Mistaken by the Billionaire Marquess


CHAPTER 46: Encounter

– LIA –

DENISSE stopped screaming at the guards when he saw Kelleon stepped out of the vehicle. Her furious face suddenly changed. She looked like an innocent sheep, staring at my boyfriend as if she’s asking for help. Just by looking at her expression, you can say that she was being bullied by the people around.

But I knew better. We knew better. This woman in front of us is just a wolf in a sheep’s clothing.

“Kelleon! Baby!” she screamed while running towards our direction.

My face wrinkled when I heard her. Fires of jealousy suddenly emerged inside me that I want to grab her hair and rub her face on the ground.

She was about to hug Kelleon. The distance between them is getting closer while she extended her arms. I looked st her and I want to spit on her fake expression. Her eyes looked so soft and her lips are pouted. Her eyebrows are arched a little bit. She looked so weak in the eyes of the people.

Before she could touch any part of Kelleon’s body, my boyfriend placed his palms towards her.

I didn’t expect it when he pushed Denisse away, literally. The force was so strong that Denisse fell down to the ground, her but hitting the concrete floor first.

“Ouch!” she exclaimed while putting her hands down for support. She closed her eyes because of the pain.

It didn’t take long for her to open her eyes. The first expression on her face showed that she is mad – mad at Kelleon. However, when she realized that he is watching her, the expression she has changed into a soft, angelic one.

“Baby,” she spoke. “Why did you push me away? It’s me, Denisse, your love.”

She spoke with such feminine and soft voice that people will fight for. She’s a good actress, no wonder why Kelleon fell for her tricks before.

Denisse tried to reach for Kelleon’s hands. “Baby, help me get up, please. My body hurts so bad,” she complained and added a fake sob in the end.

Kelleon looked at her coldly before turning his head to his men. “Get her up,” he spoke.

The guards immediately followed his order. They walked towards Denisse and helped her stand up again.

The face of the bitch lit up because of that. She even gave a fake smile to those who helped her before looking to Kelleon.

“I know that you really love me, baby. You still don’t want me to get hurt. I’m sure it was an accident when you pushed me earlier,” she took a step closer to him. “But I will love it more if you’re the one who helped me.”

She pouted her lips and tried to cling into Kelleon’s arms. Kelleon took a step back. He took my hand so I was moved together with him.

“Baby,” she called him with a pleading voice. “Let me hug you. I miss you so much.”

She moved closer again while extending her arms more. Kelleon pushed her arms away from him and pulled me closer. One of his hands rested on my waist.

The angry look on Denisse’s face didn’t escape from my sight. I saw how a small hint of irritation and annoyance covered her face.

Ha… take that bitch.

“Don’t touch me,” Kelleon spoke.

Denisse’s eyes moved to him. “Why? You like it when I touch you, baby,” she spoke before smiling. “Remember? You’re always requesting me to hug you before.”

“That was before,” he answered with disgust evident on his voice.  “I hate it now.”

“Baby,” Denisse moved closer again. “I m-”

“Move closer to me again and I’ll pushed you harder that you won’t be able to get up,” Kelleon warned.

My head turned towards him. I saw coldness in his eyes. His jaw to tighten and his breath became heavier.

The memory of him revealing what happened when Denisse left crossed my mind. Kelleon had experienced a lot of hardships because of this woman.

He was bombed. He was paralyzed. He couldn’t get up for almost a month. He felt useless. He was used for her own gain.

I shook my head when my blood started to boil. I should be calm, for now. The culprit is already in front of us. One wrong move and she could escape again.

My hands touched Kelleon’s cheek. When he looked at me, I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Cariño, I’m here. We’ll cross this together,” I said while caressing his face.

Kelleon opened his mouth to talk but Denisse’s voice interrupted us.

“Bitch!” she exclaimed.

I looked at her. She’s staring darkly at me like she’s going to kill me in any minute. She’s gritting her teeth and her eyebrows are furrowed.

