Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 32

Fallon’s POV

I laughed so hard that my stomach started to ache. I shook my head not believing what Rose said, “And for a year he ate burnt toast every morning?” I asked. She just bit her lips and nodded. A tear rolled down my eyes as I wiped it.

“I was mad at him, okay? You just don’t see a girl randomly and stalk her then go to her parents house and give them money to make their daughter marry you!” She said in annoyance. Her nose scrunched up still irritated her at her husband’s previous act.

Diana chuckled, shaking her head, “Wait till you hear the next part!” She turned to me, laying back on the bean bag. I turned to Rose expectantly, she rolled her eyes, “Those douchbag of my parents practically sold me to Jason, I was angry…. No I was tetchy. Not only did I have to leave my long time boyfriend but my career. I still remember giving him cold shoulder for two months straight. I would give him burnt toast in the morning and leave for my college and come back home late at night. We always fought in the beginning but somehow I feel in love with him, for the patience for the understanding and most importantly for the love he gave me even when I was being a bitch to him.” She finished looking at a distance.

There was Jason behind her leaning on the wall with his arms crossed and a loving smile on his face. He walked to his wife and wrapped his arms around her petite frame, “I love you” he said and kissed her cheeks. My heart swelled up, even after so many years they love eachother beyond extend.

Diana made a gagging noise, “Oh god please don’t start making out here!” She said in disgust to which the three of us laughed.

We came back from the lake house two days ago which also means it’s been two days since Hayden left. He texted me not to call or text him till he is out and that he loves me. I miss my brute to be honest. I have been feeling down the entire day today so Rose and Diana thought to cheer me up by telling me about all the best memories with their husbands and kids.

Suddenly my phone ringed. I looked at the caller, it was Damon. I frowned and accepted the call, “Hey Damon, how have you been?” I said not wanted to be rude and just ask why he is calling me.

“Turn on the TV, any news channel.” He said broken.

I frowned and suddenly my heart started to beat fast, almost panicked, “Why? What happened?” I asked

“Just do it!” He said and cut off the call. The people in the room looked at me worriedly. I went to the living room and turned on the TV.

My breath knocked out of my chest and my world crumbled into pieces as I looked at the headlines.


The ground beneath my feet was snatched away and my knees gave out. I crashed down on the floor looking at the news channel.

“Reportedly, Hayden De’luca was traveling from Mexico to California this morning. Due to technical problems in the engine, the plane blasted in mid air–”

That was the last thing I heard when darkness consumed me.

I opened my eyes feeling numb to the very core. It was night-time and the moon was high up in the sky, shining brightly. But my entire being was filled with darkness now.

Hayden is dead. My Hayden is dead.

No, it can’t be! He told me he’ll be here. He promised that everything will be fine. He said he wanted to start over. He said he’ll never leave me.

Hayden will keep all those promises.

My eyes filled with tears and my head started to hurt. I sobbed thinking about our times. All those things we used to do, the teasing, the chase, the I love you’s.

It’s all gone.

Everything is gone now.

I shouted and cried, cursing my fate. Everything that I love has been taken away from me. I didn’t ever do anyone wrong yet this happened to me.

My heart was ripped and smashed into pieces. My stomach scrunched up that made me throw up in bed. I cried and cried. That’s all I could do.

My Hayden, my love is no more. He left me. He said he’d never leave me but he did. He didn’t keep his promise.

Why did this happen to me? What did I ever do?

The door busted open and someone walked in but I didn’t pay any heeds to that person. My love was gone. How will I live now. I don’t have anything at all.

It’s hurts, everything hurts, my brain is hammering against my skull. My throat feels like it has been incised with claws, every muscles in my body feels like it’s been burning with acid. To my very core, to my very bones, it’s hurts. Yet my heart still manages to over power each one of them.

I cried hysterically, it pained. My throat clogged and my heart set heavy in my chest, “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.” I prayed, not wanted to take in this reality.

My vision got blurry again and darkness ate me once again today.

Two days ago:-

Third Person’s POV

It was night time when Hayden arrived at the Mexico city. His black wavy hair shined under the moonlight, he walked towards his car with authority and power.

A small figure was doing the job it was assigned to do in the private jet. Hayden looked at the men surrounding him with a stoic face. The expression of the men were almost the same but there was a hint of fear and awe in all of them.

He got inside his car and told the driver to take him to the hotel. Three cars followed behind his car while two in front of it. He looked down at his phone screen to his most beautiful person, a smile made its way on his face. His heart released a sigh looking at his Fallon’s bed haired photo.

‘ I’ll protect you, love. Even if it kills me.’ he said to himself and looked out at the city.

