MEILIN’S REBORN (Battle Of The Heart And Throne)

Chapter 57

Nevaeh flew far away from him and landed on the hard floor, blood came out of her mouth but she wasn’t done yet.

She stood and charged at him again, she tried slashing his neck with her sword but he dodged it… Effortlessly.

She went back and jumped in really high then raised her sword up like she wants to cut his head into two but before the sword could touch him, he pushed her back with his powers again.

Nevaeh back crashed hard against the wall and she slowly slipped down, her brother was right, she can’t kill him, he’s not even trying but he had managed to injured her greatly, it seems like seduction is the only solution now.

While thinking a strong force pulled her and before she knew it, she found herself close to him, his cold fingers were wrapped around her neck, holding it tight.

Slowly her feet went up in the air and her legs began dangling.

“Who sent you here to kill me?” He asked slowly.

Nevaeh gritted her teeth slowly and held his hands tight, trying to pull it off her.

“Let go of me” she managed to speak but he choked her even tighter.

She began kicking as hard as she can but nothing can seem to move him, the man wasn’t even bulging.

“I’ll ask you one last time, who sent you to kill me” he asked again, more slower and darker.

Blood was coming out of her mouth already as she stared down at him.

“Still want talk, fine” he brought up his second hands and a red ball began forming on it.

“No one!!” She yelled and he stared up at her slowly.

“No one asked me to kill you I just came back myself because I needed attention” she added.

“Attention?” He repeated.

“Yes, I’m princess Star from the peacock place. My father has agreed marry me up to an old stranger and I don’t want that, I was just looking for where to go” she said and his fingers slowly left her neck making her fall like she was a piece of rag.

“You’re looking for where to stay and you decided to come here, who told you that you’re needed here?” He asked.

“No one I just thought that the demons are one of the strongest clan now and my brother won’t be able to defeat you so if I come here I’ll be a bit save not to go back home, please my lord take me with you” she pleaded.

“The demon kingdom is not a place where you can come and go if you want to, I’ll spare you this once leave now because the next time I see you I’ll kill you without blinking” he said then began leaving.

Nevaeh’s eyes widened, she immediately stood up and ran to his front, blocking his path.

“Please my lord you have to take me with you, if my brother catches me now, he’ll create a strong barrier and he’ll lock me in the palace then I’ll get to marry an old man tommorow, please take me with you my Lord” she faked a cry.

Draco stared at her from head to toes, he was about to say something when Harmony ran in with some armies.

“Hurry, protect Lord Draco!!” She shouted and drew out her sword, going straight to Nevaeh.

Nevaeh’s eyes widened as she watched her come towards her, the sword was a little close in touching her when Draco’s voice echoed.

“Stop” he ordered.

Harmony stopped immediately and looked at him.

“My lord she…

“You want to hide from your brother right princess Star?” He asked and she immediately nodded.

“Even if it means degrading you from a princess to a slave?” He asked and her eyes widened.

“Take her and lock her in the dark room, let’s see if you’ll be able to survive the night there, if I meet you alive the next morning then I’ll take you to be my personal maid but if I meet you dead then you’re on your own” he said and without waiting for any reactions or reply he left.

The guards immediately took Nevaeh hands and held her in place.

“Let’s go” Harmony instructed and they began leaving with her.

“Hey wait, where are you going to take me to, let go!!” She yelled.

Harmony stopped walking and turned to her then pointed her sword on her neck.

“I’m not afraid of you” Nevaeh scoffed.

“I don’t care, Lord Draco was nice enough to give you a test so you better shut it” she warned.

Nevaeh scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Scoff all you want a weakling like you won’t even be able to survive the night in the dark room, take her!” Harmony ordered and left.

The guards continued dragging Nevaeh to the direction of the dark room.



A guard opened the door and Nevaeh was thrown inside, before she could blink the locked her in and left.

“Hey!!” She stood up and looked around.

The place was so cold and dark, it felt like she was going to freeze anytime soon.

She brought her hands up and wrapped herself with it, hoping it’ll give her some comfort.

“How can he be so cruel to lock a princess here, well what do I expect from him anyways” she muttered and slowly sat down on the floor.

Her lips were turning white already, seems like the breeze kept increasing as the seconds passes.

