Marrying the Mob Prince



“What’s going on?”

I returned with the coffees, bewildered to find my sister and my boyfriend locked in a heated exchange. A red-faced Indie stood in front of Cainan, who lounged in the chair, regarding her with a cruel twist of his mouth. As I approached, Cainan’s ankle slid off his thigh and the arrogance melted off him.

“We’re having a friendly chat. Is that for me?”

I mumbled a “yes,” already regretting the heart floating on the steamed milk, but Cainan didn’t seem to mind the cheesy drawing. He beamed full wattage as he took his cup and sipped. He smacked his lips and let out a soft exclamation. “Huh. It tastes different.”

“I used macadamia milk.”

“Ah. Trying to convert me to veganism, are you?” His wink sent warmth down my belly, and I grinned stupidly.

“Just broadening your horizons.” I put the other coffee on the table in front of Indie.

“Well, a few of these might do the trick.” He caught my wrist and kissed my hand. “Thanks.”

“It’s only coffee,” I murmured as I sat beside him, my cheeks burning. “Indie? Why are you standing up?”

My attention snapped to my sister, who hadn’t thanked me for the coffee and glared at Cainan like he’d shown her his dick. Indie’s horrified expression smoothed over. She gave me a strained smile.

“I’m actually going to head out.” Her deadpan contradicted the rage glowing in her narrowed eyes. “I have a stomachache.”

Cainan set his cup down, his brows furrowed. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

My brows furrowed. She was leaving? A second ago she was fine. “You said that you couldn’t wait to see me.”

“I-I know.” Her anxious gaze swiveled from me to Cainan, who expressed nothing but a vague concern. “I’m feeling crappy. I think it’s food poisoning from last night that’s hitting me now. I’ll call you later. Okay?”


Indie pulled me in a brief hug. She squeezed hard. Then she ripped from my side. I stared at her retreating back as a ringing sense of loss struck me. She’d been acting so strange lately. I figured it had to do with her fiance’s firing, which was a blessing in disguise because that man needed a healthy serving of humble pie.

More and more, I felt like the odd man out. Obviously, my sister was dealing with issues. It bothered me that she wouldn’t talk to me. We’d always had a very close relationship. I didn’t like how grim she looked all the time. Frowning, I turned to Cainan.

“I’ll be right back.”

I caught up with her as she left the cafe.

“What is up with you?” I burst, jogging to her side.


“Something happened. It’s all over your face.” Guilt stabbed at my heart when Indie froze, her body oddly clenched as though she was holding in her breathing. “Is this about Knox?”

“Everything’s fine.”

“You’re sure in a hurry to leave for nothing being wrong,” I accused, some of my ire lashing to my sister for staying silent. “Did Cainan make a pass at you?”

“Of course not.”

I seized Indie’s jacketed arm, slowing her to a walk. “Then why did you look like you wanted to rip his head off?”

Indie spoke slowly, as though determined to stay calm. “I think you can do a lot better.”

I deflated. “You don’t like him.”

“No, I don’t. He gives me a bad vibe…He’s arrogant.”

Wow. My stomach bottomed out further. “Are we talking about the same guy?”

“Claire, he’s not a good man.”

“And you gleaned that from talking to him for five seconds? He’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met-”

My sister made a violent noise.

“I don’t understand,” I said brokenly, unable to disguise the hurt in my voice. “I supported you even though I hated Knox. I made an effort to get to know him. Why can’t you sit down for twenty minutes to do the same for me?”

“Claire, it’s not like that.”

“Then what is it?” I demanded, my throat clawing with pain. “Because this feels shitty. Like you’re making up an excuse to leave.”

“I have to go. I’m sorry. I’ll call later and explain. Okay?”

Bewildered, I nodded.

Indie hugged me again and zipped down the street. I waved as she ducked into a rideshare car, practically fleeing the man I was sure she would love. What had he done to piss her off? I headed back inside, thoroughly disheartened by her reaction.

Cainan’s bewitching smile faltered. “Everything all right?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered as I sat, heart hammering. “Did something happen between you two?”

He frowned, sliding an arm behind my chair. “Did she leave because of me?”

I played with my dress, discomfort filling my belly.

His mouth curled. “Did she?”

“She said you gave her a bad vibe. Why would she say that?”

Cainan shrugged, his fingers pressing into my shoulder. “I have no idea. If I had to guess…your sister seems like the overprotective type. She mentioned something about Colorado.”

Heat stole into my cheeks, which I imagined turning bright red as I clutched my cup.

Oh my fucking God.

She told him. My blood pounded. My hand shook as pressure built behind my eyes, dismissing the possibility. He didn’t know. Otherwise he wouldn’t be so flippant.

“She was grilling me and let it slip that you left Colorado because you were upset,” he murmured, his brows pinched. “Claire, it’s fine. Really. I figured she was being vigilant…about whatever it is.”

Heaviness centered on my chest, followed by a rush of anger. She’d spilled details about my private life to my boyfriend, for fuck’s sake. It wasn’t beyond Indie to toe over the line, but this was such a flagrant abuse of my boundaries. I trembled, coffee spilling down the cup.

The heat of my shame spread like a rash, consuming every inch of my body. As the concern on his face grew, the ball of hurt in my throat swelled. I was falling apart in front of him. This was so embarrassing. My eyes burned.

