Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 75_ Spiked

Alexa held the box of tissue for Rihanna who was crying her eyes out and at the same time wiping off the white icing from her face..

“He just stood there and watched me-

She hiccuped and continued wailing, Alexa could almost feel her best friend’s plight, this night wasn’t for her to be honest..

If she had known something like this would happen, she’d have convinced Rihanna from coming..

“Those little terror in kids form! I’ll make sure I scold them so much”


Long beard handed the glass of wine to his girlfriend Nathalie, she stared blankly at the glass of red wine..

“Haven’t you had enough of expensive wine for one night?” She scolded..

“I want you to do me a little favor babe.. help me pass this to that blonde”

Nathalie’s eyes trailed to the blonde who was speaking with Damien Sterling, she snapped her gaze back to him..

“Is she your new lover because she is a blonde?!”

“What? no! it’s part of the plan remember?”

She took in a deep breath and grabbed her glass of wine resting on the table..


She turned around heading to the dance floor, she stopped by their side with the most sincerest smile..


Damien casted her a glance, he hoped she wasn’t one of those girls who asks for a selfie with him or worse handshakes..

But to his dismay, she flashed him a small smile “I hope you don’t mind lending me your date for a few minutes?”

Olivia’s brows shot up in surprise, was she already famous by flocking around Damien? well except the case was vice versa..

“Oh I don’t mind.. take your time” he excused himself..

Nathalie handed the red wine to Olivia “I’m Nathalie.. but everyone calls me nat”

Olivia hesitated before accepting the glass from Nathalie, she found nothing wrong with the chirpy lady, but why exactly was she here?

“Hello nat.. I’m Olivia”

They exchanged handshakes with wide grins on their faces..

“So.. I’m a photographer, and I love your outfit.. you definitely rock in it, I have an ongoing project to get the most amazing photo.. I came here in the hope for that, and so far no one has gotten my attention like you did”

Olivia raised a brow, she stared at Nathalie’s face trying to pick out any lie from her words but all she found was sincerity..

“Umm okay.. like right now?”

Nathalie gave a nod, deep down she wondered why Olivia hadn’t taken a sip out of her glass, she smiled once more and clicked her glass against Olivia’s..


Olivia brought the glass to her lips but stopped feeling a gaze on her, long beard turned his face away from her when she caught him staring..

She brought down the glass suddenly feeling uneasy, one look from the young man and also from his way of dressing sent shivers down her spine..

If not for the tuxedo he was putting on, on a normal day in casual outfits, he’d be seen as a hoodlum or thug..

“Umm.. can we go now?” Nathalie asked pulling Olivia out of her thoughts..


Olivia made her way out with Nathalie to the garden where the said photo was to be taken since the full moon shown brightly at this spot..

“Umm where is your camera?” she inquired as she got ready to take a pose..

Nathalie cleared her throat as she took out her phone..

“We can improvise right? the men at the entrance took it away from me, only the reporters were allowed to go in with cameras for security reasons.. and I couldn’t tell a lie about me being a reporter since I don’t have an identity card as one”

Olivia chuckled, she took a pose as directed by Nathalie ready to be captured, but for some reasons, she noticed Nathalie was staring right behind her every two seconds..

She turned around to take a look behind her, suddenly she felt a piece of cloth over her face while a strong arm pressed her against himself, she stepped on his foot trying to get away from his hold until all she saw was darkness..

“That was an epic performance right there babe..”

Long beard pulled off the hankie from Olivia’s face when she suddenly went limp in his arms, he swiped her off her feet going through the back door of the building..

Meanwhile at the hall..

Bianca scowled at the figure that suddenly sat in front of her with a teasing grin on his lips, it seemed his butt was perfectly fine for him to show up in front of her..

“You look hot in that dress.. for once you’re giving a girly vibe” Xander commented checking her out..

It took her a great amount of self control to stop her fingers from poking his eyes roaming over her..

“Can’t you just go around the hall and find a lady who is ready to give you her full attention? you’re wasting your time trying to flirt with me.. because you’ll never get a response from me”

Xander leaned forward to her with their faces merely an inch apart from each other..

“I’d have done that, but like I said earlier.. you’ve gotten my attention, I’m not sure if you know this.. but I have a clean record of getting girls.. though you’re a bit tough to get through.. but sooner or later, I’ll make you mine” He smirked at the end of his speech, after which he left..

Bianca exhaled deeply after he was gone, she touched her chest that was thumping wildly like it was about to burst out of her chest..

“Bianca.. have you seen Olivia?”

She turned to face the tall figure behind her who was none other than Damien..

She shook her head slowly, right after that hilarious moment Rihanna fell face flat on the birthday cake, she hadn’t seen Olivia afterwards..

“I’m sure she must be around here somewhere”


Alexa gave way for long beard who came into the room with an unconscious Olivia in his arms, he walked towards the bed and gently lay her down..

Nathalie turned to Alexa with a displeased expression on her face..

“For a young lady as yourself, you sure have a dark heart! you’re utterly disgusting!”

“Shut up!” Rihanna barked out glaring at the lady who dared to speak..

Nathalie swiped her hair to the side, just because they were rich ladies doesn’t necessarily mean that they can go about speaking rudely to anyone they like..

“You have no idea of what this lady has made me passed through! your smelly boyfriend is getting paid for the job! and as a doting and stupid girlfriend.. you should support him!” Rihanna added shaking in anger..

Her anger towards Olivia and her son just keeps on growing rapidly, she was humiliated twice all because of that little boy!

“Whatever! just spare my boyfriend out of this mess if eventually your plan backfires!” She huffed and left the room closing the door a little harder than necessary..

Silence returned to the room once more as everyone tried to catch their breath..

“I’ll send the reporters in.. in twenty minutes, so until then.. enjoy!” She declared with a smile stepping out of the room along with Rihanna..


Damien came out of the hall where he crashed into the two kids who looked like they were running away from someone..

“Daddy.. we found you”

Damien noticed the tense look on their faces like they’ve seen a ghost..

“That bad man took aunt away..” Kiara said almost in tears, she handed Damien one of Olivia’s earrings that fell off her ear while she was struggling to free herself from long beard’s grip..

Damien’s brows shut up in surprise, he felt himself being pulled back into the building..

“Come this way daddy!”

After a few minutes of running around with the two kids, they stopped in front of a door and pointed to it..

“Mummy is in there daddy.. when I tried to get in that ugly uncle sent us away”

Damien turned back to the two, he wondered why Olivia would be in there anyways, sometimes kids say the exact opposite of what they see..

“Don’t worry I’ll handle this… go back to the hall and stay with your aunt and don’t leave her side no matter what”

He ruffled Kelvin’s hair a bit and watched their little frames scurrying away happily..

He faced the door with a sigh and raised his hand to knock but it creaked open a bit which meant it wasn’t locked, he placed his palm on the door and pushed it open before walking into the room..

Damien’s jaw clenched in anger as his gaze fell on the figure who was taking his shirt off, his gaze fell on Olivia who lay motionless on the huge bed..

As if sensing another’s presence in the room, long beard turned around to meet the deadly stare boring a hole on his forehead..Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

And before he could speak up, a punch was sent to his face..

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