“If there’s a bitch here, it’s you,” I pointed her using my index finger.

I simple looked around to check if anyone from Kelleon’s men are already here.

From a far, I saw shadows of people walking towards us.

I hope it’s them…

“How dare you say that!” Denisse screamed and launched herself towards me. Before her fingers touched my hair, I saw Kelleon grabbed her by the wrist and twist it before pushing her again.

Screams of pain covered the whole area. It didn’t take long for Denisse to look up at Kelleon.

“Baby,” she spoke with a small voice, pleading. “Why did you hurt me? You didn’t hurt me before,” her eyes landed on me before her gaze became sharp. “Is it because of this bitch? I’m sure that she manipulated you!”

“Baby, I’m the real Denisse!” she shouted and crawl towards my boyfriend before touching his knees.

“I’m your love! I’m your girlfriend!” Denisse pointed me like a child accusing me of doing something bad. “She’s fake!”

She was on her knees, doing a doe-eye while looking at Kelleon. “This bitch is just pretending to be me! She just wants your money! She’s a gold-digger! This bitch is fake!”

“I’m the real Denisse, baby. Believe me. I know everything about you. I know that you love me so much. You’re just confuse right now, hm? I’ll help you clear your mind. Let’s go home, baby.”

Kelleon stared at her for a couple of seconds. I don’t know what’s going on his mind. I tightened my grip on his arm a little bit. I don’t want to intervene. I know that he has a plan.

“Of course, I know you are Denisse,” he spoke.

Denisse’s eyes widened and twinkled with hope. She smiled widely before getting up.

“Baby, I know that you can’t forget me! Let’s get married!” she shouted with excitement.

“Why would I?” Kelleon spoke with his cold voice. “Why would I marry you, Denisse? Give me a reason to do it.”

Her smile faded and she was silent for a moment. It was like she was still processing what he said to her. It was a sudden drop from being up on the clouds of happiness.

“Because you love me?” she said, unsure of her answer.

Kelleon spat out an insulting laugh. “That’s the most bullshit thing I heard today.”

He gripped her chin tightly while glaring at her. “I don’t love you, Denisse. Heck, I didn’t love you,” he spoke. “I love the woman who you pretended to be.”

Denisse lost all of her emotions in a snap of a finger. It was so sudden that I can say that she already dropped her facade.  With her head hanging low, she took a couple of steps backwards while her hand are behind her.

“So you already know?” she chuckled. “Took you long enough, idiot.”

“Why?” Kelleon asked. “Why did you do it?” His voiced slightly raising. “Why did you ruin my life?!”

I hugged him from the side. “Calm down, cariño,” I whispered when I noticed that he’s not being himself anymore. “Come back to me, my lord.”

His breath slowly became lighter, but the strength of his grip on Denisse stayed the same.

Silently, I called Mama Thea and Papa Killian to went here faster. I prayed that Cloud or any of Kelleon’s men will be here.

We can’t move without them. We can’t hurt Denisse, not in front of these people.

“I want your money, that’s why,” she answered briefly.

“You’re willing to put him danger, just for money?!” I shouted. Kelleon caressed my waist to calm me down.

“I’m willing to kill him if needed,” she gave me a smug smile.

My patience snapped with what she said. I can’t let this woman alive. She’d a threat not just to our relationship, but also to Kelleon’s life. Anytime, she can pretend to be me and hurt him again.

I took a step forward and was about to slap her when she suddenly pulled something from her back. It was so fast that my eyes didn’t notice it immediately.

A gun!Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

My whole body suddenly trembled. All of the therapy sessions I went to was useless. Seeing a gun this close brought back all of my memories from childhood.

Memories that were buried for a long time.

She aimed to the person behind me. My eyes widened.


Without having a second thought, I launched myself infront of the gun she’s holding. My hands are shaking as I hugged Kelleon and made myself a shield from the gun.




Three gunshots echoed in my ear. Before darkness consumed me, I saw blood scattering behind me and heard Kelleon shouting my name.

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