Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 128_ Gone 2

Scott took a glance at his men who were standing behind him, he could tell that they also had similar thoughts..

The kids they brought in a while ago were acting unusually weird and too calm for their likeness, the fact that he hated kids and their annoying yells and wails still made him wish that they cry at least once..

He leaned forward to the little boy who looked just like his father, Damien Sterling, and surprisingly he possessed the same proud aura his dad parades himself with…

“Are you both mute?.. can’t you speak?” he questioned only to receive silence in return..

Scott straightened up feeling slightly embarrassed by their silent treatment, he hoped Rihanna gets here as soon as possible otherwise he might go mad having to endure their awful quietness..

He turned his back against them walking over to his men who stood aside..

“He looks like an ugly clown” Kiara murmured to Kelvin for the two to share a hearty chuckle..

Scott’s back froze as their little laughs reached his ears, he snapped his head to them sending them threatening glares..

“Who made that statement?!” he barked..

“You have a weird moustache” Kiara pointed out with a giggle..

Scott arched a brow, at least they talked, that was a relief, few more minutes and they’ll be gone..

So the least he could do for them was to let them speak for a while because after today, they won’t have the liberty to speak as they pleased..

The underworld wasn’t for the weak hearted..

“Do you both know where you are?”

Kelvin raised his hand ready to answer the question, he had a wide grin on his lips which didn’t say much for a kid who was supposed to be scared of his new environment..

“You’re a bad uncle, my mummy and daddy are coming to get us no matter where you brought us to!”

Scott held Kelvin’s chin peering straight into his grey orbs, a side of lips pulled up into a mocking smirk..

“No one is ever going to find you here, you’re trapped here forever!”

“Let him go you ugly man!” Kiara launched an attack on Scott which he didn’t see coming, she sank her tiny set of teeth into his hand which was holding Kelvin’s chin..


Rihanna took a look at her rearview mirror, she had a feeling that she was being followed around by someone..

“Take the next turn” She ordered to her driver who did exactly as she had said..

This was none other than Damien’s men following her about, a crook smile played on her lips, she had them exactly where she wanted them to be..

Few minutes later, the car came to a halt in front of a white building, the gentle breeze blew on her face as she stepped out of the car..

Taking a look over her shoulders, she saw a glimpse of the black car tailing her earlier parked at a distance away..

“This is gonna be fun”


Damien’s phone buzzed in his pants pocket, he took it out and moved a little distance away from Olivia..

“What did you find?” he inquired impatiently..

“Boss.. Miss Brown just stopped in front of a newly constructed building, we followed her as per your instructions, I just sent the location over to you”

Damien gave a few more orders and disconnected the call, he turned back walking back to Olivia..

“Come on..”


Alexa paced around her room with her phone placed against her ear, this was the fifteenth time in a row she was trying to reach Rihanna but the latter wasn’t taking any of her calls..

This has gone too far, Kelvin and kiara’s disappearance has everything to do with her, she stopped on her tracks when the call finally came through..

“Rihanna! what did you do?!”

Rihanna at the other end, stepped into the basement where Kelvin and Kiara were kept, when they saw her heading towards them, they started laughing..

“Easy bestie, what do you mean by that?” She questioned back feigning ignorance, whatever was about to happen today, would leave a permanent scar in the Sterling’s life..

Especially that of Olivia, that lady has made her go through a lot and this time, it was about to be the reverse case..

She would make sure Olivia lose everyone and everything she cared about, after that, she will call it even..

“I know you’re holding those kids captive.. let them go otherwise you would be sorry for yourself by the time my brother gets there!”

A snort escaped Rihanna’s mouth, right now no one could implement any element of fear in her, she has come a long way for this and even went to the extent of harming her brother just to keep him shut..

Even though his fall wasn’t intentional, it still turned out to be useful and that’s just for the best.

“You don’t get to threaten me Alexandra!.. and for the records, why would I go after the kids? whereas their parents are my enemies? it doesn’t just make sense.. now run along, I’m a very busy person”

She shoved her phone back into her purse while walking towards Scott who was pressing an ice pack against his hand..

“Let me guess, one of them bit you” She mockingly stated..

