Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


I walked into the room, quietly closing the door behind me so as not to make a sound.

Waking Aurora was the last thing on my mind as I didn’t want to announce my presence.

I heaved a sigh as I strode across the room, to the bed she was lying on.

The soft snores and her rhythmic breathing confirmed that she was fast asleep.


Work was hectic, the packs’ affairs were about to make me go crazy. The stress of work was getting on me, making me exhausted, irritated, and dull.

Inhaling Aurora’s sweet scent and snuggling her in my arms for some hours was the therapy my tired body needed.

Aurora was my medication. She healed me.

The buzzing of my phone ignited my anger, making me groan loudly.

I’ve heard enough of the packs’ affairs. They can fix themselves until I arrive tomorrow. Without bothering to check who it was, I dropped the call, switching my phone off before burying it in my pocket.

“My King…” Jasper’s words filled my head immediately, interrupting me.

“Not another word!” I growled. My voice exudes impending dangers.

Jasper was art enough to keep quiet while I blocked the mind-link.

I was already overworking myself and my mental health was suffering because of it.

Ignoring their requests won’t kill them.

I didn’t care what was happening, I needed quality moments with Aurora to refuel me.

As quietly as a mouse, I crept into the bed, lying beside her as her back faced my chest.

I inhaled her gentle seductive scent from the back of her neck as my head got buried in her hair.

It felt so good, that I almost moaned.

I kept giving her neck kisses until I peeled my shirt from my body, leaving my chest bare.

My hands roamed about her waist, pulling it close to me and rubbing her ass against my erect dick.

I bit my lower lip to avoid letting out moans.

My tongue found her ears behind the large chunk of her hair, licking and nibbling on it.

Her body quivered lightly as she tossed in her sleep, muttering gibberish words.

I didn’t let the words get to me as I held her in a firm grip, flipping her so that she could face me.

I arched her back, pulling her towards me as I wasted no time devouring her lips.

A soft sound escaped from her mouth as she moaned, still deeply asleep.


I thought I heard her speak before she went silent.

Confusion crashed over me as I stared at her sleepy eyes.

Did I just hear her mutter someone else’s name? Or was it my imagination?

Satisfied by her silence as I glared at her for some minutes, I resumed kissing her.

I trailed my kisses from her neck to her breasts.

My hands fondled the swells of her boobs as I squeezed it through the fabric.

It was so soft like wool.

Her moderate-sized boobs fit my large palm perfectly.

Lost in pleasure, I unbuttoned her nightwear, pushing it aside to reveal her fair skin.

I ran my tongue over it, taking my time. to appreciate her flawless body and her cleavages. Groaning deeply, I sucked and licked her like a thirsty dog.

I tried the kisses down to her belly button, teasing it before stopping briefly.

“Ray, stop,” she muttered in her sleep.

I withdrew my tongue from her belly button at once, glancing at her suspiciously.

My heart began to race as wild thoughts flashed through it.

I was certain I heard her voice loud and clear this time.

It wasn’t any fucking imagination.

She fucking mentioned Ray.

But who was Ray?

And what was his relationship with her?

Where did she meet him?

Were they close?

My face hardened as several questions churned in my head, causing it to ache badly.

Almost consumed by jealousy and anger, I was tempted to seize her by her throat and jolt her awake.

I wanted every detail about the bastard Ray.

Why would she moan another man’s name instead of mine?

Or was she…

No.. Aurora would never cheat on me. I trusted her.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Ray…leave before anyone…” she mumbled again before stopping halfway and snoring softly.

Leave before anyone sees us right?

That was it!

Her last words were driving me insane. The pleasure I felt vanished and it was replaced with rage.

Molten rage crashed hard on me as my breath labored.


I couldn’t control myself anymore. Without waking her, I tossed her aside, wearing my shirt that I threw on the floor in the flash of light before staring dead at her.

She should be grateful that the doctor advised me against waking her from her deep slumber.

She would have been answering my questions by now.

My hands itched, it took me a lot of self-control not to yank her hair and fling her against the wall.

My head was spinning in anger. I wanted to let out a deafening growl.

For the first time in a long time, I felt my heart ripped apart.

How dare she?

Who was she to play on my feelings?

Who the fuck was Ray?

I wanted to see him, to strangle him and watch life slowly leave his eyes for making Aurora call his name in her sleep.


I felt like I was about to explode in anger.

I couldn’t contain myself anymore.

I moved away from Aurora, walking towards the door before I didn’t sometimes stupid.

The last person I wanted to hurt was my heir.

Blinded by my anger, I let my legs take me anywhere in the castle, as long as it was away from Aurora.

When did she start seeing Ray?

Was Ray someone she fantasized about?

Was he her boyfriend before she came into the castle?

Did Ray only appear in her sleep?

A deep frown settled on my face at the last thought.

The only person she should dream about was me!

She had no right to fantasize about any man.

Her body and soul belonged to me.

Whether asleep or awake, she belonged to me. She was my property.

Mine forever!

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn’t know when I got to Rosa’s cell in the dungeon.

My heartbeat quickened as Rosa’s last words flooded in my head.

What if she was right?

What if the baby in Aurora’s womb doesn’t belong to me?

But the doctor already confirmed.

“My King,” Rosa’s soothing voice greeted me.

I tilted my head to meet her bowing her head in respect.

The chains around her hand that suspended her to the ceiling were removed.

But her legs were restricted as she was bound to the ground with heavy chains.

I didn’t spare her a glance as confusion got the best of me.

The more I tried to think, the more my head was blank.

I wished Devin was around, he would have gotten to the root of the matter. I wasn’t much of a thinker. I acted based on emotions without thinking of the disastrous consequences.

I turned to leave but Rosa’s voice made me halt.

“I know you are seeing some signs. Don’t doubt it because I am speaking the truth. Relax, don’t be worried and don’t let it get you. I know you are hurt…” she continued.

“I am not hurt!” I fired sharply, irritated by her calm attitude.

“It’s written all over your face, my King. She hurt you. You were at fault for believing her anyway.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Aurora is cheating on you with a lowlife bastard named Ray. She doesn’t feel anything for you, my King. Her heart belongs to Ray,” she affirmed, looking me dead in the eye.

I tried to conceal my shock as I listened to her words.

How did she know about Ray?

Maybe she can give me some information I need to know about him.

He was a dead man for laying his filthy hands on my property.

“She is cheating on you,” she insisted with a persuasive voice.

I shook my head negatively. “Aurora is not cheating on me. I am not buying that.”

“The baby in her womb isn’t yours, my King. She connived with the doctor and they told a lie. Aurora is cheating on you with Ray and I have proof!” Her voice thundered, filling me with curiosity.

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