Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 83_ Nemesis 1

Olivia opened the car’s door and bolted out of the car before she died of a heart attack, she could hear his faint laughter resounding behind her..

But she didn’t dare take a look back, sighing, she touched her chest that stopped beating faster than normal..


Bianca and Sandy scurried off the window as soon as they saw her approaching the building, they both took opposite sides on the sofa pretending to do one thing or the other..

The door opened slowly as she stepped in with a faint blush on her cheeks..

She drew in a deep breath ready to listen to all their teasing and she was right because in the next second.. they started their mission..

“Woah.. guess who’s back, I thought you left like two days ago?” Bianca teased flipping through a magazine which she wasn’t reading..

Olivia pulled off her black flats and wore her pink slippers at the corner of the door, she approached them tying her hair into a messy bun..

“Two days? I thought it was for a month!” Sandy teased further, she enjoyed the look of embarrassment that crossed Olivia’s face..

Olivia’s ears burned red, she massaged her temples gently with her eyes shut tightly, she felt her head was about to explode from their teasings and laughter..

Their laughter suddenly died down which surprised her a bit, she snapped her eyes open and came in contact with their weird stare..

They looked horrified or perhaps too surprised..

“Are you also seeing what I’m seeing Bianca? I laughed too much and now I’m seeing things”

Bianca closed the magazine, she blinked her eyes multiple times just to be sure..

“I’m also seeing it aunt! that’s an engagement ring!”

Their eyes rounded in shock and surprise before a deafening squeal followed suite..

“She said yes!”

Olivia retracted her hand shaking her head slowly, they got the whole wrong..

“No I didn’t-

Well, her words fell on deaf ears as the two stood up from their seats dancing in circles around her poking her at every chance they got..

“She said yessss”

They sang continuously moving around her….


Damien stepped out of his car to the base where his men had captured one of the person’s associated with Olivia’s ordeal..

Almost immediately a lady crashed down at his feet with her head bowed and her hands and feet chained to stop her from running away..

Behind her stood five bodyguards who had blank expression on their faces..

The fidgeting lady crying at his feet raised her head up to him and he was struck by the wave of familiarity..

She was the same lady who interrupted the conversation between him and Olivia that night claiming she wanted to speak with her..

Now he recalled that after she came around, Olivia also went missing not too long after that..

“What did you find out about her?” He inquired, his calm voice made her shudder, she didn’t want to witness his harsh voice otherwise she’d die on the spot..

“We found out that she’s romantically involved with the man who we are searching for.. we caught her trying to flee the country”

Damien’s lips slanted into a sly grin, definitely, she knew something..

He crouched down to her, his gaze calm and collected but inside, he was a brewing storm, a ticking time bomb ready to erupt..

“I’ll give you one chance to answer each question I throw at you.. and don’t you dare lie to me otherwise I’ll chop off your tongue..”

Nathalie shuddered at the gravity of his threat, she gave a hurried nod..

“Where is he?”

Her lips quivered, she was trembling under his fierce gaze and found it hard to speak out..

“He.. is.. cur.. ren.. tly hiding.. at his grand… mother’s.. house” She stuttered darting her eyes to and fro to avoid his piercing stare..

Damien closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened it, it showed nothing but anger..

“Who sent you?”

Nathalie’s eyes shown brightly as he stood up to his feet glaring down at her like she was a piece of dirt..

She recalled that they were two ladies that night and also well known ones at that..

“Two ladies.. gave him the task..”

Damien’s face fell, he tried so hard to convince himself that he didn’t know who those ladies might be and the next word she said made him mad..

“Miss Brown and Miss Sterling.. gave him the job.. but please Mr Sterling don’t hurt him.. he only needed the money for his grand mother’s illness”

He punched the roof of his car in anger, those two went too far this time and they won’t see what’s coming for them….

“Take her away and make sure you find him any wherever he’s hiding!” he ordered..

“Yes boss!” They replied in unison, two of them walked forward and grabbed Nathalie who was about to reach for Damien’s legs..

“Please have mercy!! don’t hurt him!” she pleaded as she was being pulled away by the men..


Olivia stared at her finger moving the ring on it in circles, it was pretty and eye catching no doubt, but it did come with a price..Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Her mum and Bianca didn’t want to hear why exactly she had this on, she also wanted to know why she hadn’t taken it off either..

She shut her eyes tightly with her back resting against the bed’s headboard..

Her phone rang out by her side, she picked it up without bothering to check who it was..


“Mrs Parker, Kelvin got hurt in a fight, he has been taken to the hospital, come quickly!”

Olivia sat up with a widened gaze, she pulled the sheets off her feet and made her way down the bed with the phone still pressed to her ear..

“What?! how did that happen?!! send me the hospital’s address immediately!” She yelled out and picked up her purse laying on her vanity table..

Bianca and Sandy were startled when Olivia suddenly ran past them talking to someone over the phone..

“Kelvin got hurt and he’s at the hospital, I’m leaving now bye!”

The door slammed hard as she left the living room..

“What?!” Bianca screamed exchanging glance with Sandy..

They both made their way out chasing after Olivia who just got into a cab..


Olivia ran to the front desk where two nurses were deeply engrossed in heaven knows what!..

She panted heavily crashing softly against the marbled slab separating them..

“Hi.. a kid was just brought in.. six years of age, Kelvin Parker”

One of the nurses nodded her head in understanding, she pulled out a sheet of paper sliding it down to Olivia who was breathing heavily..

“He’s currently being examined by the doctor in charge.. ward 304 and in the mean time, his parents are to fill this form”

Olivia stared at down at the form then back to the nurse..

A form his parents needed to fill?

“But I’m here I can fill it.. his dad is far away right now and i-

“Ma’am.. this is the rule before we commence any proper treatment on him.. if he’s dad is out of town perhaps a close relative of his dad can help”

Olivia’s face paled, she searched through her purse and pulled out her phone..

After scrolling for a while, she raised the phone to her ear..

“Damien… Kelvin got hurt and now they need his dad to fill up some dumb form before they commence any treatment on him.. please come quickly” She choked amidst tears..

She spotted Kelvin’s teacher coming towards her in a hurry..

“Mrs Parker.. thank goodness you’re here! they won’t commence treatment unless you and Mr Parker fill up some forms..”

“How did he get hurt? what happened to him?” She questioned..

“Kelvin got into a fight with one of his classmates”

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