“Don’t worry I’ll stay alive and I’ll make sure to kill you, you didn’t know that you just made things really easy for me, you wanna make me your personal maid, big mistake” she muttered, shaking really hard.

“I swear to kill you the moment I step out of here, no I’ll seduce you first, I don’t care how but I’ll make your heart beat just for me, then I’ll kill you just the way you killed my friend you bastard” she added and shut her eyes tight.

“So cold” she shivered, her brows were already turning white a bit.

“Devil” she spatted and shut her eyes tight, slowly she slipped and lay on the floor, still shaking really hard, it feels like her face were turning into ice blocks.

“Am I really going to die here?” She asked herself and hugged herself more tighter.



Harmony came to the dark room with two guards, she ordered them to open the cage for her and they did.

“Hey you can come out now” she yelled but no reply.

“I said come out!” Harmony yelled again but still no reply.

She looked at a guard and motioned him to go check if she’s still inside, the guard went in and came out back.

“I think she’s dead” he said.

Harmony just let out a smug smirk.

“I knew that she won’t be able to last up to the next morning, I knew it, bring her body out or should we leave it there to rot till it turns to a skeleton just like the rest?” She asked.

“No bring it out, I want to see her dead body myself” someone said from behind and they all recognized the voice.

It was their king.

They immediately turned around and bowed.

He was dressed in his thick dark long rope, his face looking handsome and at the same time boring and lifeless as usual.

“Bring out her body” he ordered and two guards nodded and went in.

They came out, each of them holding Nevaeh by the arms.

Her face were white, her lips were white and her brows were white too, they were some white trails of snow on her hair.

Harmony couldn’t hide her smile the moment she saw her.

“I knew it, my Lord what should we do to her body, do you want me to cut her head off and send it to her palace?” She asked.

Nevaeh’s eyes slowly went open the moment she heard that, the guards holding her got scared and left her immediately.

“Don’t even dare to do what you just said” she smirked and crossed her arms.

Harmony slowly turned to look at her and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“How are you alive?” She asked slowly.

“I’m princess star, what do you expect, there are other tough ways to kill me, locking me down in a pile of snow is nothing” she rolled her eyes.

“You!!” Harmony seethed and turned to look at Draco who didn’t have any expression on his face.

“My Lord I have passed the test so don’t forget your promise to me, you promised to make me your personal maid” she said, looking at him.

“You’re right, Harmony order the maids to dress her up in the demon way, since you’ve decided to come here then there’s no going back, dress up and meet me in the garden” he ordered and left with three of his guards.

Harmony clenched her first so hard as she glared at Nevaeh.

“Are you planning to murder me with your eyes, come on tell the maid to dress me up, won’t you lead the way” Nevaeh asked with a smirk.

Harmony shut her eyes tight and began leaving and Nevaeh hurriedly followed her from behind.

“She’s going to be a problem here, I’ll look for how to end her quickly” Harmony thought.



Sapphire eyes slowly went open, she touched the side of her bed hoping to see Den beside her, maybe he had came back last night to sleep here but he didn’t.

She slowly sat up with a pout.

Never in her life has she seen when a man and woman marry then the man leaves the woman alone on their wedding night, even though they were not ready to mate yet then he should have just accompany her by drinking, eating and talking but he didn’t, he didn’t even smile with her not even a little.

“This was not how I pictured my married life” she muttered and stood up from bed then a knock sounded on the door.

“Who’s it, come in” she said.

The door slowly opened and the same maid of yesterday, the one putting on a mask came in.

“You again” she seethed.

“That’s right, I was asked to come clean up this room” Gianna replied and Sapphire moved closer to her.

“Who are you exactly how can you step into my room without greeting?” She asked.

Gianna’s mouth slowly formed an ‘o’, she was used to been a princess and not a maid or a slave.

“Forgive my manners your highness, I’m always too out of it” she bowed and walked in with the broom.

Her eyes were stylishly looking at everywhere, checking if anything has happened between them last night.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Wait what if they did something, what was her business with it after all they were married now weren’t they??

“What are you thinking of?” Sapphire’s question brought her back to reality.

“Ah, nothing I was just wondering if his highness spend the night with you here” she replied and immediately clamped her mouth together.

Sapphire crossed her arms and moved closer to her

“So what if he did what are you gonna do about it?” She asked.

“Nothing your highness” Gianna smiled and began packing all the plates and liquor bottles in a bowl.