Not here.

I grabbed my purse. “I need to go.”

Cainan clasped my shoulder. “Claire?”

I couldn’t form any words.

I bolted upright and ran.

* * *

I sat on a bench at the Boston Common.

I loved this area of the park because it was out of the way, but well-maintained, like all the flora in the Common. The pink bleeding heart bush beside me cheered my spirits-I was particularly fond of them. Perhaps because they burst from the ground behind chain-linked fences, their stubborn roots taking hold every spring no matter what, and needed so little maintenance.

“You’re blooming marvelously,” I whispered, stroking the soft velvet of its heart-shaped petals. “Such a pretty pink, too. I hope you keep flowering for a few more weeks. You bring so much color into the world.”

“Miss? Are you talking to that bush?”

I glanced up, meeting the gaze of an elderly woman who probably thought I’d lost my marbles. My cheeks heated, and I shrugged.

She smiled. “Oh, I meant no offense. I do the same thing. It helps them grow.”

I nodded, silently disagreeing. Some believed that sound waves stimulated plant growth, but research hinted that it made no effect whatsoever. It was beside the point. I talked to plants because I liked doing it, not because I expected anything in return. Their company was infinitely more appealing than most people.

Why the fuck had she told him?This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Why even bring it up?

I glared at my phone’s blackened screen. My lips flattened and curled. Heat flushed through my body. I felt dangerously volatile. I didn’t dare turn it on. If I did, I’d ream my sister for being so careless. What the hell had she’d been thinking? If she tried to defend herself, I would lose it and say something I regretted.

My enthusiasm for the garden gone, I got up and walked home. By the time I reached Allston-Brighton, the sun was disappearing behind pumpkin-colored clouds and a periwinkle sky. Beautiful. I was so lost in beauty that I nearly bowled over a man. As I rebounded off his steel chest, he caught my arms, righting my balance. My gaze leapt up a bright polo to a devastatingly handsome face.


The tightness around my neck loosened as he released me to pick up something he’d dropped. Strangely, I couldn’t move. The buzz from feeling his hands on me still coursed through my veins. Standing in his vicinity did things to my body.

I cleared my throat. “What are you doing at my apartment?”

He frowned. “You ran off and didn’t answer your phone. I was worried. I went to your house, but you weren’t there. Claire, I’m so sorry for what I said. I’m an idiot.”

“Stop.” I took a giant step toward him. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

His doubtful frown deepened. “Maybe I’m misreading the signs.”

“You’re not,” I whispered.

“I’m not?”

I shook my head, and his devilish smirk returned.

“Good, because I’m really into you.”

My pulse galloped ahead as those perfect words replayed in my mind.

He brushed hair behind my ear. Then he lifted a long-stemmed tulip he’d clearly snatched from someone’s garden. I didn’t have the heart to chastise him. Especially when he caressed my cheek with its petals with that fuck-me stare.

“Is this okay?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled. “But people can see us.”

He lazily glanced down the road, tutting. “Can’t have that. Perhaps we should move this indoors.”

I sucked in my lip. “And then what?”

“That depends on you. You know what I want, little girl. I’ve been quite clear about that.” He trailed the soft petals down my throat, my heart pounding with his widening grin. “But what do you want?”

I want you to come inside. And come inside me.

“Say it out loud, Claire.” He continued stroking me with the tulip, settling it in my cleavage. “I can’t read your mind.”

His gloating smile hinted he’d at least guessed at my dirty thoughts, but it felt too daunting to lead him into my apartment for sex. It was too soon, even though my knees loosened at the thought of his naked chest gliding over mine.

“I want…I want to hang out more.”

He shook his head. “You want more than that, Claire.”

I raised my chin. “Just because I could eat my weight in chocolate cordials doesn’t mean I should.”

“Self-care isn’t a sin. Indulging won’t kill you.”

Why did everything he said have to sound so sexual?

My face flushed. “The diabetics in this country would disagree.”

His raking gaze stroked my breasts before it lazily returned to my eyes. “We’re talking about you and me, not your sweet tooth.”

“I think you’re missing the point.”

“No, you are.” He twirled the flower, its velvet petals caressing my breast. “Late at night, when the world drops away and all I’m left with are my thoughts…I think about playing with your tits.”

I choked on my saliva. “What?”

“I picture myself doing that while you ride my face,” he murmured, making my mouth water. “I imagine your taste. What sounds you’ll make when I fuck you. How hard you’ll moan when you come.”

I burned hotter with every filthy word. “Is that right?”

He smirked.

I licked my dry lips, intimidated by the want pulsating in my core. “What happened to the sensitive guy I’ve been talking to for weeks?”

His head cocked to the side. “He’s still here.”

“Is he? I could’ve sworn he turned into a different person just now.”

“There’s a man beneath all the sweet nothings. I feel like I need to remind you of that.” He shrugged, showering my skin with sparks whenever he moved that damned tulip. “How else will I get you in my bed?”

I giggled. “You’re so bad.”

“Oh, you don’t even know the half of it.”

“I’m not ready, Cainan.” The throbbing space between my legs disagreed. “But would…would you like to have a drink with me?”

He beamed. “I’d love to.”

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