Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 35

Third person’s POV

Jason pulled his son to his feet and hugged him crying, Caleb tightened his hold on his father. He pulled back, his eyes red from so much crying and alcohol consuming, “Are you real?! Please tell me I am not hallucinating!” Jason cried in stupefaction.

“No dad, I am real” he said and kissed his father’s forehead. Jason clutched onto his son like his life depended on it, not wanting to let go of his son. Fearing that if he let goes this time, he would be gone for good.

Diana came looking perplexed at her best friend, “Panda?” She mumbled quietly her, tears already spilling out of her eyes. Caleb pulled back looking at his best friend, “Hey Godzilla!” He said softly and hugged her. Diana encircled her arms around his body and cried in his shirt.

Caleb patted her head as she cried, he kept on kissing her head and reassured her that he is in fact real and she has not gone mental in two days without him.

Fallon sat rooted in her chair, looking at her Hayden in disbelief. He is alive. He is not dead. He kept his promise. My Hayden is alive. This is what was going on in her head as she quietly sat looking at the family reassuring that Caleb is alive.

“Bu-but how?!” Diana asked Caleb, refering to how he survived a bomb blast so high up in the air. Caleb sighed, “I don’t wanna talk about this at the moment. I’ll tell you guys everything but first..” he looked at his mother exhausted, “I am hungry mumma” he unconsciously made a pout.

Everyone chuckled excluding Fallon who still looked at Caleb in disbelief. Rose took his son’s hand and pulled him to the table and sat him down next to Fallon. Rose collected all the food on the plate and sat next to Caleb, feeding him with her own hands. Her hands kept on shaking in happiness, she is feeding her son once again. He is not gone, her son is still alive.

Fallon’s heart beated in an abnormal speed when he sat next to her, with extremely shaky hands, she lightly touched his calloused hands after he finished his food. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she looked innocently at the man she loves with everything in her.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Caleb looked at Fallon with adoring eyes, “Hey dandelion!” He said and flicked her soft cheeks. He caught her hands before she could pull away and pressed it on his cheeks, taking in the warmth from him, almost as if reassuring herself. She kissed his palm and cried softly.

Caleb pulled his Fallon on his laps and rocked her, running his hands through her head and kissing her head.

The kings saw how compassionate they are for each other, Rose made up her mind that only Fallon would become her son’s wife.

“Excuse us” Caleb said and picked Fallon up effortlessly in his arms and carried her in his room.

He sat down on the bed as Fallon hugged him like a koala bear hugs trees. He chuckled, “I-I thou-gh I los-t yo-u. I can-not affo-rd to lose you any-more Hade. I love you t-oo much!!” She stuttered between her sobs. Caleb’s heart broke seeing how wrecked she and her family was.

“I am sorry baby, I won’t leave you.. not anymore baby!” He said guiltily, she looked up in his sea green eyes and cupped his cheeks, “You have nothing to apologise Hade! You’re back that’s all that matters!” She said trailing her hands up and down his arms, feelings the familiar contour of his muscles.

She tilted her head, tears still present in her eyes and a sob still wanting to be realeased, “Please don’t ever leave me” she said hopelessly, broken just by the thought of loosing him again, she’d rather die than to spend her life without Caleb.

He grabbed Fallon’s face in his hands and rubbed his thumb’s on her bouncy cheeks, “Never my love, never” he said softly looking into her immaculate brown eyes that could melt even the most stone cold heart. He captured her lips in a passionate kiss, she wrapped her hands around his necks deepening the kiss.

Fallon poured every bit of love she had for him in that kiss, making him realise that either of them are nothing without each other. Her tears fell free, still not able to fathom that her Hayden is here.

He pulled back from the kiss looking at Fallon impotently, “I am so lucky to have you Fallon. I love you so much!” He said helplessly and pecked her lips softly.

“Another thing… From now on wards don’t call me Hayden or Hade even in private… It’s Caleb, okay?” He asked her like she is a baby. She too nodded her her like a baby, “Then I won’t call you Hade during sex as well?” She asked trying to lift off the heavy mood.

Caleb chuckled, “You call me daddy, sweetheart!” He flicked her nose as she looked wide eyed at him and smacked his shoulders softly. They both chuckled and kissed each other one more time.

She pulled back and looked at his shaved head, “What’s up with you new hairstyle?” She asked running her hands on his head, feeling the texture of stubbles she giggled.

Caleb looked at her woman in amusement, “I thought you’d like a kinkier foreplay” he said and winked at her. He thought she’d blush or hit him but instead she gave her seductive smile. Trailing her hands down his chest, “You can be the kidnapper and I’ll be the slut school girl with my titties out” she joked. For a moment there was silence and then both of them bursted out laughing.

They both calmed down, Fallon had a satisfied smile on her face, Caleb looked at her with nothing but pure love. Only then he realised how much his life has no meaning without his little dandelion.

He look a closer look at her as she closer her eyes finally able to breath with Caleb here now. Caleb saw how tired she is, her face has lost all colour. The under eye bags are more prominent than ever, her lips which he earlier felt was dry is now back to it’s plump size. Her cheeks look sunken and she looks fragile as ever.

“Dandelion?” Caleb called Fallon, she looked up with her big brown eyes innocently at him. Some hair fell on her face, Caleb lightly tucked them behind her ears, “When was the last time you slept, sweetheart?” He asked already knowing the answer.

