Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 115_ You lied to me! 2

Becky took a sharp breath as she got out of her car and looked around at her peaceful surroundings, which was not exactly empty because some guards were hanging around.

She had been debating meeting Charles today for a long time when she finally decided to do so.

The last time she was drunk at the bar, he saved her because she saw him with another woman and made the stupid decision to get wasted.

She had always secretly admired him, but because she was overweight during her college years, he never gave her a second glance.

Actually, no guy ever did; she was constantly made fun of, which nearly sent her into a deep depression.

Her determination to have him be hers was unwavering, and she left the country only to return a few years later looking completely different.

She would make him notice her this time.

She gave her car’s key to a bodyguard who was waiting nearby.

She strolled over to the building and said, “Park the car well.”

She was secretly anxious because of what had transpired the previous time.

Her heart was racing, feeling as though it would explode in her chest, with every step she took.

Suddenly, she heard a splash, which caused her to stop moving.

She pursued the sound until it led to a distant pool where she could see that someone was in.

A moment of stillness passed in the water before a male god surfaced from the depths.

That was him. Charles.

Her lips parted as she looked at his broad shoulders and firm back; she could only see his back because she was standing behind him.

She nearly tipped over the small brown paper bag she was holding.

Charles turned around, as if sensing a presence behind him, to see the dazed figure of a lady staring back at him.

Meanwhile, Becky struggled to keep her lips from dropping.

“Hi.. i wasn’t expecting a guest” He teased her by swimming to the other end of the pool, hoping she would come over to the other side.

Her throat tightened; did he really need to make her heart pound abnormally with each step he took?

She set the paper bag on the bench, where a white towel and a water bottle sat casually.

“I know… I kinda invited myself,” she laughed as she walked to the edge of the pool where he rested his back.

Charles quickly turned to her, looking up at her with a curious expression.

“I have a feeling you are going to say something else.”

Becky responded with a nod.



Olivia placed the sketch book Damien had given her for keeps on her bed, and a smile spread across her lips as she remembered how she had reacted when he first showed her the apple sketch.

She was so preoccupied with herself that she did not notice a small figure walking into the room.

Kelvin helped himself up onto the bed next to her, swinging his small legs that dangled in air.

“Mummy, you look happy. Are you thinking about daddy?”

Olivia jumped to her feet, startled by his sudden appearance; how come she had not heard him walk in?

She was afraid her little boy was correct; she was actually thinking about Damien, who was not so bad after all.

All he ever wanted was for her to see the good in him; his intentions were always pure, but she did not see them earlier..

“Um… why are you here? “Where are Kiara and your dad?”

“Daddy is making milkshakes for me and Kiara… and she is helping him make them, and when I tried to help, he asked me to come keep you company.”

Olivia chuckled, ruffling his hair; how thoughtful of him, but on second thought, why were Kiara and Kelvin attempting to make Damien to do everything?Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Aren’t you such a cute soul?”

“Mummy, I really like Daddy. I want us to stay with him because he is great and he fulfills all my requests.”

She carefully straightened his blue polo while squatting down to his height.

“Listen, baby. Your dad and I are still working on our relationship. It might take some time to grant your wish.”

Kelvin’s lips were pursed as he folded his arm across his chest.

He did not think that was the case when they were frolicking around the living room; they appeared content together.

“That’s not true mummy, daddy likes the both of us very much, and I’m sure you like him too”

Olivia placed a hand over his small mouth, he sure speaks a bit too much for his age, if Damien were to hear his statement, the latter might get the wrong idea..

“What makes you think like that? Did he say that to you?

Kelvin nodded his head in agreement, and his mother’s hand over his mouth gradually dropped to her side.

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

“And he told me to kiss you on your cheek too, on his behalf.”

Olivia rose to her feet and watched Kelvin leave the room with a wide grin, her hand slowly crawling up to her cheek, the exact spot Kelvin had kissed her.

It felt completely different.

Meanwhile, at the other end…

Kelvin moved over to Kiara, who was dancing to Damien’s ringtone.

Damien had instructed a guard to keep calling his phone until she was tired of it because she liked the ringtone.

Twenty minutes had passed, but no signs of fatigue could be seen on her face; instead, the guard was becoming tired.


Kelvin whispered a few words to her, which made her eyes wide with joy.

They exchanged high fives before exiting the living room.

As soon as they left, the guard breathed a sigh of relief.


Damien’s eyes lit up as the children walked into the kitchen just as their milkshakes were about to be ready.

By his side stood five cooks with their heads bowed; for whatever reason, their boss had decided to take over the kitchen without anyone’s assistance today.

“Daddy!!” Kelvin screamed and dashed to Damien, clutching a single rose.

“It’s great that you both are here…”

Kelvin had extended a rose to him, and his gaze settled on it.

“Mummy asked me to give you this.

Damien was taken aback; had she really said that? It was difficult to believe, which caused him to hesitate before accepting the rose.

Kiara motioned for him to lean down, and he did, only for her to kiss him on the cheek.

“She also asked me to give you a kiss on the cheek.”

He was in a daze as the two troublemakers attempted to reach for their milkshakes on the kitchen island.

One of the cooks, who could not take their desperate attempt to reach the long glass, came to their aid by handing them the glass.

Damien smiled as he twirled the rose between his fingertips.

He was right, all she needed was time for her to come around..


Becky took off her heels and sat by the edge with her legs dipped into the pool.

She had no intentions of getting wet since she had no spare clothing, she wouldn’t let what happened the last time repeat itself again..

“Thank you” She murmured..

Charles backed away from the edge and dove into the pool.

“That is for saving me, by the way, not for looking at my body.” She added with a small chuckle.

Charles swarm towards her again brushing his wet strands off his forehead..

His azure eyes lingered on hers for a brief moment before pulling her into the swimming pool..

With his hands firmly gripping her waist, she let out a high-pitched cry as she submerged herself in the chilly pool.

For a moment, the proximity between them made her heart skip a beat.

“You are not going to use that against me because I never asked you to strip in front of me,” Charles defended, not willing to let her go just yet.

“Did you like what you saw that day? She thought out loud which she instantly regretted..

Did he hear that ?? She hoped he hadn’t

He answered quickly, “No.”

Becky’s face fell for a moment, but she quickly recovered; the dam in her eyes was on the verge of bursting with tears…

She docked out of his hold and swim a little further away from him.

He never noticed her in college, and even after she had worked so hard to achieve the perfect body he’d truly love, he still chose someone else over her again..

“Considering how much of a jerk you are, I had anticipated that response from you!” She inhaled deeply and pinched her nose before diving low into the pool in an attempt to cover up her discomfort, which prevented her from hearing what he had to say next.

He whispered, “It was not just something I liked; I really loved it.”

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