Chapter 48

It was later that night, and for some reason, I felt bad for what I did last night. I was scared. The woman we’re talking about here is a woman with power and I’m just… A nobody.

What if she decides to harm my daughter in order to get back at me? She’d surely do something, no doubt in my mind.

Should I leave this place? But then, where in the world would I go?

If I decide to leave this country and go back home, I would be left with absolutely nothing. But it’s better than getting hurt.

Well, that thought is a fail… I lost my passport. I lost everything.

Think, Tessa, Think.

I was abruptly stopped from my thoughts when I noticed a black car stopped only a few feet from my house, I looked through my house window, my neighbours normally don’t use their cars by this time. And I don’t think any of them has a black Mercedes.

Something like this has happened before for me to think nothing isn’t going on. What if she sent them?

It was only 2:11 am.

I panicked and ran to the house to turn off the lights.

I walked to Anne’s room.

She was asleep. ‘God please, don’t let any harm come to me and my daughter’ I silently prayed.

I heard a knock, a faint knock.

I gulped. “Anne, sweetie.” I tried to wake Anne up. And then there was another knock.

“If she doesn’t answer the door in a minute, then we would have to break through.”

This time, they rang the doorbell.

I needed to get out of here. There was an escape door for emergencies like this, in the corner of the house.

I carried Anne and went over to my room. “Mommy?” I heard her whisper.

“Yes baby, it’s me.” I didn’t even have time to answer what she was asking. I put her down on a chair and began packing up, I packed what I needed the most.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

It was a few of my clothes, Anne’s clothes, my debit card, and every other necessary thing.

I carried my bags in one arm, ignoring the pain, and Carried Anne in my other arm.

I walked outside the room and hear the front door open, steps coming with it. I panicked and walk faster.

Reaching the escape door, there was a car outside. It was also an escape car. I never used it because I haven’t been in an emergency case in this house before and it isn’t mine. if I take it now, how am I going to give it back to the landlord?

I had paid 10, 000 dollars for a year in this house, I know it’s expensive but at that time I was doing really well in my business.

And I loved how it had an escape door, a car, and a road for escape for emergencies like this.

I had hanged the key, on the wall in my room, how am I going to go back and get it? I’m not sure they’ve reached the veranda or I would have heard something from here.

I decided to risk it, they were going to get to me without a car anyways. I dropped my bags but carried Anne along.

“Shh, I heard something.” I heard a manly voice say.

The sound came from the kitchen. I quietly ran into my room and took the keys.

It seemed like they’d already searched here.

I quickly ran back to the secret door, my bags were still there. Taking it, I walked to the car and opened it. It made a loud sound.

“Quick, enter,” I told Anne. I put my bag in the back seat before, entering the driver’s seat. I made a swift reverse and drove off.

“Hey!! She’s driving away!!” was what I heard before driving off.

“Mommy? What about my seat belt?” Anne asked. I cussed silently. How could I Have forgotten about that? Halting the car, I reached out to put her seatbelt on her.


Third Person’s POV


“Mom? Why are you still after that woman? Haven’t you gotten what you want? I thought y-” Austin’s mom caught her off before she could finish the sentence.

“Of course, dear. I’ve gotten all I want. But, you see my dear, Tessa has put me in so much pain in the past, I think she also should feel those pains. While my son was after her, he didn’t call me all throughout, he came to this country to look for that witch and he had completely ignored me, ignoring my calls, and text messages, there was a time, I was so scared thinking something might have happened to him. You have no idea how much pain I went through, dear. I want her to feel that much pain, if possible, worse. I hired hitmen, to bring her child. I want her to be at your engagement party with Austin because I know she loves my son, it’s gonna be painful for her.”

“Mo-” Ciara tried to say, but she cut her off.

“And you, you should be pregnant with my grandchild by now.” Austin’s mother said.

“I know but, he’s refusing to touch me, mom. I keep trying but he just.

“Try harder.”

“I think it’s… It’s because of her.” Ciara said.

“No. He doesn’t remember her. As long as he keeps taking that pill, he’s not going to remember her.”

“I guess..” said Ciara. “About, my engagement party, I don’t think she would be there.”

“Oh trust me, dear. She would be there. That’s why I hired hitmen to bring her child, she would do anything I say if her child is with me…”


“YOU IDIOT!” Thug 1 said hitting thug 2 on the head. He winced.

“What was that for?!” He snapped.

“She escaped because of you! We had one job, bring her daughter! I suggested we should do this later today, you know the child comes out to play with the neighbour’s child but ‘NOOOO, people would probably see us, it’s better at nighttttt!’ ” He mocked.

