Married To An Old Billionaire, In Love With His Son

Chapter 51

Liam’s POV

I had dinner alone. The order came in just in time. No other alternative after all. I ate slowly and chatted with Eve simultaneously.

Oh! tomorrow is Monday, I need to get everything set, confirm if the account was balance, check all application letters, check if there’s any business proposal and check if need be to contact other companies, and so on..

I started working on my laptop when I was done eating.

I yawned tiredly as I continued; one time I glared at the wall clock in my room.. didn’t know it was already 10pm. Gosh how? I haven’t even spoke to with my baby this night. She must have slept by now.

I sent her a goodnight text~ she didn’t reply, sure she has slept.

I picked up my laptop and continue working because I got to do this now, so I would have more space and time at work tomorrow… all I’ld need to attend is interior work and task.

My phone suddenly rang.

“Janet again!” I ignored the call, I don’t get what she want from me.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

It stopped ringing but she called again.

“Geez!” I picked it up and said; “What? What is Janet? Don’t you think I should be asleep by this time?”

“But you are not right? Okay I’m sorry” She said.

“Do you even call your friend, the way you call me often?” I asked.

“No, I wish but Liam..”

“Didn’t we conclude the last time that you don’t want anything from me? Not even your surrogate boyfriend” He said.

“Liam!” Janet raised her voice. “No, no” She said; “Just listen to me Liam”

“Okay go ahead” I responded sheepishly.

“Gosh… How would I say this” She said but I didn’t say anything. Instead, I dropped the phone and put it on speaker.

“I need you to tell Eve that the marriage with your father was arranged. it was planned one” Janet said.

“What?” I exclaimed and picked up the phone.

“It was a set up” She repeated.

“What? Who? Who set her up?” I asked.

“Err… My mom…” She responded.

“Your mom? Will will your mom do that and..?”

“God! Where do I start from?” She said.

“Janet if this is true, why don’t you just call your friend and tell her?”

“I.. I know right? But I’m afraid” She responded.

“Afraid about what? Eve is your best friend… She told me you are her best friend too”

“I… I have failed as a good best friend ” She replied.

“What do you mean by that?”

I heard her sigh and said; “I was aware when the whole thing happened… I knew my mother was gonna set her up. I was aware of your father going to her place to ask for her hand in marriage” She paused and gasped.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“I’m really sorry. I just couldn’t do anything about it… I knew we’ld lost connections; so I thought the matter will die down soon and she won’t even find out that I’m aware nor will she find out that it was a set up, the only advise I could give her was for her to run away as soon as she has earned a lot of money” Janet said, I couldn’t even believe my ears. “Yet each day, I remember that I might have done her wrong, my conscience is really battling with me”

“Liam ” She called my name when I didn’t say anything.

“Did you say it was a set up between your mom and my father?”

“More than a set up, your father was forced by my mom. He was threatened” She responded.

“What’s that? I mean with why? Is there something else you know? Talk to me Janet” I told her, closing my laptop and sitting upright.

“Can we meet up and talk?” She asked.

“Yeah, tomorrow ” I picked a date Quickily. “I’ld text you where I work” I said.

“I know where you work” She said; “But we can’t meet there. For what I did, I haven’t summoned up the courage to talk to Eve face to face. There’s a coffee shop metres away from where you work named C. F. E…”

“Oh you know my place well”

“I…. See you tomorrow Liam” She said, I think I heard her whimpering before she hung up the call.

Several thoughts ran through my head, why did Mrs Pitts force my father to do such? I thought they were good friends.. What more is between them? No, there’s more to him being forced, I know my father too well. He also could be very nasty.

I picked my phone up and texted her the time that we should meet.

I wonder how how Eve would feel when she finds out that she was set up by her best friend’s parent. Why? I remember Eve told me that the woman never liked her. God! What’s more to it?


The Next Day;

I arrived at the office a bit late, I mean everyone was at their units already working. I’m their boss anyways. They greeted me as I moved to my office..

Eve was around also.

“Hey Love” She said, stood up and welcomed me with a peck.

“It’s funny how you are learning faster, I’m the one who usually call you Love” I told her and she responded; “Yeah I’m grateful student” she said and I chuckled.

“And there’s no need to ask why you are just coming, it’s a late to bed; late to rise stuff.. I got your text” She said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call last night ”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I enjoyed spending the weekend with you by the way” She said.

“Me too. Is my father back?”

“Nah, he said I’ll return today”

“Oh Okay”

“I’m almost done with my work, so expect me real soon” She returned to her seat.

“Okay love” I responded and went into my office.

Before going to my seat, I stood there and glared at her through the glass wall for a while.

I really hope the matter on ground won’t become too complicated for her.


Haven’t forced myself to work a little. I sighed and relax on the chair. I kept reminiscing about the whole thing ‘cos it looked like, we’ld have to fight for our love.

Just then my phone beeped.. I received her text. She said she’s at the C. F. E coffee shop.

I stood up, wore my jacket quickly, arranged my things aside.. took my phone and car keys then I rushed outside.

“Where are you going? I’m done with this and I was just about to come to your office” Eve said.

“Err… I..” I searched for a lie to tell.

“And we need to talk.. remember?”

“Yeah.. I am going out right now” I told her.

“Where are you going?” She asked me again.

“Errm.. To see a friend” He responded and he looked like it was urgent.

“Okay… I’ld be waiting for you” I said.

“Yeah, I would be back soon okay?” I said.. And she nodded smiling.


I got to the coffee shop quite soon, looked around for Janet even when I do not even recognize her. Then a young girl.. Eve’s agemate waved at me. She was putting on black hoodie and also hiding half of her face.

I walked towards the girl..


“Liam?” We spoke at the same time.. I huffed and sat in front of her.

“Yeah I’m Janet” She said and she looked really nervous.

“Could have been nice meeting you but what we are here to discuss about.. won’t make a good encounter”

“How is Eve? I know she works in your office” She asked me.

“Eve is doing fine” I responded.

“At least, it’s nice to hear that” She mumbled..

“Okay Janet, don’t call yourself a bad best friend, I can see you really care about her” I said and she faked a smile.

A waiter came and served us two coffee..

“It’s mistake, I.. we did.. order…”

“I did, just before you came in” She said.

“Oh Okay..”

The waiter excused us.

“So… your father.. is he a pedophile or something?”

“I.. I don’t get. But what I know is that he married Eve because he wanted s*x from her even when he has alot of whores out there” I said.

Oops! I’m not meant to bad mouth the man though.

“God! What have I done? So she is your father’s s*x slave?” She exclaimed.

“No Janet, she scaped though.. Stop blaming yourself. Now tell me.”

“I don’t know how true it is yet, but my mom threatened to leak a video of him abusing a young girl ”

“My Dad did that?”

“I just said that I don’t know how far it is true”

“Of course it’s true, he was threatened like you just said.. But he took in Eve only to take advantage of her” I told her. “He didn’t have his way though”

“I want to make it up to her, I want her to break up with your father.. I feel like it was all my fault. My mom hated her for no specific reason, she told me to stay away from her but I wouldn’t listen because Eve was like a sister to me despite her background what she faced.. Then my mother literally sold her off to your father.”

“She’s doing fine here. Well meeting you and you telling me all this looked like it all happened coincidentally”

“What do you mean?”

“Eve is also planning a devoice. And I’m also gonna help her.”

“I’ld love to help also” Janet said.


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