Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 491

Chapter 491 Stella

I knew humans were different, of course, but my entire life had been spent around supernatural kind. My curiosity was raging as I allowed Selena to lead me to a set of leather chairs tucked around a coffee table littered with empty glasses. The leather couch across from us was occupied by two other women engaged in an intense conversation. They didn't pay any attention to us other than a quick, flicking glance Selena's bright gaze stabbed around the room in all directions before she turned it back on me. The flare of her wolf had faded, thank the Goddess. Human eyes didn't glow.

She leaned closer to me to shout over the thumping beat of the dance music. "Isn't this great?”

"I've never seen anything like it, that's for sure!" I shouted back.

She laughed and twirled her fingers in a circle again. It was a gesture I was getting to recognize. She wanted me to do...something.

"Make it quieter for us," she said.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

With a small shift of effort, I was able to create a small, private bubble of soundproofing. We could still hear the music, but it wasn't so loud that we had to shout. I was glad she'd thought of it, but I wondered aloud how she knew I could do such a thing.

"Why do you think I was really going to that library?" Selena asked, leaning against the back of the chair and fluffing her hair out around her shoulders. She moved gracefully, but also with utter awareness of how every line of her body, every twist of her waist or toss of her hair was perfectly designed to show herself off.

To who? I looked around. Nobody was looking at us right now. When I looked back at her, she was rolling her eyes.

"You said it was to hide from my mom," I replied with a small frown at her expression.

"Sure. But also, I was reading up on you. I bet you don't even know the half of what you can do."

I felt my mouth twist as I pressed my teeth to my bottom lip for a moment. "I can do everything."

"Yeah, but you don't even know what that means. Do you?" Selena scooted to the edge of her seat. "Would it have occurred to you to do that silencing thing for us here?"

"Maybe," I said defensively. "But it's not like we need it. It's just a convenience."

"Not everything has to be as important as a battle," she told me. "What's the use of being able to do 'everything' if you don't do anything?"

She had a point. I looked around again and added a protective shield to our quieting bubble to keep anyone from overhearing us. "Did you want to come to a human place because they aren't attracted to you? "Aren't they?" She looked surprised, then frowned. "That would be a giant disappointment."

She waved a hand. Tossed her hair again. Her gaze was already scanning the room, no longer fixed on me. I sensed her wolf pacing. Selena was on the hunt.

"Constantine doesn't have a place like this," she said. "And if it did, I'd never have been able to come here."

She turned back to me. "Human

men will still want to dance with me,

but it will be because they are

attracted to me, not because ma hybrid. And I don't have to worry about finding a mate."

"Get you something?"

We both looked up at the male voice. The man standing over us wore nothing more than

butt-hugging briefs that looked like some kind of shiny, stretchy leather. Both of his nipples were pierced with bars, and his naked skin glittered with a dusting of silver and gold. He smiled at us both, and his teeth gleamed so white they looked like they were glowing. So did the whites of his eyes.

"Two margaritas," Selena told him. "Put it on our tab, please."

He nodded and left. Selena laughed, probably at my wide eyes. She shook her head and patted my knee.

"Chill out," she said. "You fixed it so we don't even have a tab, but he'll think we do."

"He was so handsome," I blurted.

Her eyebrows went up. She looked over my shoulder toward the bar. "Yeah, he was cute. But don't crush on the staff, Stella. Sorry. Elleah, We're going to find men who are here to have a good time, not to work."

"Oh, I'm not here to find anyone," I protested, but my aunt laughed right in my face.

"We're going to get you danced up on, maybe even a little smoochy boochy." The lilt in her voice and the way she talked was so much lighter than she'd sounded before.

She was only eighteen, and excited about sneaking away from the people who wanted to control her. I couldn't blame her. This place was pretty exciting.

And I wanted to experience all of it.

The server appeared with two frosty glasses. I sipped mine, wincing at the sweet and sour bite. Selena downed hers in another few gulps. Then she did the same with mine.

"Let's dance!" Selena shouted.

"You drank my drink!"

"There will always be more drinks,” she said, standing and grabbing my hand. I stood, too. “Let's go!"

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