When he arrived at his hotel suite, he asked all his men to be there. He has no time to waste at the moment. He couldn’t risk telling anyone about his plan to his men other than himself.

As soon as the men arrived in the room, Hayden took out a small machine and switched it on. It was a signal breaker, any device in that room won’t work now. Including his. No one can call or record anything.

He soon started to explain what’s about to happen to the Pérezs. When it was all done the nodded and went away.

Hayden spent the entire night eliminating all the lose ends that might come up. He wasn’t able to sleep a wink with all the things going around, we was just focused on completing the task.

Even then a plump dark headed beauty didn’t leave his mind for a second. He would get flashes of her innocent brown eyes or her enthralling smile or her petite curvy frame pressed firmly against his hard muscular one.

He shook to get rid of her thoughts momentarily. It was already 6 in the morning when he was finally done with everything.

He texted Antonio Pérez,

‘ I’d like to meet your entire family before the stepping up.

– De’luca’

He typed and sent. Within minutes he got a reply,

‘ with pleasure, Sir. What time are you comfortable?

– Antonio Pérez’

He let out a winning chuckle, he’ll give Antonio that. He knew better than to tell Hayden when to meet. Ahh the power he had over the people, it’s so satisfying.

‘ at 2 p. m sharp. Book an entire restaurant. Don’t be late.

– De’luca’

He typed and threw his phone on the bed then crashed into the mattress himself for much needed sleep.

He woke up by ringing of his phone, he hissed in irritation and looked at his cell, he huffed in annoyance and turned off the alarm he set up to ring at 1.

He soon got ready for the encounter, he wore his specially made suit that a bullet cannot penetrate. There will be a lot of bullets flying.

He checked his phone to see two texts, one from Antonio and another from Diana. He opened Diana’s text, his heart dropped and went to his dick, it was a picture of Fallon in a very skimpy bikini, showing off her succulent body. He cursed under his breath when his dick stood up want to get inside Fallon.

He wrote a series of curses to Diana for sending that picture and turned off his phone. Soon he was on his way to the restaurant which Antonio booked.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

He texted Damon to get everyone in position and make everything discreet untill he gives a signal to attack. Matthew send the video that would uncover Antonio. Hayden put a chip in his mouth, that would change his voice for the time being.

Meanwhile Antonio went to his younger brothers, Alejandro and Juan, “Listen, tha mafia king is here. I want everything to be perfect, if I am able to make some deals with him and establish a good relationship with him then I can be the most feared mafia.. after the king obviously.” He said looking at a distance in admiration.

The two brothers just forced a smile, they never liked Antonio. He was always a cult chaser, his main agenda was to gain power and money all for himself. Even at a tender age of 20, they knew how much better their late brother Martin was. Even though he was a Mafia, he always made sure that all the less fortunate are well fed and they have a stable job.

Both the brothers hated the woman who killed their brother. They were the one’s behind every ‘accident’ that happened with Fallon. They were out for blood and vengeance. All they cared about was avenging their brother, but they wouldn’t kill her just in one blow. They’ll torture her untill she is begging to be killed.

They were vengeful to say the least.

The Pérez family had now 3 sons, two daughter and their parents. All of them sat patiently in the restaurant waiting for the mafia king to arrive.

In the next 10 minutes Hayden arrived with a stoic look on his face. The Pérez family was stunned to see Hayden De’luca. They had heard how grievous he looks with his powerful aura and heinous personality.

He came to the table in the middle of the restaurant where the family sat. Everyone got up in respect of the king. Hayden felt more powerful seeing the effect he has on people. He surely did make his name in the short period of time to gain every Mafia’s respect and fear.

He shook his hands with the elders and sat down on the head of the table.

“It’s an honour to meet you in person, Mr. De’luca” Juan said, the father and the previous mafia of Mexico.

Hayden nodded his head, “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Pérez. I have heard a lot about you from Martin, you did a great job raising him” he went straight to the point. Everyone had a look of shock I’m their faces, “I am sorry but did you know Martin personally?” Alejandro asked being on the edge of the seat.

Hayden took a sip of his wine, “Yes. He was a good friend of mine. I am surprised that he didn’t have a funeral.” He said and layed back in the chair examining everyone. Everyone looked eager to know more but Antonio looked annoyed.

Just one day they cannot spent without talking about Martin. It’s always Martin this, Martin that just Martin, Martin! I hate him. Even dead he is the talk of the family. Antonio thought to himself.

“There would be no funeral untill Martin’s murder is dead” Juan snarled glaring at the plate. Hayden rose his eyebrows, “Hmm.. interesting, let’s ordered. I am hungry” he said and motioned the waiter to come to the table.

Everyone gave their order but non of them could understand why would the mafia king want to meet the family before the stepping up.

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