M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 64

That was how Rodrigo ended up staying indoors for the next three days. Within that time, the only thing he uttered was how he could find Camilla.

Of a truth, no one found Camilla in the entire city. In hospitals, in the suburbs and everywhere possible. Large sum of money was promised to whoever was able to find Camilla Dickson.

But she was not found. On the third day when Rodrigo was able to subject his emotions, he decided to go and find Sara and Jared.

While looking for Camilla, he should start by undoing the harm he had done to her loved ones. Buy them a better house and start up whichever business Ms Sara would like to do.

But it dawned on him that he didn’t know where they lived. He called Joel and asked him to find out where Sara and Jared lived.

But the latter just stared on as if he didn’t hear a thing of what Rodrigo said. Joel stared at him looking emaciated. He wasn’t going to tell him where they were.

Rodrigo was feeling hurt emotionally and health wise, he was hurting himself. He can’t remember Rodrigo taking anything into his mouth within three days except alcohol and cigarettes.

And it showed visibly on him. Starving himself doesn’t equal what he’s done and said. He should start by clearing her name off criminal record and working on obtaining a discharge from Court.

Rather than starving himself. And when Joel didn’t give Rodrigo an answer, he asked him to give him answers in less than 24hours.

Joel said he could give him an answer in less than 10mins but he wasn’t going to do that. He doesn’t want to be involved beyond what is necessary.

Rodrigo just glared at him speechless.

Camilla was gradually getting used to her new home and family. She now communicates with Jared more often and got to know he was working in a small firm.

She promised she would ensure he got a better job. Jared asked her if she was going to be in City B and get herself unnecessarily worried about him and mother.

She should stay safe and take care of herself and the unborn baby. They hope to see her again.

Camilla smiled and said she would make sure the next time she called him, it’s going to be a video call and then she would tell him who she now lives with.

When Camilla ended the call with Jared, she sat down and thought. Now that her mother’s business has crumbled, thanks to Rodrigo, Jared’s money cannot meet their entire needs.

Besides, he told her that Joel had given them an accommodation. She can’t let that be anymore. Joel was Rodrigo’s assistant, he could use that as an avenue to monitor their every move.

They needed to move out of that quarters already and then get Jared a better job. How will she do it? She thought and finally decided on talking with Eduardo.

She called him and he said Camilla should state what she wants and it would be done. She shouldn’t minimise her words at all.

Camilla told him she wants to get a house for her foster family and then a job for her brother. Their only source of livelihood was destroyed by her ex boyfriend.

Eduardo said it would be done in less than 48hours. Justin Swaras would handle it and he would get back to her. As for Jared, she should send him Jared’s details immediately.

Camilla was happy. She wanted to jump up for joy but realised she was too heavy to jump. Her baby bump prevents her from jumping.

“I hope you are not jumping unnecessarily?” Eduardo asked. He can’t contain the excitement inside of him. This was the first time his sister was asking him for a favour.

This might be the beginning of their bonding as siblings and her accepting him and the rest of the family members as her own family. This is good news.

“Yeah I wanted to jump but I couldn’t,”Camilla answered and chuckled aloud. Eduardo was happy, for the fact that she was so happy, he also was happy.

“Save the jumping and excitement for a time to come. I really am excited that I will become an uncle soon” Eduardo replied and Camilla laughed, touching her belly with her hand and holding her phone with the other.

When she hung up, she forwarded Jared’s contact and information to Eduardo. She can’t imagine how sweet her family would feel when they find another source of survival.

Martin finally got his family back home. Ella and Emma cannot explain how much a string Martins pulled to get them out. They spent two nights behind bars and have a glimpse of what Camilla went through.

When they arrived home, Martins made them sit down on the sofa and asked them to listen carefully to him. Henceforth, a lot has changed.

He queried them for their vicious act by conspiring with Lola to defame an innocent person. They were going to pay for their sins if one day, Camilla returned and exposed them.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

But Larry Campbell and his entire family had been involved. First the company’s documents must be presented to him within two weeks otherwise, they would be charged to Court and the law will follow up on it.

Secondly, the engagement between Rodrigo and Emma is cancelled. Larry Campbell said he owned his father nothing else. He had played a filial role as a friend when he spared her and her mother.

Thirdly, the ties that existed between the two families had been cut off. We are strangers to each other and that is one more reason why the company’s documents should be provided as Soon as possible.

Martins talked senses into Ella. What did she stand to gain now? She had destroyed a love filled relationship simply because she wanted to push her daughter forward.

