills, not long after, the young man managed to find what Kaivan was searching for.

“I’ve located it, Sir,” he said. “The item’s current location is in Caltanissetta. It’s in southern Sicily, precisely in the hilly area crossed by the Salso River.” Mike then showed Kaivan the satellite-captured location on a map.

“Hans, Dom,” Kaivan called out to Hans and Dominique. “What’s the right strategy to attack Luca this time?”

Hans picked up the laptop that Mike had previously been using. He sat down and pulled up a satellite image of the city of Sicily before swiftly analyzing it.

“Let’s divide the tasks for this mission. In my opinion, we’ll let Dominique and the Witch Hunter group attack the Sicilian faction in Catania. Meanwhile, you and I will directly assault their defenses in Caltanissetta, bringing along our best people.”

“Hey!” Noah immediately interjected. “You’re not including me in this major mission?”

Hans turned his gaze towards the man sitting across from him.

“Noah, you stick to your task. Hand over that chip to M16.”

“But, Hans. Isn’t that dangerous? Handing over the chip now could endanger my wife,” Kaivan protested. He wasn’t comfortable with the idea of jeopardizing his wife’s life for a mission like this.

“Kai…” Hans tried to soothe, slowly providing an explanation to his partner. “Listen to the plan I’m about to outline for saving your wife.”

Kaivan finally nodded, trying to keep his emotions in check, then allowed Hans to explain the plan he had formulated.

“We’ll launch a surprise attack on Sicilia in the early hours while they’re still asleep. Yes, we all know there will likely be some members on guard, but I believe that during the early hours, they won’t be fully prepared to face an enemy. We’ll exploit this weakness to attack them. Meanwhile, Noah, I suggest you head to the MI6 headquarters right now. Hand over all the evidence you have and ask for the assistance of MI6 military forces to quickly follow us to the battle location and help capture the Sicilian members.”

Kaivan and Noah nodded simultaneously, understanding Hans’ newly devised plan.

After arranging all the strategies, Kaivan first took Anne’s pendant neatly stored in the nightstand drawer. The next moment, he handed this crucial item to Noah, instructing him to take it to the MI6 main headquarters as quickly as possible.

“See you in Caltanissetta,” Noah said. “I entrust my father and sister to you. I believe you can save them both from the impending danger.”

Kaivan nodded. Before bidding farewell, he even hugged his brother-in-law, a gesture Noah hadn’t expected.

“Some of the Witch Hunter members will accompany your journey. I hope you’ll catch up with all of us in Caltanissetta soon.”

Noah nodded in response. After saying his goodbyes, he hurriedly left to carry out his mission.

With tasks assigned, Kaivan led Hans and Dominique to the weapons storage room in the hotel’s basement. They began selecting the appropriate weaponry to use when facing the members of the Sicilian group.

“This seems suitable for you in this battle, Kai,” Hans pointed to a Desert Eagle pistol neatly stored in a glass case in the weapons storage room.

The Desert Eagle is an Israeli-made firearm that has gained worldwide recognition for its lethal capabilities. While most pistols feel like being stabbed, the Desert Eagle makes the enemy feel like they’re being pierced and exploded. Its destructive power is lethal due to its 325-gram bullet weight. A single Desert Eagle bullet’s impact is equivalent to about 4 regular bullets.

“I’ll indeed use that firearm to confront Luca this time,” Kaivan responded. Slowly, he took the firearm that Hans had indicated from the storage box. “What about you both? Which weapons will you use?”

Hans and Dominique each picked up handheld pistols, Colt and Glock models respectively. Specifically for Hans, he even asked Kaivan to prepare a long-barreled firearm to engage enemies from a distance. After all, his shooting skills were beyond doubt. Having been in the military, he was accustomed to using weapons and facing situations like the current one.

“Since all the weaponry has been chosen appropriately, now we need to get ready,” Kaivan ordered. “Later in the afternoon, we’ll depart for Italy. After that, we’ll wait for the right time to start the assault.”

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