Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Mated To The Lycan King by Jennifer Baker Chapter 66

Chapter 66 When I woke up the next morning, the blanket Everest and I shared was tangled between our

bodies. I left myeyes closed, listening to his even breathing and the steady sound of his heart beating next to


I moved my hand and felt his chest under it.

I smiled and opened my eyes.

My head was resting where his chest and shoulder met and I swear it was better than any pillow out there.

I tilted my head back and kissed his jaw.

I slowly moved out of his arms and went to shower.

I got myself ready and when I walked out of the shower, Everest was sitting up on our bed.

His hair looked a hot mess and I could tell by the sleep still lingering on his face, he hadjust woken up.

He wore a sleepy smile as he was watching me "Good morning, handsome." I smiled over to him.

Even just waking up, looking a mess, he looked delicious.

I wanted to jump him and lay in bed all day with him.

I am so ready for things to slow down so we can make that happen.

Maybe take a vacation somewhere tropical.

I miss feeling the sand and the cool ocean water on my feet.

I realized I was day dreaming as he had a smirk on his head.

His voice was raspy and deep as he spoke to me "Good morning, my love.

Dirty thoughts?" He teased and let out a short laugh.

"Are you off to meet Miranda?" "I will be, but first I am going to grab some breakfast Want to joinme?" I sat

down on the bed next to him.

"Let me shower really quick." He moved, as he swung his legs to the side, standing up, and stretching with a

loud yawn.

At least I think it was a yawn.

"No, rush.

I will be waiting for you here." I told him and he nodded.

I opened up a magazine that was in our room and flipped through the pages, glancing throughthe articles.

I waited patiently for Everest as he showered and got himself ready.

When he came out of the bathroom, he was in a suit and looked very official.

He looked so freaking good, I didn't want to leave the bedroom.

I must have had a goofy looking smile on my face because he smiled back at me.

"Do I look okay?" He asked and winked.

"Uh, you look more than okay.

I would like to strip you down and out of the suit." I told him

"You have some drool in the corner of your mouth babe." He laughed.

"Probably because you look hot!" My tongue darted out as I licked my lips, then bit my bottom lip.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm!" I grinned, "Down babe! We have work to do today.

Well, after my doctor's appointment for me," he said "Oh, that is today! I thought it wastomorrow!" I frowned.

"You have been busy, it should not take too long.

After I get cleared, I plan on shifting, doing a fun, and then I will meet you, Miranda, and Brent." He held open the door andl reluctantly moved off the bed and made my way out of the room.

He shut and locked the door behind us.

He took my hand in his own as we made our way downstairs together.

My stomach growled as the smell of delicious breakfast foods lingered in the hallway.

We sat down, after getting our plates of food, next to one another to eat.

We ate and discussed plans for what to do with Dexter.

He admitted that he was embarrassed by getting distracted for a split moment.

That distraction almost cost him his life.

I never realized he was distracted, but apparently he heard something, turned to look, and that was the opportunity Dexter took to try to end him He wasalmost successful and I was thankful that he wasn't.

We planned on meeting one another around noon We would eat lunch then head to where Dexter was being held We hugged one another as we weregetting ready to leave He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my mouth and I returned the kiss "I hope the best for you I hope you find what you are looking for." He smiled "I love you, see you soon." "Thank you babe, I love you and good luck at the doctors I told him in return We parted and went our separate ways I walked to the elevator and when it opened, I entered.

I selected floor three The doors closed and I waited until they opened, stepped off the elevator and walked to the officeWhen I walked in, Miranda was already there with many books.

"Good morning "She smiled at me "Good morning, I did not realize the books were here "I told her

‘ They arrived maybe twenty or thirty minutes ago I wantedto get them set up for us." She told me.

"Oh, good thinking.

Where are you starting? Where should I begin?" I looked around at the books "Here you go, try this one.

It is a newer book, maybe the newest from the Eastern territories.

Your family was mentioned.

I am going to start with this one that has all the wars and battles Maybe we can start piecing some things together."

"Sounds likea solid plan." I took the book she handed to me and opened it up.

I sat there and flipped through the pages at first.

Seeing if anything caught my eye.

The book was thick and i flipped back to page one.

I began to skim through the pages looking for any hints or clues as to my pastand where I came from.

I flipped until I found a tree.

It was obvious that it was a family tree.

I looked and saw my parents' names and my own.

This tree was father's, and I had already figured that one though.

Nothing extended to my mother's side though.

I sighed and kept flipping and skimming through it.

I stopped when an article was taped on a page that had a larger photo of my mother and father.

I frowned and read it.

'Will she accept the Prince or will she reject him?' was the title.

I read through the article and it confirmed that my mother was indeed a witch.