Fallon stiffened not wanting to tell him that she actually had been doing all anyway for the past few days… Well more like fainting but it still counts. Caleb noticed her stiffness and her hesitation, “I slept yesterday” she lied effortlessly but Caleb caught on it. He gave her a poker look, “Fallon” he threatened. She rolled her eyes and released an annoying sigh.

“I…. Don’t remember… Maybe when I passed out drunk in the strip club” she mumbled the last part to herself but Caleb was quick to catch it, “You passed out where?” He asked in astonishment. Fallon gave a nervous laugh, “You weren’t supposed to hear that…..” She said not knowing what else to say.

Caleb have her a sting eye, “I am sleepy” Fallon faked yawning but it came out real. Caleb shook his head, “We’ll talk about this later, you sleep now!” He commanded and tucked Fallon in the bed. He went to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When he came out, he saw his mother sitting on the bed patting Fallon’s head. Rose saw his son coming out of the bathroom, “Your father has asked you to be in the office” Rose said getting up and kissing her son’s cheeks.

Caleb entered the office in his casual clothes, shorts and muscle tee. He saw his entire family there, his father, mother, brother and Diana. Caleb sighed and locked the door, since the room is soundproof he doesn’t have to worry about Fallon hearing a thing.

He dragged a bean bag that was kept in the corner of the room to the middle of the room. He slumped down on it, “Shoot!” He said and sat with his legs stretched out.

“What the fuck were you doing in Mexico to begin with?” Diana snapped annoyed. He smiled hesitantly, “…. long story short, I had to go to Mexico to settle some dire matter once and for all..” a series of scoffs and snickers could be heard in the room for his vague answer. Caleb rolled his eyes, “Some.. people were after Fallon… I mean trying to kill her for something she never did. They tried to pin the blame on her but… After few… reasonings.. they agreed with me and… I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to escape something I never wanted in the first place!” Caleb tried to say everything but nothing at the same time.

“Escape? What do you mean?” Alexander asked confused as to what his little brother ment. Now Caleb looked scared shitless, he is never scared… Never!

“What did you do?” Rose asked in her stern momma voice, Caleb smiled innocently at his mother, “… well…. ifakedmyowndeath” he said hurriedly and closed his eyes as if it’s gonna thwart everyone’s wrath.

“You did what?” Jason yelled out angrily

“What the fuck were you thinking??” Rose gasped unable to comprehend it.

“Clearly he has been dropped on his head in his childhood” Alex sneered and got up to charge on him second time today.

“Were you on drugs?” Diana asked incredulous of his obnoxious behaviour.

Caleb snickered, “And that’s why I didn’t tell you anything about it” he said and rolled his eyes, “I never wanted to be This! A Mafia, this is not how I imagined my life. I don’t wanna be in the middle of illegal shit, drugs, guns, bombs… No! I hated that life and I got that all because of those bastards of De’lucas. It was suffocating mumma, I hated every bit of it…” He spat venomously shaking his head, “I wanted to be the best businessman, like you Dad, I wanted to build an empire all on my own. Kings hotel and resort, that was my dream.. still is. And the fuck I was letting those ignominious assholes ruin it, so it’s why I did what I did..” he explained glaring at the floor.

Everyone was quite for a bit, “You could have at least told us about it son” Rose shook her head in disappointment, Caleb unconsciously morphed his face to a puppy face. “Mumma at least you don’t say like that” he looked like a small pup who has just been kicked. “I knew if I told you then you’d never let me do it and I’d have to endure the shitty fake life. I am Caleb Kings not Hayden De’luca, I am the son of Rose and Jason Kings not some random ass bitches who push their own blood to cataclysm” Caleb snarled thinking about his sperm and egg donor.

After a minute of pause Jason walked to his beloved son and wrapped his arms around him, “You’re my son! No one else’s!” He said looking outside, it’s time to tell them the truth, “Your biological father is actually my young brother. During our teenage, he went to the wrong path while I chose the high road. I tried so hard to make him see that he chose the wrong world but he didn’t listen. After sometime we went our separate ways. Then when Alexander was 5 years old, Mike came to me with you and gave you to me… When he came back after 21 years I was livid and didn’t wanna lose you anyway… So I got them killed.. I am sorry son… I’ll understand if you hate m–” Caleb abruptly got up and clutched his father in a big hug.

“I couldn’t be more thankful dad. I love you” he whispered in his father’s ears. He felt tears soaking his shirt, his father’s tears, he tightened the hold on his father solacing him that’s it’s okay.

“So how did you escape the bomb blast?” Rose asked when everything cooled down, Caleb not surprisingly took the new pretty well. “I was the one who planted the bomb in the first place, I asked my prosthetic artist to make my figure.. well more like the disguise I wear when I am with the underworld… But this douchebag came to make things more difficult but he is dead. Anyway there was only me and the pilot.. and the dead guy and my prosthetic figure. 19 minutes before the blast we took our parachute and landed in the sea but I already had a boat waiting for me nearby so… Yeah that’s all I guess”

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, the naive Caleb changed into a guileful Caleb. “Is that why your bruised?” Diana asked making Alexander snicker, Caleb rolled his eyes and rubbed his bruised cheeks, “Courtesy of my dearest elder brother” Alexander rolled his eyes but his wife smacked his hands, “Why the fuck would you do that?” She asked brusquely. Alexander rubbed where she hit, “You have a mean punch woman!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! ITS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!” He shouted but his wife smacked him head and walked out of the room after kissing Caleb’s head.

“Ahh this woman!” Alexander said and ran being his wife. The three of them chuckled, the cold hearted businessman is a wimp in front of his wife.

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