Chapter 33


**** Tessa’s POV ****

After efforts of trying to push him away with no luck, I gave up. Tears gathered in my eyes. I just want to get this over with, so I could get money for Anne’s surgery. Why does he have to be here?

Why now? “Let go of me,” I said for probably the 100th time now. He must have noticed the tears gliding out of my eyes as his eyes widened.

“Are you crying?” He asked. If only looks could kill, this man would have been dead by now. How come people aren’t saying anything about this, it’s abuse!

I peeped through his arm and noticed no one was looking at us, they were all busy grinding against someone next to them. “Just let go, please!” I cried. He quickly let go.

I covered my face, and only then, I realised I was really crying. What the hell was I doing, I shouldn’t be crying in front of him, he doesn’t deserve to see my tears. “What happened?” He asked.

He doesn’t deserve to know anything about me or my daughter either. He’s a stranger to me and always would be. You do love your child, right? A voice whispered in my head which made me break down… Again.

“Tessa…” He called as I walked away from him. Despite my efforts to get away from him, he managed to get a hold of me over and over again.

“Thinking twice about this, I know you wouldn’t be here only if you need something desperately,” He said. “You have to talk to me, is everything okay?”

“No! My child… She’s in the hospital, laying there unconsciously..”



“Unfortunately, the surgery costs a lot… And the doctor said my baby might die if I don’t get the money in less than 3 days. Oh, my baby…” Tessa cried. His heart leapt seeing her cry like this.

She looked so fragile. She was hurting and all he wanted to do at that moment was to hold her close and tell her everything was going to be alright but he also knew she wouldn’t want him that close to her.

He has been nothing but a pain to her. The last time they spoke before now brought nothing but pain to him, how could he have been so harsh to her? How could he not believe her? Maybe if he had, she wouldn’t be going through so much right now.

He offered her help. That was the only thing he could do for her right now. And Tessa was glad. She was happy she didn’t have to go through with what she came here for. She was going to pay him back his money, for sure.

When she gets right back up to her feet. She took down her pride and accepted the help from him just because of Anne and also because she knew he wasn’t going to let her do anything that night. She scowled internally. He has no right to tell me what to do and what not to do.

She thought. And then she remembered that she had to keep calm for Anne.


“Thanks for your help. I’d pay back as soon as I have the money.” I said and he frowned.

“You don’t need to pay back, Tessa.” He said. We were in front of Anne’s hospital room. The surgery ended two hours ago.

“Yes, I have to. I don’t want any help from you.” I said. It was true. I want no help from this man. I don’t want to take help from someone who had done nothing but contribute to my pain. He might help me now, but that doesn’t mean anything.

It does… He just helped save your daughter you ungrateful brat! My subconsciousness screamed at me. You’re just blinded by the love-hate you have for him. My subconsciousness continued.


He smirked. “I just helped you.”

“Yeah, but I said I am going to pay back,” I said clearly so he would understand.

“That still doesn’t change the fact that I helped you. If I didn’t I am sure you’d be wailing and crying right now.”

“Uh… No, I wouldn’t, I would have found someone to… Buy me.” I said. It was really uncomfortable to say that. His smile dropped.

“You were actually planning on selling yourself? I wonder what type of a role model you are to your child.”

“I had no choice… You-” I cut myself off. What was I doing? I should still appreciate the fact that he helped me. But I seriously don’t have to be nice to him… As I said, I’m going to pay it back.

“You can go now,” I said looking away from him.

“You’re not coming back?”

“No. I’m staying in this country.” I said. I don’t want to go back to that country anymore since I only get into nothing but trouble.

“Why?” Anyone could tell he was dragging this conversation. No doubt he was trying to get a reaction out of me.

“It’s none of your business. Look, I appreciate your help but that doesn’t mean you have any right to ask me questions. Just go away and I will contact you when I have the money to pay you back.”

He bit his lower lip. “Do you really hate me that much?” He asked. I ignored my heart’s sudden unusual beat.

“Do you hate me so much that the thought of me being close to you agitates you?” He asked again. For a moment, I swear I could have sworn that I saw nothing but pain.

Pain? Good.

“Uh… You should be going now.” I said avoiding his question. What type of a person even asks questions like that? I thought you died… I remembered the words he said earlier. He didn’t just say it, he cried. That was probably the first time I heard him cry.

Why would he think I died? Because I haven’t been back to the USA for so long? They all thought I died and decided to let go of it without any investigation. I couldn’t believe Jake.

I bet he was glad I was out of the picture. I can’t believe I looked up to someone like that. 4 years ago, if someone had told me something like this about Jake, I really wouldn’t have believed it.

I couldn’t deny the hate I grew for Jake throughout the years. Not only Jake, all of the people I knew back in the US. If I wasn’t so desperate for money, I wouldn’t have accepted his help.

And that’s why I’m going to pay him back. I thought.

Yeah, you’d spend the rest of your life paying him back. My subconsciousness hissed.

Just when I thought he was going to leave with that same painful look on his face, he didn’t. Instead, he stood where he was and tucked his hands in his pockets. He smirked.

Ah, what now?

“You’re going to pay me back? Okay, I’d be here next week to take back my money.” He said.

Wait for what? “I said when I have the money.”

“That would probably take forever, so no. Better have it when I come back next week.” He said. I could tell he was trying to stop himself from smiling. The son of a bitch.

