Chapter 52

**** Tessa’s POV ****

I lay down on the chair reading today’s newspaper, what happened last night keeps replaying in my brain and I couldn’t stop smiling at it.

Vick left for work early this morning, he seems to be always busy with work, not that I’m complaining.

“I’m sorry, I have to go to work, I have lots of work to do but I promise, it’s all almost done, then I’d be at home with you-

I shook the thought off my head. No, he should keep working, I do not need him here. It’s more peaceful and comfortable when he isn’t around.

“Ma’am, somebody is here to see you.” I heard the house help say.

Ugh, who is here, I wasn’t expecting anyone and I wasn’t in the mood to. But something in me was curious, so I asked her to let the person in.

And then I saw the guy from yesterday. Oh, he came to apologize. I cleared my throat and sat up.

I smiled. “So, what are you here for?” I asked him.

“I came to apologize.” He said. I didn’t like the way he said it. It sounded ignorant.

“Okay.” I gave him a go-ahead, anyways.

“About, yesterday… I came to apologize for talking back at you, please forgive me… Or the boss would kill me..” He pleaded.

“Why would I care if he kills you?”

“Please, I have a wife with two kids, they’d be very sad if I’m suddenly gone, I’m all they have..” He pleaded.

“I’d forgive you on one condition..”

He nodded his head for me to continue. I scowled. “Use your mouth,” I said.

“Sorry. Yes ma’am.”

“The papers you brought in yesterday… It has some sort of language I do not understand, would you be kind to translate it?”

“Only bos -” He tried to say but I cut him off.

“Okay then, go. I do not forgive you. In fact, I would tell Vick you didn’t apologize, you just cam-”

“Okay, I would tell you… Please don’t.. Please..” He pleaded. I smiled at him.

*** Third Person POV ***

Vick sat on his office chair going through some heavy paperwork. He’s been busy the minute he came into the office.

He sighed.

Suddenly someone barged into his office, he looked up to see Ciara. What does she want, now? He thought, annoyed at her presence.

“Vick, what’s wrong with you? Why are you suddenly like this? You became soft and, and… You’re siding with that whore, you were supposed to make her suffer not the opposite!”

Vick gave her a cold look for calling Tessa a ‘whore’

“Call her that again and have your throat slit.” he threatened and she gasped, looking shocked.

She placed her hands on her neck, but immediately gained control back.

“You wouldn’t do that, my dad would-”

“Try me,” He said. She gasped again, “What’s wrong with you?! Vick, this isn’t you. You’re supposed to be on my side. Not hers, you promised you’d do anything to make me happy. And now… She’s using you. You don’t think she’s in love with you, do you?”

And that was the last straw, he flipped and kicked her out.


Tessa’s POV

I asked him to leave after he translated it. It was all too easy.

Sitting down to read it, my eyes almost dropped. I thought this was a business script or something.

I wanted to sabotage something for Vick, something that would hurt him… Something he would cry about.

I felt like using him isn’t enough, he would probably find out sooner or later and hurt me… That’s for sure.

In other for him not to hurt me, I have to turn the tables. But how?

I pushed aside my thoughts and read the whole script.

It was unbelievable, as rich as Vick was, he still did Task evasion. Are you really surprised? As corrupt as he is?

I sighed. This couldn’t do anything for me. It wouldn’t help me get what I want, it would only put me in more trouble.

Vick is nearly untouchable, only a more powerful man could bring him down. It’s so scary.

I let out a breath. My head was throbbing.

Vick is going to propose soon, I know that for sure.. could I say no? Would that get him angry? It sure would. Then he might go back to his old wicked self.

And torture me.

I mean Tessa… You could get married to him without a prenup and divorce him. You could get half of his wealth.

No. That’s not a good idea.

It is… You’d have more access to his properties when you become his wife.

The world would know you’re his wife, you could accuse him of abuse… you could get him in jail.

I wanted to block the voice in my head.

You could hurt him.

Thinking about it, he’s going to make me get married to him anyways. I sat up on the couch. Vick thinks I truly love him.

He’s so gullible.

True, I could take advantage of this.


**** Kara’s POV ****


After driving for an hour, I reached Tessa’s apartment. I felt so bad. I don’t know how to speak to her, she must be so mad at me. I understand. I would be too.

I just hope she sees how sorry I am. I would make it up to her, but for now.. she’s in danger. I unbuckled my seat belt. Took my phone and got out of the car.

I reached and door and rang the doorbell. Someone opened the door. It was an elderly woman. I was surprised. Did Tessa bring any of her relatives?

No… As far as I know, she isn’t close to any of her relatives. Besides, the only one she knows is her aunt and from what I know, she isn’t old.

I smiled. “Hello, I’m looking for Tessa.”

She shook her head. “There’s nobody called Tessa here, we just moved in here 3 days ago.” She said. My eyes widened a bit. Did Tessa leave?

I know her rent isn’t expired, it won’t be till next year and the rent is not refundable.

Oh my God. What if something happened to her? What if Austin’s mom…

“Thank you,” I said to the lady before walking away. I reached my car. Something happened. I believe. She’s in danger…

What if she’s being tortured? Poor Tessa. I felt so guilty.