“I think he’s drunk,” thug 3 said.

“I think we’re all drunk.” thug 4 said with a shrug.

“Boss is going to kill us all!!”

“you mean only you, right?”

“No idiot, I meant all. Of. Us.” Thug 2 said

“Who suggested we should come tonight even when he’s aware of our drunkenness?” Thug 1 questioned.

“Him!” Thug 3 and 4 said at the same time pointing at Thug 2.

“Bastards!! well, why didn’t you two stop me?!” Said Thug 1.

“Uhm… Because you’re the lead?!” Questioned Thug two.

“fucker, you’re the second in lead.” Thug 1 exclaimed.

“Yo-” He was cut off when his phone rang. “oh fuck, it’s boss.”

“Well, pick it up!”

He picked up the call, awkwardly.

“So, what are you waiting for? I gave you this job like two days ago..”


“I do not like the sound of that. You know I do not like when someone slacks on the job I give to them.”

He scratched his head, scared. “We uh… We… We lost her boss.”


“JJ wants to speak with you.” He said putting the phone on his colleague’s ear. He whispered ‘why me!”

“I DEMAND YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED.” Austin’s mother demanded.

And then he told her what happened.

“Why didn’t you follow her fool!”

“We, uh… We can’t bring our car in here.”

“Are you drunk?”

“no, yes, boss…”


“I want you guys to find her, do not come back without that woman, especially the child.” Austin’s mother screamed into the phone.

“What happened?”

“Those fools lost her!”

“oh my God.”


After leaving Austin’s mother’s room, Ciara left for Austin’s room.

She opened the door without knocking. Austin was looking out the window. She smiled and walked up to him. “The scene is beautiful isn’t it?” She asked.

“Reminds me of her.” He replied.

Her heart almost stopped.

“Of who?” She asked.

“Her. I keep getting flashbacks of this woman, with no face..”

“What? Haha. I think you were dreaming sweetheart.”

He turned to face her.

“No, it’s not a dream, wherever she’s out there, she might be in danger.”

“Austin, stop it. You’re engaged to me, we’ve been together for quite a while, I think this lady is just an imagination. I should be the only woman in your head.” she said.

She was scared, were his memories coming back? If it did, then all their plans are ruined. She knew Austin would stand with Tessa, and then.

She looked around the room and spotted his medication, the one they were giving to him so he won’t get his memories back.

She noticed it was the same as yesterday morning which means he hasn’t taken it since yesterday morning.

‘oh my God, he hasn’t taken the drugs since yesterday, I think that’s why he’s having flashbacks.’ she thought.

“Austin, the sweetheart, since when have you been having images of this woman?”

“earlier today, why?”

“Oh, nothing. But here, you need to take your medications.” She said. He hesitated before answering. “I don’t need it.”

“Of course, you need it, babe. The doctor said it would help you recover faster.”

“I said, I don’t need it,” He snapped. She was shocked by his tune, Austin has never spoken to her that way before…

“B-but, Austin… You don’t understand…”

Austin was very stubborn, and she knew that. She knew he wasn’t going to listen to her. So she left the room to go call his mother.

When Austin’s mom reached his room. She also noticed something different about him, that scared her, what if he suddenly remembers Tessa…

“Austin, dear. I heard you refused to take your medications..”

And just like that, she managed to lure him into taking it with her fake cries.


It was bedtime, Austin was in the bedroom, while Ciara was in the room, trying to look sexy for him. She hopes her plans work this time.

And she hopes, she gets pregnant with his child.

She put makeup on her face, wore very exposing lingerie and waited for him on the bed.

Austin came out fully dressed. Her face turned into a look of disappointment. She hoped he would come out with just a towel around his torso.

But all hope wasn’t lost.

Austin looked at her, funnily.

“Why do you have that on?” He asked.

“Oh come on baby, don’t pretend you don’t know what I want… And I know you want it as well… And besides, I’m really good at it… Better than that Tess-” She cut herself off before she could finish.

“Tessa…” He whispered.

“Uh… No, you don’t know anyone called that name sweetie,”

“It just sounded really familiar.” He shrugged.

“Oh… Okay… Come to bed baby..” she said standing up, she lead him to the bed.

“I want this, And I know you do too… She said kissing him on his neck. “touch me, please..” She begged.

Austin redrew his hand. It was really tempting, it feels like forever since he had sex.


Tessa’s POV


I drove and drove for minutes, until, I saw a sign on a building which says “Kingstel 5 star hotel” it looked expensive but what could I do?

We needed to rest.

I drove in and packed at the packing lot. I just hope, it’s safe here.





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