Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 23


The cool temperature makes me snuggle more into the warmth of the quilt. The sleepiness was slowly fading away as my eyes began to flutter, “wake up, sweetie” a husky voice said from behind me. The hot air from his mouth hitting me just perfectly to make me shudder in content.

“Wake up baby, I made you breakfast!” He said once again and started to kiss my cheeks softly. I could feel how softly and sensually his lips touched my cheeks, I smiled as he continued to kiss me.

“Good morning handsome” I say in my sleepy voice and yawn, I looked at him through my blurry vision and gave him a smile.

“Good morning, my love” he said and softly pecked my nose, I giggled, “you remembered?” I ask referring to the nose peck. He gave me a sad smile, “I never forget anything, specially when it’s about you” he said caressing my cheeks.

I caught his hand before he could pull away, intertwining them I brought it to me lips and kissed it. He gave me a guilty smile, “I am so sorry baby” he said once again.

“I won’t say it’s okay, because it’s not. I am giving you a chance to prove yourself to me, don’t let this one slide so easily. It would be much harder to gain my trust back!” I warn him, he just gives me a nod.

After a minute of awkwardness he spoke, “anyway, I made breakfast for you!” He said with an enthusiastic smile.

“Well why?” Chuckling, I couldn’t help but ask. He had helpers who always make breakfast for him and other.. before my mind could wander off he answered.

“Well.. umm.. this is my way starting to woo you off your feet” I giggled as his face turned red. He scratched the back of his head, a very small pout decorated his beautiful face. I couldn’t help myself so I pinched both of his cheeks, “you’re so adorable!” I say in a baby voice. He smacks my hands off and snorts, his face is bright red now.

“Show me what you made for me!!” I beamed at him with a smile. He looks at me, “well smoked turkey sandwich without tomatoes, obviously because you don’t like tomatoes. Umm.. some chocolate smoothie bowl with fruits for taste and some egg bacon Benedict for proteins. To top it all off, I have yogurt with granola and berries..”

I looked at him in awe, “you did this all by yourself? For me?”

I looked at him, really looked at him, he was in muscle tank and basketball shorts. He looked pretty tired, maybe he went to workout, “yeah I did! I hope you liked it. If not I can make something else for you” he said in an anxious tone.

Oh how the tables have turned, first I wanted to impress him with food and now here he is, trying to impress me with food. To be honest, it’s working because I love food.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I cupped his face in my hands and brought it close to mine, “it’s perfect!” I said caressing his face with my thumb. He looked intently into each others eyes, “did I tell you how beautiful you look?” His voice dropped some octaves.

“It wouldn’t hurt to hear more” I said and we both chuckled.

While eating we both talked about how we spent the previous 4 years, he seemed kinda off. As if hiding something, I didn’t push the matter because I could see he was clearly uncomfortable about it. Though he made those food for me, but he was the one to sniff away the entire food.

But hey, at least I tasted everything.

“By the way, I need to go to New York for a couple of days. I would love if you could come with me” he said when we were done with food.

“Okay, I’ll come with you buy what happened to that Tyler Scott?” I asked as he was putting the empty plates on the trolley.  “Yeah I gave him a call and he sent me the entire footage of the last 1 month’s” he said casually and put the trolley outside my bedroom.

I furrowed in confusion, “gave him a call? You know him?” I ask, he gave me a goofy smile, “yeah he is one of my best friend. I have to tell you about that as well” he mumbled the kat part more to himself. I raised my brow, “so did you check the footage?”

“Yeah.. well no. I didn’t, I gave it to your Matthew” he said rolling his eyes. I rolled my own, “my Matthew? There is no my Matthew” I retorted

“Then why were you getting all cozy with him?” He said in annoyance and crossed his arms making his huge biceps flex. I need to change my panties.

“What is wrong with you? Just now you were all sweet and now you’re acting like a brainless jock” I said in annoyance, not letting the fine piece of specimen affect the subject.

“What the hell is wrong with you? When it comes to that Matthew guy. You forget everything and always defend him!” He said clearly pissed

“I wouldn’t have to defend him if you weren’t making false allegations against him!” I thew up my hands looking at him wide eye. He snorted, “yeah now look, as soon as his topic comes you become his night in shining armour! Just now we were alright and now we’re fighting!!” He said and walked out of the room.

God he is such an imbecile!!!

After shower I went downstairs, god it’s becoming boring here all by myself. No Jason, no Damon, no Elisabeth or Felicity. Even Matt would be bored now, because I am, this dumbass has to stop all signals here in the island.

I can’t even call anyone or Netflix and chill. I decided to take a walk along the shores of the ocean. When I was downstairs, I noticed somethings are different. There are no hyena giggles or laughs, confused I went further into the living room.