I caught myself staring right at his face. Seriously, if he wasn’t this handsome, telling him off would be very easy. He walked closer to me. He kept coming closer until he was so close.

Jesus. His intoxicating smell hit my nose. I wanted to move away, but my body wasn’t responding to my brain. I gulped.

He brought his face close to my ear, his skin touched mine making me shiver. “Understand?” I heard him say before he redrew back. Smirking one more time, he walked away.

What just happened?

I hated the effects he had on me, it makes me hate myself so much.

I glared at him as he walked away. If looks could kill…

“Madam.” A lady said, touching my shoulder which snapped me out of my deep thought.

“Yes?” I replied quickly.

“I’ve been calling you.”

“Oh sorry..” I must have really been out of reality.

“Your daughter, she will be up in less than two hours. You should go get her some new clothes and food for her to eat.” She said.

My mind flew. “Thank you. Thank you.” I repeated. You can’t blame me. I walked back into the room where Anne lay. Kara sat on a chair next to her bed. She glared at me immediately after I walked in.


“Tessa, you, you!” She scolds but then realized she might disturb Anne she got up and dragged me outside the room.

“That man helped you! He was willing to give you such a huge amount of money without taking anything from you! How could you be so mean to him?!” Kara scolds. She was angry, she’s the type of person who appreciates everything from anyone.

“I know, I know. I just couldn’t bear the sight of him.” I said. It was true. I have a feeling that danger might come my way… Again, because of Austin.

After all, that was all he has ever brought to my life… And pain. His fiancee… There was no ring on his finger… Did they break up?

Or ex-fiancee or ex-girlfriends would want to cause unnecessary drama. They would make a huge meaning out of this for sure. If I’m not mean to him, it would make him want to come closer and then mess with me all over again.

I was still pissed for all he had done to me back then in the US. He played a huge role in my coming here. Just when I had thought he would believe me, it was the opposite. He even accused me and now he’s here acting as if he had always cared.

And Jake… I hope he doesn’t tell Jake he saw me. I don’t want to deal with that man ever again.

It was really hard not to believe… He must be a very good actor.

“Why? You just met him- Oh… You know him before?” She asked. I just nodded my head. She gasped.

“Oh my God. That dude is freakin’ loaded! How could you have known someone that rich and you just let yourself and your daughter suffer that much!” She exclaimed.

She was going to drag this for sure and knowing her, she’d want me to get more money from him. “You know, from the way he was looking at you earlier… I think he has something for you..” She whispered. I rolled my eyes.

Something for me my butt. “You know, you take everything seriously. How could you even think of such a thing? I knew from the beginning you’d make a huge thing out of every little thing.” I ranted trying to change the topic.

“Bu-” I cut her off.

“I have to go home and get some things for Anne, please watch her for me.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“You’re going to tell me everything when you get back.” She said. I ignored her and went back to the room to take my bag before leaving.

On getting home, I packed some clothes for Anne and prepared her favourite. My heart shook in joy at the thought of speaking to her. Less than an hour later, I was done.

I left the house for the hospital. My heart leapt again, for like the 100th time today. My baby. She sat up on the bed listening to whatever Kara was saying.

I walked towards her, bending down, I hugged her, so tight. I let the tears slip out of my eyes.

4 hours later.

A nurse walked in with a paper in her hand. Remember earlier? When Kara was questioning me about Austin? She didn’t let it go, and I was forced to tell her everything I knew about Austin.

I ended up telling her about everything. It was only then I realized I haven’t really told her much about myself.

“Here.” The nurse said handing over me the paper in her hand before walking out. My eyes widened seeing the hospital bills. How can hospital bills be this expensive?

Jesus. , 2, 770 in US dollars. She hasn’t even been here for that long. Just 3 days? I read down through the paper until I saw ‘all medical bills covered’ covered. I don’t recall paying the 2, 770 dollars. ‘under the name of Austin Kings’

‘Total balance paid: 15, 000.

Should have figured it out. Now I’m owing him more debts. Jesus Christ.

3 days later.

I was going back to Anne’s hospital room. In two days, we’d be going back home. I couldn’t be happier. I was sick of this environment.

I paused when I noticed a man trying to stand up from where he sat, he was on a cast. I walked toward him to help him. “Can I help?” I asked. He looked up at me with a smile.

“Yes you can, thanks.” He was a young man. Probably in his late 20s. I helped him stand up before supporting him back to his room. “Thank you.” I heard him say.

“No problem.” I was really curious about why he couldn’t walk. But it’s not right to ask him. “I know you’re curious about all this.” He said like he read my mind thought.

The smile never left his face. He was pretty attractive, his smile only made him more attractive. “I got into an accident a week ago, but don’t worry… The doctor said I would walk again.” He said.

I don’t know why, but I felt relieved knowing he was going to walk again. “That’s a relief,” I said. He nodded his head in agreement.

“So… Why are you here?”

“I’m here for my daughter… She’s admitted.”

“You have a daughter?” He asked. He was very surprised.

“Yes. Why?”

“You just look very young.”

“Oh. Thanks?” I said not sure of what to say.

“No problem. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here till today, you must have been here for long also.”

“Yeah…” I cut myself off when I turned my head towards the wide opened door. Steps away was someone I never expected to see. Ever again.


He too kept staring at me.





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