Chapter 39. Walls Have Ears

Carson blinked repeatedly before shifting closer to James, cupping his face and pressing his lips back on his.

James smiled and pulled him closer by the back of his neck then began returning the kiss, after some minutes the both of them pulled away.

“How do you feel?” James then asked.

Carson licked his lips and smiled.

“Cool, better than the girls I’ve kissed but I’m still scared to tell my grandpa” he sighed and threw his head backward.

“Listen, just tell him okay, remember that I’m also like you and I’m happy, do what makes you happy, don’t try to please what others think about you okay?” James rubbed Carson’s forearm and Carson nodded.

“I love you” James suddenly said and Carson looked at him, feeling shocked.

“Don’t say anything, I just wanted to let you know” James added and Carson just smiled.



The family was sitting at the dinner table as usual but this time, the two silent men were absent, so they went out of the country for a business meeting.

“So… I heard you’ve started the competition and Skyler would be part of it” Grandpa Mario started.

“Hmm,” Mason nodded and kept eating.

“And all thanks to his news, my scandal has been forgotten on the internet” Ivy smiled.

“And when is your movie starting?” Maya asked.

“I think in some month’s time oh and Skyler congrats for getting into the class, you’re awesome and I’m sure you will make it in there” Ivy smiled at Skyler.

Skyler also returned the smile and continued eating her food.

“But Skyler doesn’t have to worry about anything right?” Rosa said and everyone looked at her, especially Skyler.

“Why did you say that aunt?” Hudson asked.

Rosa looked left and right at everyone before letting out a nervous chuckle.

“It’s just that.. Mason is Skyler’s husband and he loves her. Instead of Skyler going through all this stress, why doesn’t he just help her with it?” She suggested but immediately scowled down with all the bad looks she was receiving.

“Excuse me? I can do it all on my own” Skyler looked angry but she was trying to control herself.

“I’m not saying you can’t do it but I’m just saying..”

“That I should take advantage of the fact that I’m married to Mason?” Skyler cut her off with angry eyes.

Mason held Skyler’s hands under the table but she didn’t pay him any attention.

“Very shameless of you to say Rosa, I bet if you weren’t from the Delgado family then you would be poor and hopeless” Maya defended Skyler while feigning an upset look.

She wanted to put an act in front of the old man so he would start favoring her and Skyler could help her with it.

Rosa scoffed and shook her head.

“Don’t be too naive Skyler, life is hard and you didn’t just marry into this family for nothing, you should have a name apart from being Mason’s husband” She rolled her eyes.

Mason’s eyes darkened with all that she was saying. He wasn’t eating anymore but was using his fork to play with his food.

“Excuse everyone” Skyler stood up and rushed upstairs.

“I didn’t say anything bad, I just wanted to help her” Rosa defended herself with all the looks she was getting.

“I’ve warned you out, stop poking your nose into what doesn’t concern you but you never listen do you?” Mason said angrily and without waiting for her reply, he left.


Mason came in only to meet Skyler sitting on the bed with her palms covering her eyes.

“Are you crying about what she said, you know I don’t tolerate cheating or incompetence” he came to sit beside her.

Skyler removed her hands from her face.

“Your family looks down on me and reminds me that I don’t belong here. Oh wait I’m just a girl you saw roaming around that street in her wedding dress, you didn’t even think she was illiterate before you just proposed to her” Skyler ranted and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Oh, then what was I? A high-class billionaire from one of the richest families in the world holds a record of a lot of things and hides his face from people because he loves personal space. Suddenly stops a girl in a wedding dress on the street and asks her to marry him, yes stupid much!” Mason rolled his eyes.

What he said made Skyler chuckle and sniff at the same time.

“Hey,” Mason made her face him.

“You made your wedding dress, Edna chose you to make her red carpet dress for her, Ivy likes you, Grandpa and Jacob likes you and you say this family looks down on you?” He said before cupping her cheeks and using his thumb to clean her tears.

