Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 131

Chapter 131


Ray’s excitement tripled as his plans were going smoothly without any interruptions.

Seems getting rid of Rosa was a piece of cake.

He should have done that a long time ago.

He flashed a smile at her, revealing his ugly dentition while collecting the glass cups.

“Would you play us a song, something light, a happy song while I pour us a drink,” he requested politely.

Rosa fought back the urge to roll her eyes at his pretense.

“Sure,” she nodded, dashing to the nightstand where her phone laid.

She backed him as she surfed through her phone to get a suitable song.

Swinging into action before Rosa got a clue, his fingers disappeared tactfully into his pocket. They reappeared with a piece of paper between them.

Ray peeked at Rosa from the corner of his eyes to monitor her movement and body language.

His heart wouldn’t stop hammering against his ribs as tension got the best of him.

Satisfied that she was glued to her phone, oblivious of his intentions, he quietly unfolded the paper, sprinkling some powdery substance into Rosa’s glass cup before folding the paper and shoving it into his pocket.

Clearing his throat as he could hardly contain his joy, he filled Rosa’s cup with wine first, setting it aside before filling his cup.

A cruel smile played on his face for a second as he shut his eyes, savoring the moment of victory.

“Easypeasy, lemon squeeze,” he said to himself, flashing a smile while eulogizing himself.

He couldn’t believe how smart and calculative he was.

A rare genius.

With one twirl, Rosa’s drink was ready to be served.

He carefully held it in his hand while walking up to meet Rosa, who was engrossed with her phone.

“Here, my lady.” he offered her the drink with a charming smile.

Rosa, in turn, returned his smile with a dark smirk while accepting the glass.

A pitiful look flashed across her face, and before Ray could comprehend what was going on, Rosa stretched his hand and placed the glass of wine in it, smiling briefly.

It happened so fast that Ray felt stupid for allowing her to play a fast one on him.

With a heart pounding in anxiety and fear, Ray could feel his hands get moist with sweat.

He didn’t understand what was going on with Rosa.

He cooked his brows, pinning her with eyes full of thousands of questions.

“What was that for?” he asked, looking at the glass before raising his eyes to meet hers.

Rosa forced a short smile before clasping her hands together.

“Since you are the happy one here, why don’t you drink. I am not happy, therefore I shall not drink.” She folded her hands and cooked her head stubbornly.

Ray was taken aback by her words and actions. He sought wisdom to avoid suspicion, but it failed him.

“What is making you sad? Who?” he asked, feigning concern as his hands landed on her shoulder tenderly.

“I am not happy, and I am not sad either. I just feel since you are the one in a celebratory mood, you should carry on drinking while I watch,” she repeated adamantly, taking a few steps away from him.

“Some genius,” she scoffed as she muttered to herself before looking away.

“What did you say?” Ray asked as he couldn’t catch her words.

“Nothing. Drink, I am not interested, ” she said in a tired tone, walking away and sitting on the bed.

“I am ordering you, or else I’ll get mad and bend you over this instant. Don’t get me mad,” he warned.

It was only a matter of time before he lost it.

The urge to shove the drink down her throat overwhelmed him, and his patience was hanging by a thread.

“Or what? What will you do?” She dared him, springing on her feet as she was about to shove her finger in his face in anger.

Her blood began to boil as she couldn’t contain her rage anymore.

“You know you should have added hired killer to your resume,” she blurted. A dangerous smirk played on her lips.

It was like she was a new being now. Her aura grew deadly, and her face was void of emotions.

She was like a ball of fire, ready to burn anything that came across her way to the ground until it turned to ashes.

“What did you say?” Ray’s brows furrowed in confusion as her words replayed in his head.

“You heard me. I won’t repeat myself.” She spat in hatred. Her lips formed a thin line.

“Stop it, Rosa. Stop what you are doing. We drink together so why are you suddenly acting like an annoying bitch? You ain’t even feisty. Now drink up so that we can dance. I’m in a mood.” He tried to lighten the situation but she wouldn’t hear of it.

“I don’t care anymore, the only thing I care about is for you to take a little sip out of that wine you are holding,” she insisted, pointing in the direction of the glass cup.

Sweat started dropping off Ray’s forehead as confusion hit him like a bulldozer.

He thought of ways to remedy the situation, but none were forthcoming.

His heart was about to burst out of his chest in tension.

His hands trembled so hard that he had to hide it in his pocket.

It took him his last spread if self control not to spill the drink from his shaky hand.

“You can’t.” Her voice dropped mockingly. “Because it’s poisoned!” she suddenly let out a deafening scream.

Ray felt his heart stop beating for a second and flew out of his chest.

He let out a loud gasp as his eyes widened in shock.

How did she fucking know?!

Nah, she won’t know. Maybe because he gave himself away.

“That’s…not…true,” he stammered, searching for words to convince her but words failed him.

He didn’t know his mouth was thrown open in surprise until he shut it helplessly.

“Some genius, ” she scoffed mockingly, looking away. “I know what you did behind my back. All of it. I deliberately let you sprinkle that poison in the drink without interfering. You can’t even do something right. You can’t even poison without being caught. Stupid!”

“Maybe we should quit pretending. What if I poisoned it?” Ray switched instantly, he was tired of the pretense.

It was time to face the devil head on.

Rosa’s expression lit up in surprise as she began to clap. “That’s it. You suck at pretending.”

“Whether you drink the wine or not, you will die today!” he declared with authority, making Rosa burst into a series of laughter.

His face dropped in confusion at Rosa’s reaction.