"Hey, Miranda, I believe I found something." I looked up at her and she raised herhead at me.

"Oh? What did you find out?" She asked me.

"My mother was indeed a witch " I picked up the book and turned it to show her.

She stood and moved closer to look at the article herself reading or skimming it quickly She flipped the page and raised her brows.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"Oh, look.

It's a family portrait, my mother is in here too." She paused.

"Oh! My mother and your biological mother were sisters!" She passed the book back to me.

I looked at the page in the book.

I felt a smile tugging at my lips.

There was also a photo of my father, holding my mother close.

I read the description below; 'The King and our future Queen, together with family members, enjoying a day out.

Uniting kingdoms as one, happily.

It is clear that their love runs deep for one another.'

"Did you read this?" I looked up at herand she nodded "I did.

Have you read the witch's side of things?" She asked me.

"Oh, no.Why? What do they say?" I frowned She passed the book over to me and I tookit from her.

I skimmed through it as she summed up what she read, "It says that your mother was taken by the king and was forced to wear his mark.

That he held her captive and imprisoned her in the darkest of cells He would not take no for an answerand promised his first-born daughter to another Prince of the Kingdom - She frowned a moment.

"Dexter always told me that I was promised to be his mate, his future." I looked down and continued reading.

"I am wondering, though, if maybe this was all lies Something the head witch's made up to keep peace at bay between the Lycansand the Wolves.

If you think about it, if we were all together and united as one, they would not have any say or any seat on thecouncil to keep the peace1 between the territories." She sighed.

"It would make sense though.

You can see here that they are all smiles and everyone in this photo seems happy." I told her andlooked back down at the book.

I flipped through more pages and more photos of my mother and father were scattered throughout the years they were together.

The more I found, the more I knew that the head witches had another plan and it infuriatedme to the core.

More than likely, because of them, a war broke out and caused my parents to send me somewhere safe with only a locket.

I felt like crying but held back the tears.

I was angry and I was thankful it was almost time to go have our dailyvisit to see Dexter.

I would not be holding anything back.

I also wanted to take down the head witches.

I was just unsure how capable I would be to perform the magic and how deepthat magic ran in me.

A knock sounded and I looked up as Everest and Brent entered the room, greeting us.

We greeted them in return.

We passed the two books off to them and they both read them.

"So, this is not good.

It looks like the witches council is corrupt.

Everest said, looking between us "Also, you are both cousins, which is great news!" Brent smiled and looked

over at Miranda,"So what does this mean?" "I don't know, but it isn't good.

It seems like the witches are trying to overtake the Lycan Kingdoms and using you all like you would play a

game of chess.

A bunch of pawns." She frowned and looked over at us.

"We can not allow that to happen and they need to be put back in their place They are already causingenough

damage between the two.

Look at this mess we are in!" "Miranda is right, we have to do something.

They never would have imagined that we would be united.

They never would have expected the Moon Goddess to bless us both by being family." I looked between

Everest and Brent as theyboth nodded.

"You're right.

You are both right." Brent stated to everyone.

"Absolutely, but the only thing is, how do we, magicless Lycans, go against the most powerful witches in the

world?" Everest looked at us.

"We develop Avalynn's skills.

I will teach her myself if I have to." Miranda said seriously.

"But first, we deal with Dexter." I told them all and they all nodded their heads in agreement "When will his trial

be held?"Miranda asked Brent and Everest.

"Saturday of next week, I believe is what Brent and I discussed, yeah?" He looked over and Brent nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds right.

Avalynn, I hope you don't take offense to me not joining you this evening when you all go downstairs.

As much as I hate him.." Brent sighed and put his hands in his pockets, looking down at the floor.

"Oh, Brent.

I completely understand.

Even through it all, he is your brother." "Thanks.

You all have a good afternoon." He walked out the door.

Everest turned to look at Miranda and myself, "Are you both ready to get this over with?" We both spoke in

unison "Yes."

Everest nodded his head as his eyesglazed over, linking head warriors who were to accompany us downstairs.

It took them a few minutes to meet us in the office.

We discussed our plan of action, what they would be there for.

If things were to go south, what we would do and how we would accomplish our mission.

When everyone was on the same page and ready to go.

we left the office and walked to the elevator.

We walked into the elevator and Everest selected the floor we needed to get to.

I must have held my breath the entire elevator ride down because when it opened linhaled deeply, sounding

like I was gaspingfor air.

Everest rested his hand on my shoulder and Irelaxed instantly.

I was ready and knew I could do thuis, especially with Everest by my side.

"Charlotte, are you ready?" I asked my Lycan.


Let's get this party started.

She had all the confidence in the world.

It was one of the many things / admired about her.

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