“I’m sorry, I was just angry with what Aunt Rosa said” she muttered with a sad pout.

“I want to see you in class tomorrow, I want you to make me proud,” he said and she nodded at him.

He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead before standing up.

“You should wash your face and go to bed early. If you get late then I will punish you twice, you wouldn’t want to know what the second one would be” he winked at her and began leaving.

Skyler’s eyes widened.

“Mason you..” She immediately grabbed her pillow then threw it at his back but he acted like nothing touched him.

She scoffed and shook her head.


Meanwhile, in the living room, Edna was sitting on the couch and pressing her phone when Ivy came to sit beside her.

“Rat” Ivy cleared her throat

“Ugly toad” Edna faced her.

“I heard he’s back so when will the plan start?” Ivy also faced her.

“Red carpet, it will be a perfect time for him to meet her,” Edna said with a smirk.

“I hope he’s handsome enough to meet her standard?” Ivy asked.

“Very handsome even more than her ex” Edna winked and Ivy scoffed before standing up and flaunting.

“Thank you, hate you” she began walking away.

“Hate you too” Edna shouted and chuckled to herself and continued pressing her phone.

“Wow you two are getting along” Carson walked to the couch with a smile.

“Ivy wishes” Edna scoffed and Carson sat beside her.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He played with his fingers a little before facing her.

“Hey sis.. uhm what do you think of gays?” He suddenly asked.

“Why are you asking? Are you one?” She asked with an eye roll but Carson immediately flew from the chair.

“What? Me? Gay? No!!!” He puffed some air out of his mouth.

“Hey calm down, I didn’t call you one. Zita is gay and he’s sexy so yeah, gays are cool” She shrugged before standing up and walking away.

Carson just smiled to himself.



It was 7 pm sharp when the people who were picked to attend the class were already waiting at the reception.

Some footsteps in heels were heard and they looked up to see Sunny coming towards them.

“Good morning everyone, I’m glad to see all of you here on time. Please come with me” she said with a smile before turning around and walking.

They stood up and went after her and she took them to a room that looked like a classroom except they were like some manikins around the classroom.

“This is gonna be you guys’ classroom, actually there are two, the second one is the most advanced. If you pass the exam then you will be promoted to the second class so have your seat everyone” Sunny ordered.

They began walking to their seats, Skyler took the front seat and Cynthia took the other seat by her right.

Sunny’s phone began ringing, she excused herself and stood on one side in the classroom then picked it up.

“Hey babe,” Cynthia whispered to her.

“Hi,” Skyler waved.

“Skyler!” A familiar male voice whispered her name and she turned to her left to see Jasper.

Her eyes widened in a little bit of surprise.

“You’re here?” She asked and he nodded.

“You know him?” Cynthia whispered to Skyler and she nodded.

“He’s Jasper, my coursemate when I was in college” she whispered to Cynthia and she nodded.

The blond girl who was rude towards Skyler yesterday sat at the back of Jasper. She whispered something to her friends before throwing her book at Jasper.

He turned back to meet her playing with her blond hair.

“Hi, my name is Lilian, can you help me pick my sketchbook?” She asked with a flirtatious smile.

“I got it” Skyler picked up the book and passed it to her.

She collected it, feeling shocked and angry.

“You’re welcome” Skyler smiled and faced front then rolled her eyes.

She didn’t know that Jasper was looking at her. She just stopped him from talking to that blond girl, maybe she felt something for him.

He smiled to himself.

Sunny just finished with her call before facing the class.

“Well, your teacher will be on her way. All your reports will be sent to us and the three best students here will be given a good guardian” Sunny announced and the door opened revealing a chubby woman, putting on glasses.

“Good morning everyone, my name is Elizabeth and I’m going to be your teacher. My goal is to make sure every one of you achieves your goals as an upcoming fashion designer,” she said with a smile.

Sunny nodded at her and left.

“Let’s introduce ourselves shall we? ” she started and pointed to Cynthia.

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