Wasn’t she scared of death?

Did she think he was bluffing?

Without sparing another second, he rushed to her like a predator about to pounce on her when the door flung open and a strange man burst in, charging at him.

In the nick of time, the man overpowered him, kicking and landing heavy punches at him so quickly that he didn’t have any time to fight back.

Anger filled him as Rosa wouldn’t stop taunting and mocking him.

He wanted to prove to her that he wasn’t a weakling, but his strength was no match for the man. Soon, his vision became blurry from several hard punches and his body became weak.

Strength failed him and the only thing left was to lay and receive the unending punches while screaming in pain.

Ray’s blood soon stained everywhere as he grew weak. He looked like he was about to pass out any minute from now.

“Enough!” Rosa commanded and the punches stopped immediately.

Ray collapsed on the floor like a bag of cement, coughing weakly as his face was blinded with blood.

His lips were torn, his nose was broken, his eyes were swollen and puffy as they were almost closed.

He coughed out blood occasionally as he laid on the floor wincing in pain.

Unable to breathe with his broken nose, his mouth was widely open as blood trickled out of the corner, staining the floor.

“Let me introduce you to my new sidekick, Ray.” A devilish laughter erupted from Rosa’s lips as she patted the man’s shoulder.

“Well-done, Joe, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Anything for you, ma’am, ” he replied, bowing in submission before freezing beside her like a lifeless statue.

“Greed caused this. If you weren’t greedy, you wouldn’t have thought of implicating me, demanding excessive money from me or even sticking a deal with Silas.” She paused to catch her breath as anger seized her.

“As for Silas, I will take care of him myself while Joe takes care of the guards. It will be a great family reunion to remember,” she squeaked in excitement.

Driven by surprise, Ray stared at Rosa in astonishment. He couldn’t believe his ears.

“Don’t overthink it, I saw it. I was the strange person in the cloak of your movement. I can’t let you roam around freely when you have what could destroy me.”

“You are so dumb if you think you can eat your cake and have it.” She threw Joe a look, signaling him.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Get his camera now and destroy it.” She commanded with an authoritative tone, watching Joe spring into action.

“Got it, ma’am.”

It didn’t take long before the floor was littered with pieces of Ray’s phone, smart watch and camera.

“Your evidence is gone now. You are back to being nothing. I will scribble my name in your heart so that when next you come to this world, you won’t deal with the mistress of evil. Don’t play smart if you aren’t built for it.” She spat at him, before a huge smile appeared on her face.

“Should I?”

“No, Joe, I will do the honor of killing him myself.” She stopped Joe, pushing him aside while glaring at Ray who blurted inaudible words. “It would fill me with so much pleasure to watch you suffer before ending your life.”

With an evil grin plastered her face she knelt before him, picking up the broken glasses.

She was about to bury one of the pieces of glass in his chest when a white light flashed across her eyes, catching her attention.

She sprung up at once, directing Ray to inspect the strange light that flashed under the door repeatedly.

Ray walked up to the door, flinging it open to find Alex putting something in her skirt hurriedly before flashing a nervous smile.

“What do you want?” Joe’s unfriendly voice rang, sending shivers down Alex’s spine.

Her soul almost left her body the moment Rosa angrily stormed towards her.

She kept her eyes glued to her feet.

“Speak now or get out!” Rosa yelled in anger.

The bitch was spoiling her fun.

“I was told…to ask if you are…hungry because I prepare…some food,” she stammered, shutting her eyes as she expected the worst.

“I’m not hungry, get out this instant. You should be used to the dim corridor by now, stop using torchlight,” Rosa warned while dismissing her.

A wave of relief crashed over Alex as she bowed before sprinting away. Her hands carefully tucking the camera inside the apron that hung around her waist.

Relieved, Rosa strode to Ray whose life was hanging by a thread.

She was about to pick the glass when the door flung open, causing a loud noise and disrupting Rosa.

“What is wrong with you?!” She screamed in frustration, hiding the body and the glass.

Rosa’s handmaid barged in frantically, her face was as if she had seen a ghost.

“What is it? Is it food? I am not interested!”

“Run! Run!” She chanted like a madwoman, screaming hysterically.

“Have you gone nuts?”

“You have to run, mistress. This instant!” she said when she had found her voice.

Rosa exchanged glances at Joe who waited for her permission to dismiss her maid.

“He knows everything!” She continued as she was panting hard.

“He is coming for you right now!” she stated, turning to look at Ray who was about to pass out. “And you.”

“He will throw you into the dungeon and let the birds of the air feast on your carcass after a hundred day of great torture. I heard him tell his guards.”

“Heard who?” Rosa asked, straightening up as confusion flooded her.

“Alex…she showed him something that made him now that ignited his anger. He is coming with guards, leave now!”

“Who is coming?”

“The King and his brothers. They know everything. The truth about the Luna’s death, Aurora’s pregnancy and the set up.”

Rosa’s heart flew out of her chest as her skin grew cold with shock.

That bastard, Alex.

She should have known that Alex was videoing her.

Her life was over.

“Leave the castle and never return. The King is coming in raw rage.”


Her plans were ruined.

She gave Ray one last look and spat on him before leaving him to do the needful.

Damon mustn’t meet her here else she would be a dead meat.

She would deal with Ray later, but as for now, she had to flee for her life.

“Take care of this bastard and don’t let him out of your sight!” She yelled, disappearing in her cloak as she dashed out of the room into a secret passage only she and her handmaid shared. She had to lay low for a while.

It was far from over.

She would strike back!

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