Mirror Soul

Chapter 28 I'll make it up to you

Chapter 28 I'll make it up to you

Gabrielle De Von was raised and borned a provincial village in France. His family owned a big farm. They had money so his parents sent him to America to study college but he didnt finish it instead he took more of his time studying how to put up his own travel agency. On the other hand, Justin and his family migrated in the US originated from France. Justin was so ambitious and had owned hotel company in other part of France named La Grande. Staying in the US for many years, Justin put up a small travel agency. Gabrielle met Justin accidentally in a big event somewhere in Summer, and that's the time Gabrielle knew about Justin as a businessman. Gabrielle became a mentor and trainee of Justin.

"I really like this woman. Whats her name again Eric?" Gabrielle standing still suddenly curious about Kendra who called him an arrogant pig. No women who called him that way. His handsome looks with a lot of money in his pocket. Most of women adored him and did try to hook up with him.

" Not that look Gabs. This woman is decent so leave her alone. In fact, you are not going to stay more years here in the US. You will be leaving and sooner or later your parents would probably know what you are doing right now. They might come here and send you back in France."

Eric was seriously talking to Gabrielle man to man while he was cleaning the travel agency.

"Dont give me that look Eric. I am not that type of guy. Well, I have lots of one night stand with a lot of women but if I found her decent, I would definitely be a decent man too. I am a gentleman."

Eric was looking at Gabrielle from head to toe. He was still not convinced and believing his words. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I am just a cleaner, driver and assistant staff sometimes so I have no right to be so hard or harsh to you."

Gabrielle was waiting Eric to tell Kendra's name then the door of Justin office had opened.

"Yes! Thats the best feeling ever I have experienced in my entire life." Kendra jumping happily after closing the door. Eric and Gabrielle suddenly shut their mouth looking at Kendra.

"Oh, are you guys standing there for a long time?" Eric and Gabrielle nodding in front of Kendra. Kendra felt so embarassed walking out to Eric and Gabrielle. Gabrielle grabbed Kendra's hand and could not stop asking lots of questions to her.

"Where are you going? Are you going home? What is your name? Kendra suprisingly heard so much questions from Gabrielle. She looked at Gabrielle from head to toe and still so harshed to Gabrielle.

"Why are you asking? Do I have debts from you?I dont even know you! Could you please get out of my way because you are blocking it?"

Eric tried to stop laughing but he could not help himself to laugh out loud."Ha hahahahahahaha, Why both of you could not stop arguing each other?"

Kendra looked at Eric with an annoyed look.

"I dont even know why Eric. My blood is getting high everytime I would here this man's voice. I could not move on how he treated me at the convenience store. He is so arrogant pig."

Gabrielle cut Eric and Kendra's conversation.

"Okay okay okay! Fine..you win! I am wrong. I know I was so arrogant at the convenient store. I apologize for my action. We are going to be workmate so lets not argue anymore and a fresh start indeed. Do you agree Eric?"

Gabrielle looked at Eric with a smile. Eric instantly understood what Gabrielle meant for.

"Yes, I agreed with you. Forgive his action and lets all have to start a fresh one." Eric convinced Kendra to make peace with Gabrielle.

"Let me think about it. Anyways, can you please move away? I am going home now. It is getting late. See you whenever." Gabrielle tried to stop Kendra not to go home yet and convinced her not to get mad at him anymore.

"Okay, I'll make make it up to you. Can I bring you home?I have my car outside. I can drive you safely at home." Kendra put her face closer to Gabrielle and looking his eyes for a long time. Kendra wanted to feel and see if Gabrielle was truly sincere on his apology.

"I dont want you to bring me home. You might bring me anywhere and the fact is I dont even know you. You might rape me." Gabrielle suddenly raised his right eyebrow to Kendra.

"Excuse me? I have no intention to rape you. If you dont want me to bring you home, lets just have a coffee outside so that you will have a good sleep after."

Eric interrupted the conversation of Kendra and Gabrielle.

"Why both of you took so long on this issue? Life is so simple. Gabrielle meet Kendra. Kendra meet Gabrielle."

Kendra and Gabrielle looking at Eric how he introduced them both to each other. "Okay, fine! I am convinced now. Lets not fight or argue anymore. I am Kendra Clark. I have to go now. Bye and see you tomorrow." Kendra left Gabrielle and Eric in front the door. Gabrielle left Eric and followed Kendra. Eric let the two to have their moment and started to close the agency." Kendra, wait wait wait! You are so fast!"Gabrielle was out of breath following Kendra." Who told you to follow me?I said I am going to think about it. Can't you even wait till next morning?" Gabrielle insisted to make it up to Kendra. He could not want to go home unless Kendra and He would be fine."I am the type of person that what I want, I get easily. You are the first person who is so hard to convince."Kendra stopped walking and went closer to Gabrielle."Are you out of your mind?We dont have any kind of relationship for you to be so hard for yourself to just make it up to me. I dont even know you. What do you really want from me?"Kendra

starting to question Gabrielle on his action that was not convincing at all to her. She thought that Gabrielle wanted more from her."The problem with you is you are thinking too much. I just wanted to have a peace with you. Justin our boss would never like his one of employee have some problem with another inside of his company. I respected Justin so much. He is such a great mentor for me as well as a friend. That is the reason why I wanted us to be okay so that tomorrow its gonna be a new start for both of us."

Kendra suddenly thought of something that Gabrielle somehow was right. She just got hired and it was not so good for her image to be fighting nonesense with someone especially they were working together in one company.

"All right. I am fine now. We are okay. Thank you for making me realize that I should be more forgiving especially I just got a job. My job is so important for me. I dont want to loose it for the reason of a nonesense fight."

Gabrielle offered his hand to Kendra.

"So, are we friends now? By the way, I am Gabrielle De Von. You may call me Gabs for short." Kendra shook Gabrielle's hand and introduced herself well.

"I am Kendra Clark. For now, I agreed with you to make a peace for the sake of my job but if you would do that to me again, I swear I will ruin your life."

Gabrielle was turned on to Kendra. He never experienced that a woman would be mean to him like Kendra did. He got a lot of money. Gabrielle thought that all women loved and adored him so much.

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