Chapter 43


**** Sara’s POV ****

I literally jumped at the lady, she held the sheets to herself. I took a hold of her hair and dragged it hoping her stupid hair would pull off. How dare she?! Does she want to die?

Was that what she want? I’m going to give it to her. “Sara!” Carson growled as he got up from the bed and quickly put on his boxers. I ignored him and continued what I was doing.

The girl was using a hand to hold the sheets to herself, giving me more chances to hurt her. She screamed trying to push me away. “You fucking piece of shit!” I hissed at her.

The next thing I knew, Carson’s hand was around me pulling me away from the girl. “Let go of me you son of a bitch! I’m going to kill both of you, I swear!” I promised and I could do it.

His arms wrapped around me tighter. “Would you fucking stop this?!” He growled in my ears. I thrashed until I was out of his hold. I turned to him and slapped him across the face, really hard.

The left side of his face was red. “How dare you cheat on me when I’ve been nothing but faithful! Answer me! Son of a bitch!” I took the vase from the side of the bed and almost threw it at him. “Sara!” He growled.

Oh, that’s just a start, I would throw a hammer at him and this stupid slut the next time. Speaking of hammers.

I blew past him and walk to the door which was my dressing room, I dropped a hammer there last night when I was trying to fix my wardrobe. It was night, so I couldn’t get any Carpenter.

I saw the hammer. I didn’t care if I was going to kill someone, I just need to put those bastards in their places.

I took the hammer and hurriedly walk back out only to see the room empty. Running out the door, I chased them. “Come back here, I’m not done with you!” I growled.

“Fucking bitch!” I kept cussing at them looking around if I could see them anywhere. This hammer certainly wasn’t going to do anything. Why did I even take the hammer when a gun would be of good use?

I could kill that fu*king slut from afar. I got back into the room. I took my gun hidden in my clothes and loaded it. I was breathing heavily.

I ran back out. I shot the air, that would startle them right? That’s if they are still inside this God damned house.

I heard a lady’s scream. Oh, they were in. I quickly walk over to the place where the scream came from. I heard footsteps running. I ran after them, firing another bullet at them.

Of all people, he could cheat with, why someone who looks like Tessa? That bitch Tessa deserves to die a miserable death! They ran down the stairs. Spotting them, I fired another shot.

I heard someone groan in pain, Carson.

I wasn’t thinking straight. I just wanted that girl dead.

They were out of sight before I knew it. “Come back here!” I screamed. It came out as a cry. I wanted them dead.

I wasn’t afraid to kill anybody. I’ve killed before. I killed my mother… When I was 18. She was a selfish bitch and only cared for herself.

It would take forever to explain how I did it and how I manage to cover it all from an accident. But my mom was an evil witch. She deserved what she got.

But, did Taylor? Taylor was a friend of mine, I met her when we were both 16. She was this type of good girl that doesn’t like to get in trouble, that doesn’t make her less of a slut though.

I had a crush on Mikey, who was also a friend of ours, but not really close. Slutty Taylor knew very well that I had a crush on him but she still went after him and two months later they were together.

I confronted her about it but she said he was the one who had asked her out and it began from there. I was so jealous and still was very in love with Mikey.

I just thought the only way to get her out of the picture was to kill her and then I would have Mikey all to myself. I succeeded with the help of a friend. Well, I wouldn’t say friend, I met him in a mall and he hit on me, asked for my number.

He called me a few times after that. And when it was time to kill Taylor, I told him I was going to give him what he wanted from me — Sex, if he helped me.

He helped me and together we were able to kill Taylor and cover our tracks. It’s been over 10 years since Taylor died and investigations are still going on.

It was easy to escape when I was being investigated, I somehow managed to seduce the investigator. I mean, who could resist a beauty like me?

Carson and that girl were out of sight. I could swear that a bullet hit Carson because had screamed. Was he dead?

I didn’t want Carson dead, I just want him all to myself, I love him so much. “Carson?” I called. If I spot that bitch, I swear I’m going to kill her.

3 minutes later, I heard the cop’s siren. Oh, they called the cops? I clenched my jaw in anger. My eyes welling up. How could Carson do this to me?

The front door burst open.

“Drop the gun and put your hands up! Miss!” I heard a male cop scream.

“I said, drop the gun and put your hands up!”

There wasn’t any way I was going to go to Jail. No way. But he had a gun with him too, he might shoot me if I turn around. Shakily, I did as I was told.


**** Tessa’s POV ****

(2 days after Tessa used the bottle on Cedric)


After more and more attempts to escape, Cedric always manages to catch me, hitting me and inflicting injuries on me. My body was sore.

I was tied to a chair in his basement and haven’t heard from him since yesterday. I screamed so hard that I lost my voice.

I just wanted to know if Anne was okay… Oh, God.

‘I’m going to let you out if you promise to stop these stupid dramas, what were you trying to do? Kill me?’ He scoffed. ‘Do you really think you could do that? You have tried that shit for probably the 100th time, I would just give up if I were you. You’re not leaving here.’

