Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 136_ Shoot!

Nancy’s eyes fell on the pistol on the long table in front of her, she raised her head to meet Damien’s irritated face..

“W-hat? I- I can’t do that” She stuttered shaking in fear, but Damien wasn’t having any of it, his cold glare fell on her which made her shakingly reach for the pistol on the table.

“Good. Now shoot at me” He ordered in a firm tone..

Her eyes grew large at his words, she snapped her head to the officer standing aside, from the looks of things he also wanted to witness her shooting skills..

Wasn’t he going to interfere this time?

“B-But I don’t want to hurt you” she whimpered hoping he would change his mind, but he didn’t, if worse, her words only made him more annoyed at how long she took to raise the pistol..

“Why are you suddenly scared? this is your big chance to escape, you have the upper hand in this room now.. do it!” Olivia jeered..

Nancy gulped down hard pointing the pistol to Damien’s chest..

“On the count of three, you are to shoot”




The pistol fell with a loud thud on the table as Nancy hurried to her feet shaking her head..

“I’m really sorry. I can’t do it” She cried out shuddering in fear..

Damien’s face was calm as if he had expected her reaction earlier on, but deep down his blood was boiling hard..

“Like I said earlier, she didn’t do it.. send the guy in”


Hardin walked closer to the window when he heard the sound of a car pulling over at a distance..

His eyes fell on the familiar figure he hadn’t seen in a while now, the news about Mrs Sterling’s death wasn’t a new news anymore, since the whole town was literally talking about it..

He moved away from the window and made his way out of his apartment where he met Clarissa who was just about to knock on the door..

Clarissa sighed in relief when the door opened, her hands held two bags filled up with groceries..

“Thank goodness! help me with –

Hardin walked past her walking in large strides to the other apartment..

“What is up with him?” She groaned out in displeasure taking the bags in with her..

Alexa was startled at the sudden appearance of Hardin just when she was about to close her door, her eyes fell on his large palm holding the door from closing..

“Hi.. uh can I speak to you?”

She took a step back granting him access to enter her private space..

The door closed behind them with a small bang..

“I’m sorry about what happened to your mum, I know how hard it is to lose a loved one”

Alexa walked towards the windows swiping all closed curtains open for a clearer view of her almost dark living room..

“Umm thanks..” she replied curtly..

A few seconds ticked by and no one said anything which left them in an awkward silence..

Alexa cleared her throat breaking the silence “I would have offered you something, but you and I both know how bad I suck at everything” She chuckled dryly..

Hardin caught the tears about to fall off her eyes, he closed the gap between them and pulled her into an embrace..

Almost immediately, she broke down in tears while his hands patted her back softly..

“Shh. Everything will be fine”


Scott’s eyes wandered everywhere except for Damien’s direction, a sudden bang on the table brought him back to his senses..

He met with Damien’s annoyed expression, from his looks, he could tell how badly the latter wanted to punch the living daylight out of his face..

“He claims to know nothing about the murder, but he was found in that building with some men who claimed that he was the leader of their illegal organization” Jameson relayed taking a brief look at Damien..

Damien pulled one of the chairs harshly and took a sit on it, he relaxed back with his hands crossed on his chest..

“The lady who was here a while ago claimed that you were the one who shot that gun..”

Scott’s eyes widened, Nancy was blaming him now for murder? or was it that spoilt heiress doing?! it was certain that he would be spending some years in jail but he definitely won’t take anyone else’s crime upon himself..

“I wasn’t the one who shot that lady, Nancy did, you can confirm from the CCTV footage, she’s obviously trying to frame me here”

“So what were you doing back there that day?” Damien questioned..

“I was on a mission but that had nothing to do with Mrs Sterling’s death”

Damien massaged his temples with a sigh, one thing he knew quite well was that this whole thing had something to do with Rihanna one way or another but how come she was able to carry this out successfully without a single mistake?

“Did you check for possible fingerprints on the pistol used?”

Jameson gave a nod “Yes we did, We found Nancy’s fingerprint on it”

Damien fell into a deep thought as he recalled something, there was no way a criminal wouldn’t leave a trail behind..

“I guess that will be all for today” Damien murmured as he rose up to his feet..

“But lastly before I leave.. I need you to do something urgently” he continued as he slid the pistol he had kept away to Scott..

The latter’s eyes fell on the pistol in front of him..

He raised his head back to Damien and then to Jameson..

“Take it and shoot at me”

Scott was bewildered, he stared at Damien in shock..

“That’s an order Scott.. it’s the only way you’ll be able to get out of jail..” Jameson confirmed and almost immediately, Scott picked up the pistol and aimed it at Damien’s head, he was concerned about their nonchalant behavior but either ways he still pulled the trigger twice..

Damien arched a brow before he snatched the pistol from Scott tossing it back to Jameson..

“There’s no bullet in it.. and you did exactly what every criminal would do at a time like this, but surprisingly you’re not the culprit either”

Once they were out of the interrogation room, Jameson caught up with Damien’s hurrying back tucking his pistol by his side..

“Mr Sterling.. it’s so unfortunate that this is happening right now but just as we saw it back there, the both of them are involved in this murder”

Damien gave a short nod “I’ll be on my way now”

Damien and Olivia exited the police station and got into their car already waiting for them..

“Uh.. so what are we supposed to do now? I think the man was the one who shot –Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“He is not the culprit”

Olivia’s brows shot up at his firm declaration, how could he trust the culprit so easily? she knew Rihanna was involved in this, but Scott was the one who pulled the trigger..

“But he just tried to shoot at you back in there”

Damien sighed deeply turning to her “Didn’t you see what happened in there? Nancy didn’t shoot because she was scared and that was probably the first time she was holding a gun”

“And as for Scott or whatever his name might be, he wasn’t the one either, he is a thug and it’s very certain that he had used a gun before, but didn’t you see where he aimed at? it takes a lot of courage and hatred to aim for the heart, but he didn’t, he aimed at my head and he tried to shoot twice.. doesn’t that say something?” he questioned meaningfully..

His words replayed over and over in Olivia’s head, it made sense in a way but sometimes once could tell what the other might be thinking about..

Only one shot was fired on that day, the culprit had more time to fire another shot or more at them but instead he or she fled after one shot..

“You and I know well that the bullet was meant for you and not for your mum.. who could possibly want you dead? Rihanna couldn’t have been the one, she is crazy about you to kill you”

A devilish grin crawled up on Damien’s face as he answered in a low tone “Why don’t we allow the restless criminal to expose herself?, I’m very sure she’ll come running to the station sooner or later and that way, she will leave a trail behind”

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