Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 88

Melissa POV

I sat back down at the table and waited for everyone to return. I sipped on the water I had taken from the fridge. The other witches, some who knew the whole story, stayed inside, giving space to the Lycans and the young witch that was with them. She, from what I have gathered, was Brent's mate. She was calming him down and I was thankful that she was here with us. The look in his eyes looked as if he was ready to murder everyone here. I hoped that he would come back in and listen to the remainder of the story, because though it sounded as if his brother was innocent in a mind game by Sophia, he truly was not.

The sound of the front door closing had me lifting my head up to see who would be coming in first. I watched as all four of them came in and sat down at the table. I cleared my throat before speaking, "Are you all ready to continue?"

"Yes, I believe we are," Avalynn answered.

"Okay then. So going back to your mother and father." I paused, trying to remember where I left off. "Ah, yes. Well see your mother and father were mated. Your father never kept your mother away from her friends and family. In fact, they came to visit her home a lot. They even invited us to come and stay with them on several occasions. Anyway, Sophia was jealous of the life your mother was going to be living and wanted it for herself. She tried to alternate the truth and mess with the mate bond. Everyone knows that you can not alter an accepted bonded pair, especially Lycans. Wolves you can to an extent, but it generally backfires. Sophia believed that she could twist their truth and failed. She was sent back home and banned from stepping even a toe into their territory. If she did, she would be seen as a threat and taken out. This then caused your mother to not feel safe on coming back home and, sadly, tension rose because they could no longer trust us." I looked down at the table, hanging my head in shame.

"Wow," Avalynn commented.

"So your mother became a Lycan after the long change and she was everything her Kingdom needed her to be. She was kind, loving, and put her people first. Now, while your family was living their lives, Sophia had come up with a plan of revenge. She wanted to squash their happiness in any way that she knew how. So, when she crossed into the Southern Territory she was met by the warriors who took her to see your father." I looked at Brent, my gaze never faltering. "In fact, you may have remembered her under her different name Cassandra." I watched as his eyes widened.

"Ca-Cassandra? No, she was a maid that lived in our house." Brent was shaking his head. One of the other witches handed me a photograph of Dexter and Sophia together recently and I slid it across the table to him. I watched him pick it up and then crumble it in his hands.

"Yes, she is very good at the game she plays. She kept her identity a secret for many years. She worked your family to fit her agenda. She started the division from the Northern Territory and Southern Territory. She went out one night and poisoned a bunch of warriors and left a note saying it was from the Eastern Kingdom. This obviously created the distraction that she needed and, with tension between all the kingdoms, no one wanted to help or aid one another." I took a sip of my water. "Now, around this time this happened, Avalynn was just a few months old. Sophia went to Dexter and told him how she was a very powerful witch and she saw a prophecy about how Avalynn was to be his and if he didn't get there first, to warn the family to remove her, all would be lost. She made him swear to keep her secret and he swore to take her secret to the grave. So, your brother left on his own and made the journey there. He warned your parents that war was coming and, if they wanted any life for their daughter, to send her somewhere. He told them their small kingdom was going to be completely demolished." I looked over at Avalynn who was now leaning against her mate, her eyes began to water.

"This is where the story your father told me about comes into play." I listened to Avalynn whisper to her mate and he nodded his head, his arm wrapping around her like a protective blanket.

"So they left you in a random wolf pack without any explanation and, from my understanding, a note addressed to the Alpha of who you were and to keep your identity hidden. Somehow, through the well hidden,Sophia was still able to figure out where you were. Dexter and his friend invade the pack to take you but was met by their warriors. Lives were lost from the wolf pack and they bolted. Not before he could see you though. You were still young at the time, just a kid and he had just received his Lycan a few months ago. He, for whatever reason, thought you were older and left. If I understand correctly, one of the wolves that died was your father?" I asked Avalynn.

"Yes, yes it was." She spoke in a whisper. "How do you know all of this?"