‘I will… Somehow,’

‘Oh, like this?’ He said eyeing me.

‘I believe someone is going to find me and then you’d rot in jail!’ I spat. That infuriated him and he gave me a slap. I cried at the harsh contact.

‘You keep running your mouth, I bet it would shut up if your precious little girl dies.’

‘Don’t you dare harm my child?’

‘Can’t promise that.’ He said and walked towards the door, then he stopped. ‘As I said, I would let you out of here if you stop this shit. I’d be here tomorrow and if by then you’ve not made up your mind… I would have no choice but to harm your child since that’s the only way I could get to you.’ He said and walked out, locking the door.

I heard the sound of keys dangling from the other side of the door. My heartbeat quickened.

I’m just going to tell him I would stop. This man is psycho, he might hurt Anne. what if he already did?

He walked until he was in front of me. “Where is my child? Please tell me she’s okay.”

“She is, For now.”

“Did you touch her? I swear t-”

“Relax, I didn’t do anything to her… Yet.” He said. He was trying to hide it but I could see something was troubling him.

“What did you do?”

“I said I didn’t do anything!” He snapped. I took that as a clue to shut up. I definitely didn’t want to get hit by him, I was already going through so much pain.

“Now, are you going to behave? You know, if you don’t… Your chi-”

“Okay! I’m going to behave, I promise. Just don’t.. Don’t harm her please.” I pleaded. He smirked and said “Deal.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

He bent down and began losing the rope from my body, I sighed as the tight ropes were off my body. There were red lines all over me.

The pain intensified. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t. Before I knew it, he swept me in his arms. I squirmed. “You don’t want to turn me on, do you?” He asked. I stilled.

I don’t want him to touch me ever again. I was still recovering from what he did last time. It’s a nightmare. I wish someone would just wake me up and tell me it was all a dream.

Why did I have to go trust someone like him? I’m so stupid, I could have prevented this. I always manage to put myself and my baby in danger. I’m sorry, Anne.

Tears slipped out of my eyes. “Please, let me see Anne.”

“No, not before you take a bath.” He replied. We reached a familiar door, his room.

He opened the door and took me straight to the bathroom. He sat me down in the bathtub. “Take your clothes off.” He said, more like a command.

I shook my head no in terror. “Take it off, or I’m going to do it for you.”

“Please, leave… I-I’d do it myself.” I pleaded to give him the pleading eyes.

“No,” He snapped. “Take it off.” He repeated. I gulped. He got clearly agitated as he said. “Oh For fucks sake!” I screamed as he bent down and started taking off my clothes.

“Get off me, you vermin!” I screamed. He didn’t stop.


I finished using the bathroom, brushed my teeth and wore the big white top Cedric had given me. I didn’t want to wear his clothes, but then I would have to walk around naked.

The top was big but short

and it reached my thigh. I walked out of the room, to find Anne, of course. The house was quiet. It was a huge house, someone might be doing something on the other side of the house but you won’t hear anything.

I learnt that in my last attempt to escape. Cedric had asked me to stay in the room. But my stubbornness and desperation to see Anne wouldn’t let me.

I got to a table, there were two large papers. I was going to ignore it and continue my search when I saw myself in the picture, I gasped and took it. The other picture was a picture of Anne.

Huge writing which says ‘MISSING’ on each paper. I felt relieved. They know I’m missing… I mean, of course, I knew they would find out eventually. Oh, Kara.

They’ve probably started a search party. My eyes dropped at the 1 million dollars reward. Jesus Christ. Where in the world would Kara get that type of money to pay, if someone indeed finds me? And it wasn’t 1 million dollars for finding me and Anne, but 1 million dollars for each of us.

That’s a fine of 2 million dollars. There’s no way on earth Kara could get that type of money. Did she ask Celina?

Celina is a millionaire, she could bet thousands of dollars but definitely not over a million. Whoever it is, I’d be very grateful. I just want to be out of here.

This was definitely why Cedric looked troubled earlier. “What are you doing?” A voice snapped. I looked away from the paper to see a very angry-looking Cedric.

He snatched the papers away from me and tore them up. “Don’t look at that shit like a glimpse of hope ’cause I promise you’re not goi-” Something hit the window shattering it.

“I KNOW TESSA CARL IS IN THERE!! THAT TWO MILLION DOLLARS IS MINE!!” Whoever was down there was a teenage boy.

“I CALLED THE COPS, THEY’D BE HERE SOON, SON OF A BITCH!” he shouted again. Oh damn, he could have just waited till the cops were here.

How did he even get in here? Nevertheless, A smile crept on my face. I was going to be out of here! Then I could make amendments to my child.

He gave me a nasty glare and my smile disappeared. “Come here.” He said grabbing my arm. I screamed. Less than a minute later, I heard the cop’s siren.





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