Has her daughter got married to Rodrigo now? He had asked back then if they were involved in anything that happens to Camilla and they said no.

She even boasted and told him if he doesn’t know how innocent their daughter was? Now, her innocence has been known by them all, including herself.

How will everyone now see Emma? She had suffered so much humiliation because she was mean and followed the malicious counsel of her mother.

She was left alone to stand before the priest at her wedding, waiting for the groom. Now, she was going to be rejected completely. The engagement is cancelled.

Her case was worse than Camilla’s. At least Rodrigo was not engaged to Camilla. She was simply a girlfriend to him. But everyone in City A already knows she is Rodrigo’s finance.

Karma has caught up with her. She should sob alone and remember this incident for the rest of her life. But what is more important to him right now is the close partnership with Campbell’s group.

They were going to benefit maximally from such cooperation that was why he didn’t kick against the ties they shared with the Campbell’s family.

Now, all those opportunities are gone. He was standing alone and their company was small and can’t stand one by itself. The only support they’ve got has been destroyed by Emma and her mother Ella.

He wants Ella to produce the documents as signed by him. If they can’t provide it, he won’t be able to help it when they take them to the police station.

And if they charge them to court, he would stay far away and watch them. But lastly, if anything happens to his company, he would divorce Ella and let Emma make a choice between living with him or her mother.

She’s never been good for anything. Always a bad influence on him and the entire family. If her evilness resulted in the crumbling of the company, she shouldn’t wait for the divorce papers before she walked out of his life forever.

Ella started sobbing. She didn’t know everything was going to end this way. She didn’t know that Rodrigo was going to get clues and come after them so soon.

As for the company’s documents, she knows next to nothing about it. That was how Camilla sealed it with the company’s stamp and claimed those are the documents.

She handed it over to Ambrose Kelvin and the latter gave it to her. Camilla isn’t here anymore neither is Ambrose Kelvin within the shores of City A.

Who is she going to ask to explain it to Rodrigo and his family? No matter how much she sobbed or tried to explain, her plight will fall on deaf ears.

She explained to Martins that she didn’t open it nor care to affirm the content of the envelope, she felt Camilla isn’t going to lie at such a critical time.

But her husband hissed. He said Ambrose Kelvin might be smarter than them both. They are stupid. Only know how to conspire but don’t know how to add smartness to it.

Anyways the Ambrose Kelvin who everyone thought was dead but alive to them alone, should be summoned to explain it to her.

As for him, he had told them both what he wanted them to know. He is not concerned about whatever happens next. After all, he wasn’t there when they were plotting and conspiring.

Ella started sobbing. Emma joined. The latter’s reason for sobbing was different from the other. Emma sobs that she had lost Rodrigo after all the scheming and mischievous act, her evil was discovered and she loses him.

Ella was sobbing because she might lose her marriage and if the documents were not found, she doesn’t want to imagine what would happen to her and her daughter.

Amidst the sobbing of the mother and daughter, Martins hissed between gritted teeth and walked away. He cannot imagine that a day would come when his wife and daughter subject him to such a shame.

Barely an hour after Jared spoke with Camilla, his phone started ringing. He was worried, seeing the Caller’s ID was showing private.

He didn’t answer the phone. Why couldn’t the callers name show, Why was it showing a private Caller’s ID?

After the incident that happened to Camilla, he doesn’t see it safe to answer such calls whose Caller’s ID is hidden.

Reluctantly, he answered the phone “Hello…” the conversation went on and ended a few minutes later. As the Caller hung up, Jared just stood and stared on his phone.

This was Justin Swaras’ Secretary. He informed him to meet with his boss the next morning by 10:am. He can’t imagine the same Justin Swaras, Son of the Prime minister?

What happened, he hoped everything was fine this time. He would definitely tell his mother about it when he arrives home. He would have called Camilla but she had told him not to call her for the time being.

He sighed. He definitely would be there. He prayed this time, he came back with good news. He already has great expectations.

Since Camilla couldn’t be found and the truth was exposed, Rodrigo decided to erect a better building for Sara and Jared or if they wanted, he could buy a mansion for them.

He has to start from somewhere. He needs to reconcile with those he had hurt when this whole thing happened. He was muddle headed at the time, but now, he had known the truth.

As for the coffee shop he demolished, he would erect a better coffee house for Sara. He would ensure that the latter becomes better than the former.

It was at this time that Rodrigo’s phone started ringing. He looked at the Caller’s ID and his eyes darkened and his frown was frightening.

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