Mr. CEO Sassy Bride

The Truth

“Why are your eyes closed?” He softly inquired.

Huh? Leilani’s eyes immediately fluttered open, feeling the urge to retreat to the safety of the wall as she realized her actions.

‘God! What did I think was going to happen?’ she whispered, looking everywhere except into Nelson’s intense gaze.

Coughing, she straightened herself and was somewhat relieved when Nelson took a few steps back as well.

“So, what have you done to my boyfriend, Mr. Carter?” she asked pointedly, meeting his gaze directly this time.

Nelson nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and took a seat on the bed. “Didn’t you say your boyfriend would willingly surrender the contract for your love?” he asked, emphasizing each word.

Leilani didn’t interrupt him, but her chest began heaving with anxiousness.

“Well, I hate to disappoint you, but your so-called boyfriend told me you’re not worth it and that he would never give up on his dreams for you,” Nelson repeated Jones’s words to Leilani, causing her heart to squeeze painfully in her chest. The weight of it was almost too much to bear.

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. But she refused to show any emotion to Nelson. She wouldn’t let him see how much Jones’s words were affecting her.

“So you expect me to believe you?” she asked, trying to sound as firm as possible.

“I don’t expect you to believe me, but tell me, has he been answering your calls?” Nelson got up from the bed and took a step closer to her again.

Leilani’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Or has he even tried to call you since then?” Nelson continued, a lopsided grin forming on his lips.

“What did you do to him, Nelson?” Leilani asked through clenched teeth, her eyes burning with anger and her hands tightly balled into fists.

“Nothing much, I just gave him what he wanted,” he replied with a cheeky wink before walking past Leilani.

Leilani’s lower lip trembled and her hands remained balled in fury.

“I won’t forgive you for this, Nelson!” she called out after him, but he only laughed loudly in response.

Two weeks later…

Leilani had the widest smile on her face as she praised Ethan for his progress in walking without his crutches. Her enthusiasm was mirrored by Ethan’s huge smile, but tears still welled up in their eyes.

These were tears of joy that had been flowing for the past two weeks, ever since Ethan’s successful surgery.

Noticing the tears in her brother’s eyes, Leilani couldn’t hold back her own. They were both overwhelmed with gratitude for the successful surgery.

“Are you that happy?” Leilani asked Ethan, slowing their pace.

Ethan nodded, tears spilling down his face. “I wish we could show our appreciation to the hospital for their immense help,” he said.

Leilani smiled and quickly grabbed Ethan’s crutches, ready to continue their walk around the lobby.

“Thank you,” Ethan muttered as he took the crutches and used them for support.

“Shall we take another walk around the lobby before heading back to your ward?” Leilani asked, but Ethan shook his head.

“No, Lani. I’m tired now. We’ll continue tomorrow,” he said.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Understanding her brother’s exhaustion, Leilani agreed and led them to the elevator that took them to Ethan’s VIP ward.

After helping Ethan settle onto his bed, Leilani informed him that she was going to get them some food. Ethan reminded her not to take too long, and Leilani nodded before leaving the room.

As she made her way down the hallway, Leilani’s pace halted when she heard Nelson Carter’s name being mentioned. Her curiosity piqued, she ran towards an open door where two nurses were talking.

“Are you talking about the same Nelson Carter? But how could he have helped Ethan without knowing his background? Is it even possible?” the nurses gossiped to each other.

As those words reached her ears, a deep gasp escaped Leilani’s lips. The nurses turned their attention towards the door, but she quickly withdrew and muffled her reaction. She yearned for more information.

Unfazed, the nurses resumed their conversation.

“Parsley, I don’t believe it’s possible. The fact that he made himself anonymous only indicates that he didn’t want the boy’s family to know he was the one behind the surgery fee and everything,” the second nurse declared.

Leilani’s hand, still covering her mouth, began to tremble at the nurse’s words. Tears welled up in her eyes and she could hardly believe what she was hearing.

“The boy is incredibly lucky, don’t you think? Nelson Carter ensured that he received the best treatment in the hospital and even arranged for the director himself to provide the top surgeon in the country,” the first nurse added.

But Leilani couldn’t bear to hear any more. She hastily left the room, but soon broke down in a fit of sobs. Clutching her chest, she cried in bewilderment.

“Why didn’t he tell me? How could I have known he was the sponsor? How?” she choked out each word as she collapsed to the ground.


With tears streaming down her face, Leilani entered the grand mansion at the same time as Nelson descended the stairs. Their gazes lingered on each other for longer than necessary.

Though concerned by her watery eyes, Nelson remained composed.

Leilani continued towards her destination, but stopped in her tracks when a sudden recollection hit her.

*Where did you go after your visit to the hospital–*

Leilani remembered how Nelson had almost mentioned the hospital that day-the day Ethan had gone for his examination.

And she hadn’t told him anything about her own visit to the hospital. Despite her persistent questioning, he had refused to give her an answer.

Additionally, Jones’s parting words during their last meeting suddenly resurfaced in her mind.

*I’ve never heard of a hospital in San Francisco providing support for disabled individuals every year before.*

As she covered the distance between them with a sob escaping her throat, she held him tight and bawled her eyes out.

“Why didn’t you tell me, sir?” “Why didn’t you reveal yourself as the sponsor?” “Why did you choose to be anonymous and keep such a significant secret from me?” Leilani cried, clinging onto him.

Taken aback, Nelson was momentarily speechless. He had made sure that his involvement remained undisclosed, so how did Leilani come to know about it?

Denial seemed futile now.

Looking down at Leilani in his embrace, he felt his heart fluttering in a strangely familiar way – the same sensation he experienced around a certain someone.

As if trying to push away the memories associated with that person, he abruptly pulled away from Leilani’s embrace, avoiding her gaze.

She was fully aware that her emotions had clouded her judgement, but Leilani was determined to hear the entire truth from him.

“How did you find out it was me?” Nelson inquired, genuine curiosity etched on his surprise-stricken face.

Gazing up at him, Leilani couldn’t decipher his expression.

Overwhelmed with conflicting emotions, another tear slipped down her cheek.

“I apologize for all those times, Sir,” she began, looking down at her hands. “I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. I regret underestimating you and not giving heed to your words. I regret the insults I hurled at you when we first met.”

“But why, sir?” “Why did you choose to help me when I didn’t deserve it?” “Why did you support my brother in getting back on his feet despite all the pain I caused?”

Her throat tightened with emotion, forcing her to pause and take a deep breath to collect herself.

With tears streaming down her face, she opened her mouth to continue, but Nelson interjected calmly.

“Can you stop crying already? Given my position, anyone would have taken the same action. And moreover, I did not do it for you, but for your brother,” Nelson stated, attempting to convey seriousness but failing miserably.

Watching Leilani cry so intensely did not seem to put him in his usual mood.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Carter!” Leilani exclaimed with profound gratitude. “I will always be indebted to you.”

Nelson offered her a faint smile as he retrieved his handkerchief and handed it to her.

At that moment, the front door abruptly swung open, revealing Susan.

“Grandma!” Nelson and Leilani exclaimed in surprise simultaneously.

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