Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 51_ Sharing a room 2

Damien masked his expression with a small smile, he turned around to her with an arched brow..

“You won’t melt if you ask me for help.. but anyway I promised Kelvin to take good care of you… and I’m not one who breaks promises”

Olivia’s heart skipped a beat, she felt his last words holds an hidden meaning which she got instantly..

“I’m not a kid for you to look after.. don’t use Kelvin as an excuse to get closer to me, because I won’t let that happen” she declared arrogantly..

Damien ignored her choice of words, even if that was really the case, but what could he do? she was just like a double cheeseburger.. she has a son for him and was also surprisingly able to make his monster machine power up without having to do much..

How could he let her go so easily?

*Hmm, he has a point though*

He walked towards her luggage cases and pulled them up with ease only for his hand to be held back..

“I told you that I can manage” She argued trying to pull the case out of his grip..

“It’s fine.. let me help”

This went on back and forth between them until the luggage case fell on Damien’s foot, he groaned out in pain hopping on one foot..

“You caused this!” They both yelled out at each other and at the same time..


Anita rolled her eyes hard as always she was receiving a lecture from the old man, the old dude just found out that Damien left the city with Olivia instead of Rihanna..

As she had picked out of his long and boring speech, Tracy was the one who called to inform him of her daughter’s reaction towards the news..

“So? what if she locked herself in her room? no one asked her to do that! I don’t get why you always want to pin the blame on my poor little boy every single time.. the last time she tried to commit suicide-

“Be quiet!” Bernard snarled viciously at her which made her jerk up a bit..

For an old man of his age, he sure do have a lot of strength to scream and yell at her every now and then, her mother-in-law was so far the only sensible one between the two..

But sadly, her health conditions prevented her from butting in on most family discussions that might trigger her health..

Aldrin sank back on the couch lazily, one thing he knew was that his wife was right but she needed to understand that once the public got to know of the failed engagement between the two powerful families and the reason behind it, their whole reputation was going to be tainted and that was exactly what his father was the most worried about..

“You don’t get to keep me shut when I’m saying something that concerns my son’s life.. he already made his choice by choosing to chase after his son’s mother.. and I think we all should respect that decision of his!”

Anita stated in a firm tone, she rose up to her feet ready to leave the room when she heard him speak up once more..

“Just like how you got into my family.. that’s the exact same way Rihanna will eventually become one of us.. I hope you understand what I meant by that.. or should I explain it in front of Aldrin?”

Aldrin sat up on hearing his name, he suddenly felt lost in the conversation, what has their marriage gotten to do with this matter between Damien and Rihanna?.

Anita sneered, she arched a brow with a mocking smile plastered on her lips..

“Really father? blackmail? well here he is! tell him everything he needs to know!” She fired harshly at the old man..

She knew he didn’t like her at all, he never did, he still preferred Tracy over her till date and that was the reason he listens to all her pleas like a doting father..

But she really didn’t care about that, as far as she got the man she loved at the end, everything she did was worth it and there was nothing to feel regretful about..

“What are you both talking about? and why was my name even mentioned?”

“I also want to know honey.. I want to know what exactly he had to say”


Bianca sighed when she heard the doorbell, she stretched and yawned lazily like an overfed cat, she was the only living soul present in this whole apartment, Kelvin and Kiara were currently at school and Sandy left for work few hours ago..

“Maybe it’s high time I find a job” She mumbled beneath her breath lifting her lazy ass from the couch which her butt had grown accustomed to in the past two hours..

She walked slowly to the door and pulled it open with a yawn escaping her lips..

Her heart skipped a beat..

“You?” she asked in disbelief..


Bianca stared boredly at the man before her, she wondered why he came looking for her, they were currently in one of the fanciest restaurant in the city and she could tell that he was a wealthy man from the car they came with and the attire he was putting on ..

“Umm.. Bianca, I’m really sorry that I stopped by unannounced, I wanted to prep you about it but I realized that I don’t have your contact info…” he paused and then continued.

“and when I asked of it from your mum, she told me that you don’t like sharing your contact information with everyone-

“So what exactly is your point?” Her hostile tone came out rather harsh cutting him off his unfinished speech..

Nathan took a look around, luckily for him no one was close by to have heard Bianca’s harsh words..

“I’m very serious with your mum.. and I’d like to take things further with her but she told me that until you give your consent she won’t go further than this with me..”

Bianca stabbed her steak gently with her fork, she looked up to Nathan with a cocky smile, so her mum was still thoughtful to include her?..

“So.. you’re trying to get me to say yes then? am I right?”

Nathan sighed, if she put it that way then maybe yes..

“I know you don’t like me much but i-

“Much? much is an understatement! I don’t like you at all!” She declared arrogantly taking a bite out of her fork which Nathan found cute..

His warm brown eyes settled on her calmly, he knew she needed space and maybe time too to accept him..

“I don’t get why you don’t like me at all.. am I not good enough for your mum?”

Bianca sighed in frustration, she hated to be rude and mean to Nathan who was just trying to be a part of she and her mum’s life but she just couldn’t help it..

All throughout her childhood she had hoped and waited patiently for the day her dad would come back home from the said business trip her mum always talked about..

“Well you’re good.. but I don’t really want a super hot dad!”

Nathan’s brows shot up in amusement, well this was new, he couldn’t help but chuckle at her words..

Realizing what she had just said she slapt her forehead in frustration..

“Your mum likes me this way.. and I think you should too, regardless of whether I’m hot or cold”

A waitress approached them with a tray and placed it gently on their table..

“We didn’t order any side dishes” Bianca murmured staring at the slender lady who was smiling from ear to ear, she noticed her gaze was mainly focused on Nathan, she snorted, her supposed future dad..

She rolled her eyes at the thought..

*There’s nothing wrong in having a super hot dad*

“Oh no! this is totally free, today is our restaurant’s tenth year anniversary and we are gifting every couple in the restaurant a free side dish”

Bianca sprang up to her feet shocking the waitress and Nathan..Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay that’s it!” She declared and turned away leaving the restaurant..

Nathan stood up to his feet and sent a chilly glare to the waitress..

He placed a few bills on the table with a slight bang..

“That was my daughter! not my girlfriend or wife!” he said in a firm tone before running after Bianca who just left..

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