Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 53_ An old friend 2

Anita cocked a brow after seeing the reaction on Tracy’s face, she didn’t really want to do this but this woman left her with no other choice..

Tracy walked towards Anita and came to stand before her..

“If you do this.. then everyone here will know about your son’s affair! he’ll face a huge backlash since he was the one who cheated on my daughter in their relationship” She said in a low but firm tone..

Anita fell quiet for a while, what Tracy said was a bit true in a way, she couldn’t risk her son’s spotless image by trying to get back at Tracy..

“Fine! I won’t say a word for now.. not because I’m scared of your little threat.. but I’ll wait for Damien to get back so that he can publicly announce his relationship with Olivia”

Tracy raised a finger pointing at Anita’s face with a cold glare..

“I’m warning you-

Her finger was flicked back by Anita’s index finger..

“Don’t make me change my mind.. now go back and sit down like a good little girl”

Mrs Grey excused herself from the ladies she was sitting next to, she stood up to her feet walking towards the two who were having a silent argument like always..

Every week was a different drama, and no meeting of theirs has ended on a happy note just because of these two who fight a lot whenever their path crossed..

“Hey there you two! what are you both talking about? everyone is waiting” Alice, Mrs Grey chirmed with a curious gaze..


Olivia pulled her gaze away from Damien’s piercing stare, they were currently in a restaurant where the said ‘Old friend’ was to meet with them, it’s been twenty minutes and whoever they were waiting for wasn’t here yet..

“Will your friend come or not? I’m famished okay?” She complained in irritation..

“Oh look he’s here” Damien pointed out behind her, she sighed in relief..

Finally! food!

The young man brushed her arm gently with his shoulder unknowingly as he tried to pull out a seat for himself..

“Damien! yo man! what’s up?”

The chirpy dark haired man chirmed accepting Damien’s handshake, she took a side glance at him and unknowingly compared Damien to him..

“Hmph! he doesn’t stand a chance” she mumbled to herself picking up the menu card on the table, her eyes skimmed through the whole list..

As if realizing another’s presence, the young man turned to her with a small grin on his lips..

“And who do we have here?” He asked coyly staring at her keenly as if taking in her beauty..

Damien cleared his throat to pull his friend out of whatever thought that might be going through his mind, he needed to make it clear to the latter that she was off limits!..

*Oohhh I didn’t see that coming!*

“Jeremy meet Olivia Parker my-

“His secretary” She chirmed cutting Damien off his speech, she stretched forth her hand to him..

Jeremy took her hand in his with a wide grin on his face, maybe coming here wasn’t a bad idea after all..

Damien’s eyes fell on their hands, he checked his watch, it was exactly twelve seconds, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… he cleared his throat once more..

Olivia pulled her hand out of Jeremy’s somewhat tight hold..Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ah, I’m so sorry” he apologized which she nodded to..

“So I see you’re planning to start a new project” Damien butted in to divert Jeremy’s attention back to him..

Jeremy sighed “Yeah.. I’ve submitted applications to some top companies for investment and I’m still waiting”

“Well send one to my company too, it’s the least I could do for a friend”

Olivia’s face fell, he talked about meeting an old friend, why were they suddenly talking about business? and also starving her in the process?

She took in a deep breath and stopped a waiter passing by, after pointing out what she wanted from the menu, the waiter turned around and left…

“So Olivia right?” Jeremy suddenly asked..

“Huh?.. I mean yeah..”

Damien looked back and forth between the two as they discussed in his presence totally disregarding his existence..

And what was she laughing so much about? Jeremy’s sense of humor wasn’t really that good, she never laughed this way whenever she was with him..

He knew Jeremy so well, back when they were still in high school, this dude practically dated half the number of girls in a span of six months..

Thankfully, the waiter Olivia stopped a while ago brought her order to the table..

“Oh thanks”


Bianca led the two cute little troubles down the stairs, she picked them up a while ago at their school and currently they were making a lot of mess in Kelvin’s room..

Kiara’s cheeks was stained red in color which was from the ketchup they both snuck up to his room, Kelvin’s white top wasn’t spared either..

“Aunt.. she started it, you know I’d never start a fight.. mummy told me to be a good boy until she gets back” Kelvin defended only for Kiara to interject..

“Don’t listen to him.. Kelvin was the one who brought up the idea, I only helped him out because he asked nicely”

Their little tantrums fell on deaf ears because Bianca wasn’t having any of it, she led them to the couch and made them sit on it whether they wanted it or not..

“Now how do I punish you both?” She placed her hands on her hips peering at them intently..

“You could sing us a song” Kelvin suggested with a little shrug..

Her eyes blinked back in embarrassment, this little creature knew she was terrible at singing, well that punishment was too good for them..

“Fine! I have one! the both of you should sit still and think about what you’ve done, no side talking or murmuring..”

“But what if I want to pee?” Kiara asked with a pout hoping Bianca would change this atrocious punishment..

“You peed five minutes ago..” she retorted..

“I hate thinking about what I’ve done..” Kelvin imputed which Kiara nodded to..

Bianca snorted, she leaned down towards them “And I hate cleaning too.. especially when you both messed up everywhere like that”

“But I’m –

A knock came on the door cutting Kiara’s speech off..

Bianca took a glance at the closed door before returning her gaze back at the two..

“Stay right there.. and don’t move an inch” She added before walking away..

She opened it to see her mum’s smiling face, just great!

“Hey baby..” She called out to Bianca who was staring at her blankly like she had expected her presence before now..

Her mum turned to look behind her “What are you waiting for? come in..”

Bianca’s brows creased she wondered who her mum was talking to, Cassie brushed past her walking into the apartment and that was when her gaze fell on the figure..


His blue eyes sparkled with a glint of mischief, his lips pulled up into a smirk as he took a step forward ready to come into the apartment when she placed a hand to his chest pushing him back a little bit..

“Yes? who are you here to see?”

Cassie closed the refrigerator’s door after grabbing a bottled water, she uncorked the lid and drank from the bottle..

She walked towards the door once more when she saw what her daughter was trying to do, she gently shoved her aside and smiled sweetly at Xander..

“please come in.. ignore her behavior she’s a little bit upset today”

Xander gave a nod at the charming woman and stepped into the apartment, his face almost froze off with the amount of cold glares that was sent to him by Bianca..

Cassie turned to Bianca once more “I know couples fight a lot.. but you shouldn’t have gone on a date with another man today just because of a little fight.. go on and make up with him”

Bianca stared at her mum like she had grown a horn on top of her head..


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