Chapter Four

“When do you plan on coming in for work Kat?”

Lucas voiced out as soon as she picked the call, she knew she shouldn’t have drunk last night, she checked the time and it was about five-thirty and she did a retake to make sure she heard him right, why would he expect her to be at work by five-thirty am?

“Hello, sir it’s five-thirty in the morning why will I be at work already?”

“I know the time, we had an agreement remember?”

“What agreement and why does it involve me coming to work early,”

“Can’t, don’t you remember?”

“Remember what?”

Katrina asked, she was feeling so low, hangovers were the worst shits to deal with and hers was always extreme, this is why you shouldn’t have drunk. She mentally scolded herself while trying hard to remember what she and Lucas had talked about but nothing was clicking.

“Did you have an anemia cuz I sent you a text last night to get here early today and told you that I will get the driver to come to pick you up but you said you can get here on your own, don’t tell me you forgot?”

“Oh my God, I am sorry, I will be there soon,”

She replied she couldn’t remember he texted or that she replied this is why you shouldn’t drink on a weekday. She mentally scolded herself again getting up from the floor where she had passed the night, Jordan was still passed out on the floor next to her, he was snoring and Kat had to sudden urge to kick him but she didn’t instead she ran into her bathroom phone still in hand, she checked her message box and indeed there was a message from her boss which she had replied even with cute little hearts, this is why she shouldn’t have tasted anything alcohol last night but she had felt bad watching Jord drink alone so she had joined him now she regretted it.

“Be here in the next thirty minutes Kat and we can pretend that this didn’t happen.”

She heard her boss say, she agreed and he ended the call, she wanted to beat him up for real, it wasn’t yet working time and here she was hurriedly taking her bath, the hold the crazy man had over her, she suddenly wished she can pull a Jordan and not show up at work but they both have different bosses and Jord was more like a mini-boss of his own.

By the time she was ready for work, fifteen minutes had already passed that’s the earliest she could pull off, getting ready within fifteen minutes with a hangover is not simple.

She hurriedly scribbled something on a piece of paper and kept it close to Jord and ran out of the apartment to her parking lot where she hopped into her car and zoned off towards her office, it was already over one hour before she made it into the office and she had to spend another five minutes getting into the elevator and by the time she arrived at her office it was way past seven am.

“You are one hour late Kat, you promised to be here in thirty minutes but it took you one hour thirty minutes to get here,”

Lucas said as soon as she entered the office. She just stared at him like he was crazy.


“Nothing, I am sorry but I had a little too much to drink so I didn’t even realize that I texted you back and I didn’t know when my alarm rang that is w**”

She suddenly remembered she shouldn’t be giving him details and just shut her mouth up.

“You were drinking on a Monday night, knowing fully well that you have work the next day? Now that’s something that I won’t tolerate, not when it will affect your job as my secretary.”

He scolded and she blamed herself for telling him, and he was right too she shouldn’t have been drinking, but she wasn’t gonna let him have it.

“It’s not disturbing my job though, I am here at work by seven am in the morning even with the busy New York traffic, only a few other people are already at work,”

She said.

“Why were you drinking?”

“Hmm, do I have to answer that?”

She asked moving into her office and sitting down, it wasn’t working hours yet and she didn’t have the strength to stand right now.

“Yeah, you should I am your boss,”

“But that’s my private life, why I was drinking has nothing to do with the job so it’s none of your business,”

She said as a matter of fact.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Fine, don’t say,”

He replied.

“Why am I in the office early?”

She asked wanting to get the job started, her head was banging and she felt like throwing up so she searched her bag for sweets and popped one into her mouth before turning back to face him.

“You are in no shape to attend to business right now, come with me,”

He said and she stood up to follow him. He walked into his office, picked up a few files, and handed it over to her.

“Where are we going to?”

She asked when he walked right out of the office into the elevator, but he didn’t reply just made his way into the elevator and clicked the down button when she entered.