I saw one of Hayden’s man, Chase. I tapped his shoulder, “hey Fallon! What’s up?” He asked me with a smile. I smiled back at him, “hey, what’s up with those chicks? Where are they?” I ask him

He chuckles, “Hayden threw them all out yesterday after he carried you back to your room. He was livid with that chick who slapped you” he chuckled staring at a distance remembering the funny scene maybe. Yeah I didn’t think about that, who carried me or whatever, I knew it was Hayden.

I just hummed, “anyway do you want some breakfast?” He asked me, I politely declined the offer and went to the gym. He always would be there if he want to blow off some steam when there is no one to blow him.





I leaned on the doorframe as I watched Hayden workout.

He was sitting on a bench with horrifyingly big dumbbells, each time he would flex his biceps. The veins on his arms will be so prominent, as if raging bull. The muscles flexed showing exactly how big and strong he is. The sweat gathered on his arms only made him look hotter and the hair on his forearm made him look more manlier if that even possible.

“You’ve come here just to stand there and gawk at me?” I jumped snapping out of my trance when I heard his strained voice. I slowly made my way towards him. He put the dumbbells down and stood up, taking his muscle t-shirt off painfully slow.

The sweat decorated his manly body, I remember him having 6 packs but now he has 8. Broad chest, big arms, thick thighs and that long-thick dic—

Stop right there!

I wrapped my arms around his neck  and burried my face in his chest, not bothering about the sweat, “I am sorry for earlier. You made breakfast for me and instead of thanking you, i argued with you!” I say, not really meaning it.

He sighs and wraps his rams around my waist and burries his face in my hair; he said, “you’re not” I bit my lips, fuck!

“It was my fault that I started the fight, I am– well I don’t apologize, so you know it does mean a lot to me. I am sorry baby!” I chuckled

“What’s your deal with Matthew by the way?” I ask still staying in the same position, suddenly he became stiff then asked me if I want him to be honest with the answer or not. I obviously replied with a yes.

“Well…. *Gulp* I am not good enough for you. I know that. But I am too selfish to let you go or let anyone better take you away from me. Matthew is way better person than me… Sometimes I think when you realise it you’d leave me.. for good this time.” He said tightened his hold on me, I released a breath.

Just like anyone he is insecure too. No matter how rich, powerful or handsome. Regardless everyone is insecure about something, I should really have considered his feels.

“No one is better for me than you, baby. I don’t want a Matthew or any guy. I want my possessive but meaningful; stoic but emotional; irritating but loving hadey-payde” I say with a giggle know the following reactions I’ll have.

He snorts loudly, “how many times do I have to tell you?? Stop calling me that! That bloody ruins my masculinity” he said after pushing me back but still keeping me in his arms. I giggle uncontrollably.

I look down at my now sweat stained clothes smirking I say, “look now I am wet. You always wet me!” Giving sensual emphasis on wet. He chuckled shaking his head with a smirk on his face, “we should do something about your wet situation! Let’s fix that in the shower together” he said huskily, licking my neck.

Moaning, “why are you horny all the time?” I ask closing my eyes and he sucks on my neck with my hands on his shoulder.

“Why do you have to be so scrumptious all the time? I am only hungry for the juice that come out between those thick thighs. Umm so bloody savoury!” I moaned every passing second those words came out of his mouth. He is messing up with my head so bad, “but I’ll wait. This time I want to win your heart then we can make love!” He said kissing my nose.

I blushed and slapped his chest mumbling brute.





I was in Hayden’s room all showered and clean. And no for god’s sake we didn’t take shower together, I was done earlier than him because Jason called him for some other business related shit that goes above my head.

I am lying on his bed, which he thankfully changed because I didn’t want to lay on the same bed at those dickfaces.

I was playing in my phone when Hayden’s phone blinked. I wouldn’t have read his private messages if a name of a very peculiar medicine hadn’t caught my attention.

My heartbeat stopped for a moment, I though I was hallucinating, so I took the phone with shaky hands and opened the message from some Dr. Brian.

No, no, no, no, no… this cannot be possible.

I hear the door to the bathroom open, “hey babe what yo–”

I didn’t let him finish, I just showed him the text, his entire body stiffened and his face paled, “why are you taking those medicines?” That’s the only thing I could ask.

He put his head down a little with clenched jaws, “why did you re–”

“I didn’t wanted to, the medicine caught my attention. It was lying right next to my hand, I didn’t look deliberately.” I answered his question.

I raised my browns to further explain himself and honestly I didn’t want to hear the answer, I was afraid of it.

“I was in a mental hospital for 3 months” he finally said making me stumble back to the bed.

I sat there unmoving while he just stood there, giving me space to digest the information.

Those medicines are given when one is unstable and cannot be controlled. Usually given to extremely aggressive patient.

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