Scott sneered sending a glare to Kiara, she stuck her tongue out to him in mockery, now he suddenly wished to send her out of here first..

Rihanna clapped her hands to gain the attention of the men present in the basement..

“Listen up you all, we’ve got some company right outside, and I want you all to move to the first floor, Scott and I will handle the rest”

Scott’s brows furrowed at the sudden change of plans, he faced her demanding answers from her, and what company was she talking about exactly? was the building surrounded by the cops?

“What do you mean by that?”

“Damien’s men are around and in a little while longer, he will also be here.. do you get it this time? or should I open up your head and speak directly to your brain?” she mocked walking past him to the two who had been laughing nonstop since she came in..

Her eyes naturally fell on Kelvin, the main reason Damien left her was because he found out that he had a son..

“Hello Kelvin do you remember me?”

Kelvin gave a nod “Yes, you fell into a cake at the party and everybody laughed”

The veins around her neck almost popped out at his reply, she couldn’t forget that awful day where she was humiliated in front of everyone..

Till date, some people still tease her on the internet about it, funny enough they went as far as turning it into a meme..

So her anger towards them was very justified!

“I’ll like to know how much his kidney costs” She snorted in disdain..


Olivia shook her head refuting Damien’s words to step out of the car, They just got to the location of the white building his men sent to him..

“No Damien, this isn’t right.. Rihanna is not a fool! I’m sure this is some kind of trap that she had perfectly laid out waiting for us to fall a victim to..”

Damien sighed and opened the car’s door, he stretched forth his hand for her to take which she accepted..

He aided her movement out of the car and placed both of his hands on her shoulder..

She was scared, he got it perfectly, she had been crying all the way here..

“You don’t have to be scared, my men are here and the cops will also be here any moment from now.. and hey you’ve also got your perfect hero which is me”

Olivia reluctantly gave a nod even though her mind was not settled deep down, Rihanna probably knew that she was being followed the whole time, everything seemed too easy to put in together..

“Trust me” Damien whispered next to her ears, he understood her concern and fears..

As soon as they made their way into the building with the guards tailing behind them, a red car stopped right next to Damien’s car..

“Anita this is a terrible idea, it’s too dangerous to go in there.. And besides, Damien warned us earlier to stay back at home because we have no idea how vast this conspiracy might be”

Anita stepped out of the car while Aldrin followed suite, he effortlessly grabbed her wrist just before she could take a step forward..This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Just think about it honey” He tried to persuade her but her mind was already made up, her precious son was in there and there was no way she’d listen to anything he had to say..

“You’re such a scaredy cat Aldrin! my son is in there and there is no amount of risk i won’t take to go make sure that he is alright, Rihanna is crazy and I won’t let her succeed with her evil plans”

Back at the basement,

Olivia’s eyes lit up in joy when her eyes fell on the kids tied to a wooden chair with a brown tape over their mouths..

Surprisingly the whole place was empty and quiet except the muffled screams of Kelvin and Kiara..

That fear she was having earlier resurfaced again, this time it was way worse than before.

They hurried over to the two cutting them free from the rope used to tie them..

Olivia pulled the brown tape off Kelvin’s mouth and began raining multiple kisses on his cheeks..

“Baby are you alright?”


Scott took a side glance at Rihanna who suddenly pulled out a pistol from her purse aiming it at the couple who were below them..

This wasn’t part of their plan, their original plan was to sell Olivia and her son off to some underground organization but this crazy b*tch actually lured the couple here using the kids as bait..

“This wasn’t part of the agreement Miss Brown! you’re putting the lives of my men and I at stake here!” He lashed out at her holding her hand back before she could pull the trigger..

“There’s a sudden a change of plans Scott.. and I don’t care about you or your men.. deal with yourselves when the cops get here.. but before then, how about I end this perfect family for good! ”

An eery grin crawled up her face as she aimed the gun first at Damien, she wanted to see the pain and tears in Olivia’s eyes right after she pulled this trigger..

The same pain she went through, Olivia must go through the same agony..

With that thought in mind, she pulled the trigger which went off with a loud bang that followed suite..

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