“I thought you said we had something to do this morning, and also I have to complete the file you gave me yesterday as well as complete preparation for the trip on Thursday,”

She let out, her head was killing her and her feet were barely holding up, she wanted to sit in her office and do all her work so that she can ho home and sleep.

“We are leaving tomorrow,”

He said ignoring her questions.

“Wait, what? I thought you said Thursday,”

“Yeah, I did, but a change of plans,”

“Lord give me strength,”

She whispered under her breath.

“What did you say?”

He asked giving her his signature look that always makes her wanna run and hide.


“Good, to answer your question, I am taking you home,”

“What but I just got here and I can get home myself thank you.”

“You were an hour late, the meeting is already over.”

He revealed and she wondered what meeting he was talking about.

“I mean the visual meeting with the Dubai team,”

“But that wasn’t until later today, did it get moved how come I am not aware?”

She asked suddenly feeling like she is missing a lot of things these days which made her think about the tone he has been using for her, strangely before he would be mad at her but here he was talking to her calmly even after she has missed a meeting.

And he also just said he was taking her home, then she remembered the state of her house, she was sure Jord wasn’t even awake yet, not to talk of cleaning, there is no way she was gonna let her boss see her house in that state, he didn’t reply her just stood there handsomely and pressing his phone.

“Sir, I mean Lucas,”

She corrected when she remembered what he had said the previous day, it will take a while to get used to it.

“I am perfectly fine and I don’t need to go home, so let’s just go back to the office and let me do my job.”

She requested, looking up at him, his piercing gaze made her look away almost immediately.

“You don’t look okay, Kat, and also you can work at my house, we have an office there too remember? We are going to work there for today,”

He said closing his phone and stuffing it in his pocket.

“Oh, here I was thinking he wants me to rest,”

She let out and covered her mouth in shock when she realized she said it out loud.

“Yeah, I am gonna let you rest too that’s why we are going to my house,”

He pointed out, she hated going to his house, it made her feel things and made her realize how stupid she is.

“Can’t we just stay at the office?”

She asked in a pleading voice. “I promise I can work perfectly well,”

She added when he didn’t respond.


He responded as the elevator opened and they got out, a few people were already making their way into their various offices and they stopped by to greet the boss while they walked down towards the elevator, Lucas was feared by the workers, they were always talking about him in a bad way especially the Secretaries they always bad mouth him, and she sometimes scolded them but they never stop, they all feel he was ruthless in his dealings and they back it up by saying it was what their bosses said, she didn’t blame them much though, they didn’t know him but she did, she had even hated him in the beginning and cursed her luck for bringing her to him but that was before she got to know him, admittedly he was ruthless when it comes to business but bet you if they see him outside work especially when he is with his family then they will know he is a big softy too.

“There is nothing to eat at my house, so unless you wanna cook when you get there you better order something,”

He said when they got into his car, she waved at the driver before she nodded and brought out her phone to place the order. She saw she had an unread text from him and also one from Jord, she checked the one from Jord and replied, he wanted to know where she kept his wallet, she then checked Lucas’s text but the send box was empty.

“You sent me an empty text,”

She said looking at him.

“Really? Must have hit send without my knowledge,”

He replied and went back to his phone she just sat there feeling like hell while trying hard to sober up, it was all Kelvins fault, if he hadn’t broken Jord’s heart, he Won’t have wanted to drink and she didn’t have been here with a scary hangover, she wanted to look for him and give a good breaking for bestie’s heart bit, unfortunately, the miserable dude had left the country, she promised herself that she would save the beating and give it to him whenever their parts cross, she was sure it would someday.

“What are you thinking of so hard?”

She heard him asked, which brought her out of her thoughts.


She replied.

“That didn’t look like nothing you were frowning and looked like you wanna murder someone,”

“It’s nothing, for real,”

She responded wanting him to back off.

“Okay, fine,”

He said going back to his phone.

She closed her eyes, she will get some sleep, and when she gets to his house she would be sober enough to do her job without distraction, she hoped.

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