Married To A Stranger

Chapter 42

Sreesha Pov:


This can’t be him!


“No!” I yelled.

“Why are you here? Aren’t you done ruining my life? Why are you still trying to hurt me? What do you want?” I yelled at him clutching Karthik’s sleeve like my life depends on it.

“Siri?” He called again like he’s still oblivious to the fact that I’m indeed in front of him. Or was it just an act?

He was the one who is stalking us right? Then why is he acting too shocked by my presence?

Didn’t his minions pass the message to him that we’re in Shimla? Was he trying to prove that he is innocent? But what if he is? Why did he have all my paintings in his house?

“Don’t call her that!” Karthik growled pulling me out of my self-questionnaire. “Its Mrs. Sreesha Karthik for you” he added sending him a steal glare.

“Mrs Sreesha Karthik?” He mumbled, “You’re Married?” This question directed to me but what got my attention was hurt is evident in his voice.

Why? He was the one who left me after taking my innocence right. And not to forget the stalking thing… even though I pretend to be strong around Karthik, the stalking thing scares the hell out me whenever I find a piece of paper which is addressed to me saying how they were going to get rid of me. The thought was enough to send shivers down my spine but not in a good way.

“Don’t play innocent card now Manoj, we know it was you. But all I… we wanted to know is why?” Karthik voice roared making me flinch.

“What are you talking about? Wait… Aren’t you the guy who used to stalk her? Do you finally got the balls to ask her out?” Manoj said half-smirking.

“Don’t you dare pretend Manoj! We know you’re aware of the fact that we’re married, and We already know you’re the stalker and trying to plot against me. So, DON’T YOU EVER DARE” Karthik said clenching his teeth.

“Again! What the hell are you talking about? Stalking? Plotting? What are you playing at Karthik? So, you said all those things to her to make her fall in love with you? That’s low” Manoj yelled.

“You bastard” Karthik lunged at Manoj and punched him square in the jaw. I stood there watching them fight with my jaw touching floor. I came back to my senses when someone shook me yelling to save their boss. Dhanush. I almost forgot that he’s still here.

“Ma’am please stop them, I’m sure they would listen to you” he said pleading with his eyes.

I started pleading Karthik to stop all this and we’ll discuss this like civil people, but all my pleas fall on deaf ears. I took a deep breath yelling “STOP IT” this time they stopped fighting.

“Can we talk like civil people? If you want to behave like cavemen, I’ll just walk away from here” I said seriously but in a more calm voice.

“Karthik, come here. And You” pointing at Manoj “Explain”.

“I’m sorry” They both mumbled at the same time and glared at each other but did as I say.

Manoj sighed before saying “I’ll explain but take a seat” he said gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. I dragged Karthik to the chairs and made him sit, but I know, he was on edge. He was trying hard to keep his anger at bay.

“I’m sorry” Manoj’s voice croaked at the end “I’m sorry, I left you, Siri”.

“I told you to call her Mrs. Sreesha” Karthik yelled beside me. I took hold on his hand which is clenched into a fist under the desk and started drawing circles with my thumb trying to calm him down.

“I just need some answers Karthik, remember one thing I LOVE YOU. ONLY YOU.” I whispered leaning, brushing my lips against his cheek. Which made him give me one of his bright smiles.

“And I, YOU” He said brushing his lips on mine. I smiled at his possessiveness; I know he was trying to prove Manoj that I belong to HIM. Well, I don’t have any problem with his possessiveness because that shows me how much He loves me.

I turn back to look at my current problem but the look on Manoj’s face made me confuse. The look he was giving me was full of hurt, sadness, regret and love.


“Tell me everything” I demanded “why? Why did you leave me in the worst situation and why are you back in my life?”.

“I’d my reasons to why I left you Si- I mean Sreesha. But I left you there and never come back to your life. What confuses me was the accusations your husband made. I never stalked you or tried to reach you. Heck, I just got to know that you were married to him.” He said looking confused. I would’ve thought he was acting if I didn’t know him any better. I can tell when he was lying, despite what we had in the past, we were friends.

“I trust him on this Karthik, he’s not the one stalking me” I said turning to Karthik.

“He could be lying Sree, we can’t trust him easily” he yelled at me.

“Karthik, I could tell when he’s lying. He was my friend before he asked me out and I damn well know when he lies to me. So shut up and listen to him” I half yelled. Hurt flashed through his eyes but his eyes went blank, the look on his face was cold and calculative.

“Karthik I-I” he cut me off saying “Let’s listen to him” his tone was clipped and distant.

I know, I hurt him. But I want answers.

“We’re listening,” he said raising an eyebrow at Manoj.

He sighed and nodded ” That night after you slept, I got a call from my mom saying she wants me to get home as soon as possible. I tried to convince her saying that I would visit her the next day but something in her voice told me that she was afraid about something… or maybe someone? I tried to wake you up to inform you but you’re in a deep sleep. So I left a note saying

‘mom wants me home and I’ll meet you laterText © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

-Love Manoj ‘

When I reach home, my mom was in a vulnerable state”.

Third person Pov:


“Mom, what happened? Why are you crying?” Manoj asked the minute he reached his house.

“Ma-Manoj” she stuttered “I want you to promise me something” her voice was a mixture of fear and sadness.

Fear because if she failed, she would lo

se her one and only son. Her only family. Sadness because what she was about to ask would break her son’s heart. But at least he’ll live, right?

“What promises ma? First, tell me why were you crying? ” he pleaded.

“Why are you asking so many questions Manoj? Promise me you will do as I say” she snapped at him.

“Ma, why are you behaving like this? Of course, I would do anything for you. I would never say ‘no’ to you” he said taking his mother’s trembling hands into his.

“We’re moving away from here. No one should know where we live for the rest of our lives” she said in an emotionless tone.

“Wh-what? Moving? Where? No one should know. Why?” He blabbered, more confused.

“Don’t ask me any questions Manoj, I already packed the things we needed and we’re leaving in an hour” she said in the same voice trying to ignore his son’s confused state.

“Okay. We’ll move away from here” she was shocked by his words. Never in her wildest dreams, she thought he would leave without a fight “but, let me fetch Sreesha. So, we could leave together” that did it.

“No way! She’s not coming with us. Didn’t you hear me before? No one should know about our move. Especially that girl” her voice was full of venom now.

“Mom, why are you behaving like this? You too love her right? You told me she was the right girl for me. Then why? Mom, tell me what happened?” He pleaded to her.

“No. This is all because of her. I can’t risk my son’s life”

“My life is at risk? Ma-” she cut off him saying “we’re leaving and that’s final”

“No. I’m not leaving. Ma, I can’t leave her. She is my life. Life without her would be hell. She is the best thing that ever happened to me please don’t do this ” he begged her falling on his knees.

“At least you will live and that is all I needed. If you refuse to obey my wish, I’ll take away my life in front of you. Tell me, do you want me to die?” She blackmailed him taking a kitchen knife in her hand.

“Ma! No. I’ll do as you say. Please put the knife away” he tried to convince her.

“Not until you go and break up with her. She should think that you’re never in love with her and this was just an act. Go Manoj” she demanded. Manoj was shocked would be an understatement. Never in his dreams, he thought his mother would speak this heartlessly.


“Just do as I say, Manoj. I’m giving you 30 minutes to reach home and leave or else.. you know the consequences. You know your mother keeps her promise no matter what” She said pointing to the door.

He stuttered out of his home to reach his destination.

His love.

His life.


Little did he know that he was being watched by the devil himself.

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