Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 121_ I made a mistake 1

Olivia paid deaf ears to the knocks and pounds that fell on her door, she was in no mood to talk or see anyone right now..

All her heart desired now was some peace and quietness to wrap her mind around her next move to play..

Her door made a click sound before it opened, she barely took a glance at it already knowing who it might be..

Bianca stepped in with her hands crossed on her chest, her eyes fell on the figure who was seated on her bed with her head in between her thighs…

She casually strolled to the closed window and opened it for proper ventilation..

“I think we need to talk”

Olivia casted a glance at Bianca who was now standing before her. How was she supposed to tell her friend what she had overheard over at Damien’s house?

Her mind suddenly drifted back to the day at the restroom where Rihanna had openly told her about Damien being impotent..

She had thought the latter was only bluffing because she was hurt or something..

But his case couldn’t be considered as impotence, because he performed well last night If not more..

She tapped her forehead to stay focus and to stop her mind from wandering with dirty thoughts..

“There’s nothing to talk about.. wait, don’t you want me back home? I came back earlier than we planned”

Bianca’s face remained blank, she was obviously not buying that lie Olivia was telling..

“I’m not buying that girl.. just tell me, you both were already doing great together and I wanted to-

Olivia met Bianca’s gaze when the latter suddenly stopped talking staring intently on her neck, Bianca has initially thought it was a mosquito bite or something but what dumb mosquito could bite you several times around your neck?

Unless it was…

“A hickey?”

A deep red spread across Olivia’s face, goodness, she had completely forgotten about the hickeys Damien made around her neck..

Her hand rose up to her neck trying to shield the hickeys from Bianca’s sight, too bad it was already a bit late for that.

“Not at all.. I spent the night outside.. there are just mosquito bites”

Bianca’s lips curved upward, she understood completely..

“Did you both-

“Ah! stop it!” Olivia protested with her hand against her ears..

“Come on..”


Anita brushed her hand through Damien’s dark hair as he lay on the bed clutching onto a pillow with his eyes shut..

She felt so bad after listening to his explanations, how was she supposed to face Sandy now? they’ll clearly misunderstand her too..

After all she had been Damien and Olivia’s biggest fan, she had always wanted them together..

“You could have told me about it at least..”

“She hates me now, she doesn’t even want to listen to anything I say to her or respond to my calls and texts” He lamented heaving a breath..

The room was begining to suffocate him, nothing made sense to him anymore at this point..

“Don’t worry son, I’ll go over to her house right now and make her understand things.. she’s very sensible. Please take care of yourself honey I’ll be back soon” She kissed the side of his head and left the room hurriedly..

Damien sat up on the bed running his finger through his hair in despair..

He had to act sane just because his mum was here, he didn’t want her to be so worried about him when deep down he felt his world crumbling before his eyes..

He stepped out of the bed hissing and cursing at every chance he got..

How was this mess going to be fixed? he had made a big mistake, maybe if he had told her the truth earlier on, things might be different between them now.

“My phone” he murmured searching around the room until his gaze settled on the floor where it was broken apart, his eyes shut in annoyance..


Alexa stole a glance at the two laughing over something they spotted in a magazine, she fixed her face cap as she walked past them heading to the door..NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Are you going somewhere?”

She stopped on her tracks and turned around to face him, she rolled her eyes at his dumb question..

“It’s very obvious isn’t it?” She questioned in mockery before leaving the apartment..

After Clarissa’s appearance since today, he was acting like she didn’t exist, their laughter almost drove her insane a while back in her room and that was the more reason she badly wanted to get away from them..

Grandma Jade had no problem with Clarissa’s loud and annoying laughs but when it came to her, she scolds and taunt her..

As soon as Alexa left, Hardin stood up from the sofa he shared with Clarissa, he handed the magazine over to her and made his way out too..

Alexa’s safety was his priority and he didn’t want to be held responsible for anything that might befall her..

So he secretly followed her around..

The cab she boarded stopped in front of a hotel, she settled her fare and turned around walking into the building..

Not too long, Hardin also stepped out of a cab, he frowned staring at the building confusedly..

What was she doing here? was she here to see a man?

Something about that didn’t settle well with his head, he walked hastily into the tall building..


Rihanna’s sharp brown orbs flew open as she sat up from the bench next to the large pool, she was on an orange two piece swimsuit basking in the mild sunlight..

“What do you mean by failed?! didn’t I pay you enough for a simple task as that?!”

The guards stationed nearby all turned to her at alert, she noticed the movement around her and lowered her tone..

“I don’t care if there are guards flocking around her apartment or not! I want them all gone! do you get that?!”

“Certainly!” A deep male voice affirmed behind her which made Rihanna’s face freezed as Asher walked around the bench to her shaking his head slowly..

He was right, he knew he didn’t hear wrong the other day he eavesdropped on her conversation with someone over the phone..

She was still as foolish as ever to plot against Olivia and her son..

“What are you doing here? were you eavesdropping on my conversation?!” She yelled at him rising up to her feet, If he knew about her plan then it meant everything she had done so far would all be in vain…

“Don’t you have brains? You’ve done enough that has costed us our reputation, everyone now knows that the daughter of the Brown’s works as a cleaner at the Sterling’s company.. can’t you just pretend to be sensible even if you’re not?!”

Rihanna’s eyes darted around sharply, she prayed and hoped her parents were nowhere around..

Why did he have to appear all of a sudden? has he been keeping an eye on her all these while or perhaps suspecting her?.

“I’ll make sure mum and dad knows what you’re up to.. we’ve made enough plans for you just Incase you go astray again”

Rihanna’s eyes widened in horror, her calculative mind failed to come up with something to convince her brother..

He turned around to leave her side but suddenly found himself slipping backward after he was pushed..

He fell harshly over the edge of the pool with his striking the hard marbled edge..


She screamed out in shock staring at the red liquid oozing out of his head dropping into the pool while his body remained still..

“Anyone! come quickly! Asher please get up, I didn’t mean to do that-

Tracy’s brows furrowed as her eyes fell on Rihanna who crouched next to the pool wailing..


Her phone fell out of her hold as she saw the figure who lay still next to the pool..


She yelled rushing towards the two, the guards standing around were alerted as they all ran to the scene where the mother and daughter were wailing..

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