Austin’s mom! I know I have her number somewhere on my phone.

I searched for the number, but couldn’t find it, I stopped when I saw Jake’s number. Haven’t spoken with him in a while.

I dialled the number. It rang, but he didn’t pick up the call. Come on, Jake.

I called again and again. The third time calling him, he picked up the call.

“Jake… Jake, it’s Tessa.. she’s in danger…”

“What?” He asked. He seemed out of breath. “Tessa was at the party just a few days ago,”

“What party?”

“Austin’s mom said she saw her Tessa abused her.”

“What?” I said. It was unbelievable. The way he talked about Tessa was like he spites her. It was disturbing.

“She was with Vick. Her new target, you see, she couldn’t get us, so she decided to target another rich guy,” It was painful to listen to this, but I have to, to get information. He sounded drunk.

Vick… His name sounds so familiar…


**** Tessa’s POV ****


I was in the car with Vick. He had offered to take me on a night out. I was so nervous, my hand was shaking. I tried to hide it.

“I have been waiting for the day, Tess.” He said with his hand on my hand. I gave him a fake smile, as I tried to stop my hands from shaking.

We rode for 10 more minutes until we reached a place. It wasn’t a restaurant. It was just a place beautifully decorated. Oh my God.. he was going to propose…

My breathing became faster. We reached a swing, and I sat down on it, he bent down, his eyes on mine.

“I fell in love with you the day I met you… It hurt you didn’t love me back. And it feels my heart has been fixed now you love me…” He said. I gave another fake smile.

Remember, Tessa… For the safety of your child… For revenge… The voice in my head said.

He kept saying stuff, it was blurred out, because I was thinking about something else. His lips moved in the shape of ‘I Love You and I replied. “I… I love you too.”

He reached for something in his pocket. It felt like the world stopped moving.


I tossed it on the bed. I felt a presence before me. Normally, it’s just me on the bed by this time in the morning, sometimes, Anne comes to lay with me. But I’m sure this wasn’t Anne.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Vick. What was he still doing here? Normally by this time, he would be at work.

Then I remembered last night.

He was smiling at me. “Morning sweetheart,” He said.

“why are you still here? I mean… Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“Yeah, but I’m taking the month off.” He replied twirling my hair.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why?” He asked back, questioning my question.

“I mean, I know why… but I just want to hear it come from you.” I lied.

He chuckled. “We’re getting engaged in two days, getting married in a week.” He said. My eyes widened but I quickly covered it.

“Oh, I knew that…” I said with an awkward laugh.

He leaned in to kiss my neck.

“We have guests today.” He said and kissed me on the lips before getting off the bed. I faked another smile.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.


Kara’s POV (the night before)


I entered my apartment, exhausted. It was a stressful day. Trying to find out what’s going on.

I turned on the TV.

And breaking news, Vick Carter is rumoured to be getting engaged by next tomorrow-

My eyes widened and increased the volume.

He was getting engaged…

Do we have any information on the bride, Logan

Yes, she’s said to be Tessa Carl…

Tessa… I gulped.

Well, at least now I know for sure who she is with. I need to go to the engagement party, and I would try to talk with Tessa to let her know what’s going on with Austin…


Tessa’s POV


The guest we were waiting for, arrived. I stood up from the chair and waited to receive them. Anne was right next to me.

The guest walked in, and my eyes widened. Aunt…


My nostrils flared at the sight of this woman, how dare she come back? I noticed how she was looking at Anne, like dirt. I pushed Anne behind me.

Only God knows how I wanted to attack the woman and drag her out of here, but wouldn’t that be too easy for her? She has to get it hard. I needed to teach her a lesson so she wouldn’t think of coming back… In my life ever again.

I faked a smile. “Aunt!” I walked closer to her and hugged her. She hugged back.

“Oh, my sweet angel! I miss you so much.” She said. I cringed.

I know she didn’t miss me, not at all. She knows Vick is loaded, she’s doing all this to get her share. If only she knew what I had in mind…

“I miss you, too, Aunt… Where’s Cara?” I asked of her daughter.

“Oh! I’m here.” Cara squealed as she walked in, her heels clicking on the floor. She wore a very short tight gown, how boobs exposed. And as usual, her face was caked with makeup.

I stole a look at Vick as if he was checking her out, but his eyes were solely on me. Dang, he fell hard didn’t he?

“Oh hey, Cara, long time no see.”

“Yeah,” She giggled kissing my cheeks.

“Oh and look at the little one! I miss her so so so much! The last time I saw her… She was… in your stomach!” Cara said awkwardly.

“Yeah,” I said and walked back to Anne. I didn’t want these people touching my child. I smiled again.

“You guys are welcome, the maid would see you to your rooms,” Vick said to them. He came towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

I pretended I liked it and gave him a side hug.

The rest of the day was boring, I had to put up with Aunt talking all day long. It was 4 pm and a fashion designer was here. She brought lots of designer gowns, both for the engagement and wedding for me to choose from.

I tried on a couple of gowns and couldn’t come to a conclusion, not because I don’t like them, don’t get me wrong, they are all very beautiful but… It’s just very disturbing knowing I was getting married to someone I don’t love.

But I chose two gowns after everything, reminding myself I had to do this.





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