"Sophia has a big mouth and told me the whole story, not realizing that I was immune to her truth altering."

"Oh, I see. You didn't do anything?" Miranda looked at me with a frown and confused look on her face.

"I did, I needed time to gather evidence. Which was hard to do. It took time, especially when she faded into the background for a few years. I believe she was hiding in Avalynn's mother and father's castle with her select few and very trusted followers."

"Oh, I see." Miranda nodded her head and sat back in her chair.

"When Sophia finally emerged out of the shadows, she manipulated Dexter and his buddies to storm the wolf pack. Your mother died and when he saw how devastated you were, with your mother's death, he couldn't handle it. He had hurt his mate in his eyes and left. When he went back to Sophia to report the news, she used her magic against him. She held him captive and warped his mind. During this time, you have been mated to someone twice. When she set him loose his only objective was to find you, capture you, and take you as his own. Seeing how he never marked you means that side of him, that knew that it wasn't the truth, was fighting the side she manipulated. He was told all his life you

were his mate and to see you mated to Everest made him lose his mind. He was angry and confused. I am just glad that you were saved from him." I took another sip of my water. Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

"Sophia eventually came clean when things started going south with her plan. Dexter went crazy and wanted what was promised to him." I nodded over to Avalynn, "He wouldn't stop and Sophia was always following close behind. He told her he would destroy everything and everyone who stood in his way and so the destruction of the Northern Kingdom began. Around this time I had been debriefing other fellow witches on what the situation truly was. When I was in the middle of passing out the serum and herbal blends my friend had been making to help protect against Sophia, she took us out, one by one. Some she murdered, others she captured. It just really depended on her mood. She went to the rest of the council, bent the truth and tried to frame me and the others. Then she handed out our sentences and eventually put us all in that steel hell of a box. She was planning on torturing us one by one until someone came forward with who was working against her. She called it the better life for all. But really, we all knew it was for her. It was all for herself and trying to be the Queen over the witches and other magical beings. She got in too deep when you think about it. When Dexter came back here, to this safe house of hers, after being defeated she offered him a deal. He would be her King if he would mark her. I was in the next room over, handcuffed, with my magic depleted, I was left listening to them. She offered him the life he dreamed of, everyone would be under him. That her prophecy was misinterrupted, it was really to be both of them together. He didn't want only her, he still wanted you too. She eventually agreed to him to be his mistress. He told her if she harmed you, he would murder you. She laughed and when I heard bones cracking in his shift, is when she agreed not to touch you, ever."

"What about the papers that led me to you?" Avalynn asked me.

"I did that before we came here. I got a hold of them and placed a spell for only you. I didn't know where exactly we would be but if I was still alive the spell would bring you to me, to not only save me but the others." I told her.

"Well where is Sophia now?" Brent asked me.

"She made a trip to the council to tell them she had the traitors captured." I told him.

"We need to leave here immediately then." Everest stood up.

"I agree. We need to leave this place. When she comes back she will still be expecting Dexter and all of us to be captured and in the steel box." I told them all.

"We leave in a few hours. I will have a few planes arranged to take all of us back to my Kingdom." Everest told everyone.

"Very well," Brent commented and nodded his head.

"You should really mark her and soon. We might need her strength and abilities sooner rather than later." I told Brent and Miranda.

"I agree with her, Brent," Miranda said to her mate and he took her hand, kissing the back of it and pulled her closer to him.

We all left the table and I hung around my friends watching as the Lycans made their plans. I felt hope and saw freedom in the distance. I knew that while we were all working together we would surely be able to succeed. We would need to work together as a team and agree on how things were going to go for us all. Not coming together as one could be catastrophic. While the Lycans got all of the things in order, I got all of us together. Venturing into the territory of Lycan could be difficult for a lot of my people. Lycans and witches don't really get along. We would have to, for the sake of everyone. When we were all ready to go, we left the house of terror and made our way to the Northern Kingdom.

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