“You should know your place sometimes, last night you poured the wine on my dress because you were lost in staring at what’s mine” she said.

“What’s yours?” Gianna replied in her mind with a scoff.

“If I show him my face now I bet he’ll just forget about you” she added with an eye roll.

A slap landed on her face bringing her back to reality again.

“Who do you think you’re rolling your eyes at huh?” Sapphire’s voice rang on her ears.

Gianna slowly clenched her fist tight.

“What, why are you clenching your fist, do you wanna fight me?” Sapphire asked and Gianna slowly forced a smile.

“Fight you, I wouldn’t dare to that, I’m sorry your highness I’ll take my leave now” she bowed and turned to leave but Sapphire stopped her.

“Don’t leave yet you’re not done, I want you to set a hot bath for me and help me with my clothes” she said.

Gianna secretly clenched her fist and forced a smile.

“As you wish, your highness” she replied and went to the bathroom.

Sapphire scoffed and crossed her arms together.


Gianna stepped out of the room with a scoff.

“This is the second slap I’ve received ever since I stepped foot into this stupid palace” she muttered.

She kept blabbering to herself not watching where she was going till she bumped into someone.

Looking up, she saw that it was Angie or was it Den they are calling him now.

He was standing with his two bodyguards behind him and she kept staring at him not knowing what to say or do while he kept staring at her back with creased brows.

“What is your problem, can’t you greet his highness again?” Boi asked and her eyes widened.

She couldn’t believe that she had forgotten again. God just what exactly is her problem.

“I’m sorry your highness please forgive me” she bowed and rushed out immediately.

Den turned back to look at her as she was running before turning to look at Fen.

“Who’s she?” He asked.

“I think she was the new maid they employed last two weeks, her name is Silvia I heard that she’s really clumsy” Fen replied.

“And disrespectful can’t you see the way she didn’t greet his highness” Boi added.

Den just faced his front, her eyes, her height, her scent kept reminding him of one person.

“Does she always wear a mask?” He asked.

“Heard she started wearing it from yesterday, did you see how she tripped while dancing on the stage?” Boi laughed out and Fen hit him.

Den shook his head and began leaving.

“Hey your highness” both Fen and Boi called and ran after him immediately.

“Are you going to see the Pearl Princess?” Boi asked and Den sighed.

“Stop talking about her in front of his highness, he doesn’t like it” Fen whispered and Boi clapped his lips together.



Rennie decided to check up on Nevaeh and see how she’s doing, maybe she has broken the barrier already.

When he got there, he was surprised to see that the barrier was broken already and no one was inside the room.

“Nevaeh” he called while looking around.

“June I can’t seem to reach this zip could you please…

Oprah who was taking and entering the room frozed the moment she saw Rennie in.

“Your… Your…

“Why are you in Nevaeh’s cloth and where is Nevaeh?” He asked.

Oprah began shaking in place, June entered and frozed too.

“I asked a question!” He growled angrily.

June and Oprah immediately fell on their knees.

“Your highnesses please forgive us but her highness had left already” Oprah cried.

“What!?, How could you both.. damn!” Rennie cursed silently and rushed out of the room immediately.


He teleported his way to the demon kingdom and made to go in but the demon armies came to block him.

“Get out my way” he drew his swords and began slashing them till he found his way in.

He finally got in and he sighted the king himself training alone at the garden.

“Draco!!” He yelled, moving closer to him and looking really furious.

Draco stopped training and turned back to look at him.

“I know my sister is here, hand her over to me or I’ll cause a racket” he said angrily.

Draco didn’t reply he just kept staring at him.

“Damn you, talking to you is really a waste of time” Rennie seethed and moved to attack him with his sword.

Draco dodged the attack immediately but Rennie didn’t stop, he kept going as fast as he could.

He got bored of the attacks then used his powers to push Rennie back.

“You think I kidnapped your sister, she was the one who chose to come here” Draco replied in a nonchalant and Rennie gritted his teeth.

He raised his legs up and kicked Draco with force, the force was strong enough to push him back then he aimed for his chest and threw his sword at him.

Draco didn’t flinch or try dodging, he kept watching the sword coming towards him but before it could touch him an arrow came from nowhere and pushed it back.

“Don’t you dare try to kill him” Nevaeh shouted as she came in from behind.

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