Miss Garsia, the Cat Is Out of the Bag

Chapter 651 Treat me as an experiment

“All right, Cater Johns, don’t argue with him.”

Arguing with this scoundrel will only make you angrier and have no influence on him.

“I know, Cassie.”

Cater Johns sat down, his eyes fell on Zhang Ze, and Zhang Ze was at ease.

“How about this? Give me two days. If I can’t find the right person, then I will infect myself and use it for experiments. What do you think? ”

Cater Johns didn’t even think about it, and directly refuted it: “How can this be done?” You are the general manager. If you are infected, what should this laboratory do if anything happens? ”

What Cater Johns said was not unreasonable. Everyone present nodded, except Zhang Ze.

“Why not? She is the general manager and should play a leading role. ” Zhang Ze took a sip of water and casually replied, “How about this? Since you can’t bear her to go, go by yourself. ”

Cater Johns’s angry eyes were full of fire: “Zhang Ze, don’t think I dare to punish you.”

“Yo yo, you’ve still cleaning me up.”

“That’s enough!”

As soon as Cassie struck the table, the scene suddenly quieted down.

“Just do as I say, that’s it, dismissed.”

After the meeting, Cater Johns came to Cassie’s side and asked nervously, “Are you really going to get infected?”

Cassie patted him, indicating that he was relieved: “Don’t worry, there are still two days left. If you can’t find it after two days. ”

“I have asked all the people nearby. Where are you going to find someone?”

Cater Johns doesn’t like the way she is irresponsible to herself.

It’s always like this. I always want to push myself out when I encounter difficulties.

“You are not a saint, you don’t need to pay so much for others, what the man said, don’t you listen to what? He asked you to get infected, and you really have to get infected, right? ”

Cassie looked at him in a rage and knew that he was distressed by himself, so she sighed helplessly.

“Cater Johns, you really don’t have to worry so much. Of course, I didn’t decide to do it because of his words.”

“Why is that?”

Cassie’s eyes darkened. “Because, I don’t want to disappoint Jones.”

Cater Johns understood at once when he heard this.

“So you are for Jones Davis? Because of her heartless ex-boyfriend? ” Cater Johns almost laughed at this. “Cassie Jones Davis is a love brain, but you are not. Besides, you have clearly analyzed the seriousness of this matter. You don’t need to do this at all.”

Cassie nodded readily: “Of course I know, but I think the possibility of success of this medicine is quite great, so I am not very worried.”

“Even if this medicine has a great chance of success, you shouldn’t gamble with your body. Forget it, I won’t say it. Think about it yourself.”

Leaving this behind, Cater Johns went out in despair.


This Saturday morning, Cassie received a phone call from the hospital.

“Is this Cassie? We have added an example here, which is said to be your friend. ”

Cassie suddenly felt something was wrong.

“Hello, who’s calling?”

“I am a doctor in the Central Hospital. Your friend came to the hospital this morning and said that he was not feeling well. We gave him a preliminary examination and basically confirmed that he was infected.”

Cassie asked, “What’s her name?”

“Jones Davis.”

Hearing this, Cassie sat up straight in an instant.

“Jones Davis? !”

“Yes, and this Miss Davis asked me to tell you. He said he wanted to call you personally.”

Cassie snorted. After a while, Jones Davis” voice clearly came from there.

“Cassie, hello.”

Cassie, listening to her voice, has initially acquired the huskiness of an infected person.

“What the hell happened to you? Haven’t you been staying at home all these days? How did you suddenly get infected? ”

Jones Davis replied shyly, “I’m really sorry. Maybe I accidentally bumped into something in the lab that day …”

Cassie suddenly became angry: “I told you not to touch anything inside that day, but you finally did, didn’t you?”

“Jones Davis, you are such a big man, can’t you take good care of yourself?”

Jones Davis was a little sour when she listened to her reprimand, but she knew Cassie was just too worried about herself, so she had to spit out her tongue and replied, “I know, so what I said is all my fault. Don’t be angry again.”

Cassie can’t continue to lose her temper when she hears her voice like this.

“Now that you are infected, you should have a good rest in the hospital, and I will find someone to take care of you.”

But Jones Davis obviously didn’t mean to stay in the hospital: “Cassie, I have a question for you. Is your laboratory looking for experimenters recently?”

Cassie was puzzled, but she nodded.

“How do you know this?”

“I overheard you at the meeting that day.” Jones Davis voice some caper, with a hint of temptation, “how about this? I happen to be infected now, or take me as an experiment? ”


Jones Davis nodded, realizing that she couldn’t see, and recited, “Yes, yes, it’s not a coincidence. Since you can’t find the experiment now, just let me take the lead.”

“Jones Davis, didn’t you get infected on purpose because you knew there was a lack of a experimenter in my lab, did you?”

Cassie’s tone is harsher than ever.

Jones Davis wanted to shake his head and deny it, but the words were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t say anything, and finally he stammered, “No, how could I … how could I do such a thing …”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Do you know what you are doing? You just get infected casually. What if there is something wrong with the medicine? Are you dying? ”

Usually Jones Davis is stupid, but now at such a critical juncture, she has such a mess.

Cassie thinks she’s about to be pissed off.

“You’ve still talking about me, so are you. If you really can’t find anyone, you may have to do the experiment by yourself …” Jones Davis said, and his voice slowly dropped. “I haven’t done anything for you before, and I haven’t helped you. This time, you should consider me selfless.”

Cassie’s eyes suddenly became sour when she heard this.

“So, just give me a chance.” Jones Davis giggled. “If it really works on me, then I’ve made a great contribution, right?”

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